MHS PTSA Membership
Why should my student and I join the MHS PTSA? I heard that everything they earn and do is for the Senior Class. How do these ridiculous rumors get started? While it is true that we do a lot for our seniors, it is certainly not all that our PTSA is about. The MHS PTSA is all about how we can improve our school and the lives of all ofour students, faculty, and parents. Your membership is critically important to the success of our school and all we do. Take a look at all your contribution will help provide.
PTSA Activities:
- Last year our MHS PTSA gave over $12,000 in funds to MHS for educational programs and improvements.These programs cross all four grade levels.
- Staff Appreciation is huge part of what our PTSA does! We Provide a minimum of 4 luncheons and one special treat each year for our staff. Happy Teachers make Happy Students!
- Our fabulous MHS parents donate snacks for our staff for a monthly snack cart that is coordinated by PTSA. This is a favorite and keeps our staff Happy! Happy! Happy!
- We provide assistance and funds for student activities when asked. Clubs such as Worth it!, STUCO, NHS, and Key Club.
- We keep parents up to date thru class facebook pages and e-news on activities and important information parents need to know.
- We offer mini grants to teachers for purchasing equipment or other resources for their classrooms.
- Last year we collected over 4,000 pairs of shoes for funds 2 org a charitythat provides shoes to 26 impoverished countries around the world. With this same program we provided our students with volunteer hours for every bag they collected.
- We have collected items for Care Packages for the Troops.
- Last year we gave out 5-$1000 and 2-$500 scholarships to MHS Seniors.
- PTSA and senior parents earn the funds and operate Gold Rush, an MHS Tradition! Gold Rush is an Alcohol Free/Drug Free After Prom Party for our graduates and their dates.
- Senior students who join by February are eligible to receive one of our scholarships with an eligible application.
- The MHS PTSA gives to the Mansfield Education Foundation annually.
- The MHS PTSA gives donations to new schools so that they may start their own PTA’s which helps better our community. It is a proven statistic that schools with active PTA’s have students that perform better academically and behaviorally.