Knight of Columbus
Fr. Emil Kapaun Council #11987
Knights of Columbus
Meeting Minutes, 11 November 2003
Council meeting was opened by the WGK at 1905 and started with the Lord’s Prayer
and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Grand Knight: / Br. Dave Braden / PRESENTDeputy Grand Knight / Br. Jeff Babinski / EXCUSED
Financial Secretary / Br. Dave Kerry / PRESENT
Chancellor / Br. Sean Saunders / PRESENT
Recorder / Br. Tony Colache / PRESENT
Treasurer / Br. Paul Skala / PRESENT
Advocate / Br. Marc Hayes / ABSENT
Warden / Br. Shawn Dahl / PRESENT
Trustee, 1st Year / Br. Gordon McDaniels / PRESENT
Trustee, 2nd Year / Br. Donald Taillon / ABSENT
Trustee, 3rd Year / Br. Steve Steele / ABSENT
Inside Guard / Br. Francis McDonough / ABSENT
Outside Guard / Br. Carlos Figuroa / ABSENT
Lecturer / Br. Sayf Bowlin / PRESENT
Chaplain† / Father Vu / EXCUSED
MINUTES: The minutes for October were read and approved with amendments.
MEMBERSHIP: 84 current members, one suspension, two initiations and no transfers.
FUNDS: No Treasurer report was available. The Semi-Annual Council Audit Report was entered with the minutes.
GRAND KNIGHT’S REPORT: Br. Braden relayed a heart-felt “thank you” to the degree for hosting the recent exemplification and to those who filled in for the Brothers who were unable to attend. The Council needs to put a Second Degree Ceremony on our scope for the Feb meeting.
LongRange Calendar: Br. Braden would like to a long-range calendar and is planning an Officer’s Call to draft a Council calendar for the remainder of our election year. All Officers will be required to attend and other Council members have been extended an invitation. Items to be included Quarterly Knights Mass, Chirstkindlemarkt trip, Arch Bishops visit, etc. (Open)
Pilgrimage to Poland – Pilgrimage was discussed in depth to draft a proposal for Br. McDaniels to present to the Parish Council for funds request. The basefunds request is: It’s open to the entire church; the amount requested is $5K for 60 people to cover transportation and lodging. If more people sign up, the Parish Council may be approached for additional funding. WGK relayed this is a pilgrimage, not just a tour/shopping trip, expect to attend daily mass, prayer service and fellowship meals. Br. Braden and Br. Kerry volunteered to serve as POC for the pilgrimage. (Open)
Nyamata Mission in Rwanda: Br. McCallum’s wife submitted a request for supplies/funds to support a Mission/School in Rwanda for discussion during October’s meeting. Br. McCallum spoke on behalf of his wife. Br. Saunder’s motioned for a vote to give $1000.00; Br. McDaniels seconded. When opened for discussion, several Brothers raised a question as to the amount proposed. Following discussion, Br. Saunders withdrew his motion to give $1000.00. Br. Dahl then motioned for a vote to give $500.00 in lieu of the $1000.00 with Br. Colache seconding the motion. The motion passed unanimously. After a vote, the motion carried and a check for $500.00 was given to Br. McCallum from the Knight’s to the Nyamata Mission. (Closed)
Lourdes Volunteers: (Br. Braden)In June this past year, 12 KMC youth went to Lourdes on a pilgrimage to assist an international crowd visiting Lourdes for spiritual and physical reasons. These youth represented the North American contingent exceptionally well according Dr. Lee and Ms. Watkins (North American Volunteer Coordinators) and were so impressed with their behavior the KMC has been invited back again next June. KMC will have 32 slots (youth and adult). Ms. Marta Waszak is the Parish volunteer point of contact. The Council supported our KMC parishioners on their pilgrimage by donating $600.00 towards their T-Shirt purchase; we should keep this in mind as June approaches as a possible activity to support again. (Open)
2003 Survey for Fraternal Activity Worksheet: Br. Braden passed the survey out an asked all members to fill it out and bring it to the Dec meeting. If unable to make the Dec meeting email your answers to him. A copy of the survey was entered into the minutes. WGK is the POC. (Open)
Annual Membership Dues: Br. Braden asked that we all pay our annual membership dues on time. If you don’t pay your dues, you won’t be granted access to January’s meeting. Annual dues are $25.00 and should be sent to the Council’s Financial Secretary, Br. Kerry. (Open)
Chirstkindlemarkt Trip: Br. Saunder’s inquired about a Chirstkindlemarkt trip this year. After discussion amongst the Council, it was agreed we are too late to put together a formal Knight’s sponsored trip. Another consideration was the cost we may incur for the Poland Pilgrimage. An email will be circulated to solicit a volunteer for an “unofficial” trip. (Closed)
Lecturers Report: Br. Bowlin presented a piece on Divine Mercy. He also spoke of a few articles in the Columbian which he felt moved to share. Question of the day: Do you know anyone who you consider Holy? This question generated a lot of spiritual discussion.
GOOD OF THE ORDER: Prayers and intentions were offered for family and friends who were experiencing difficulties or health related issues as well as all Veterans.
Meeting closed at 2055 with the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Fellowship followed the meeting.