Hispanic Outreach Fund



RLE HOGrant ApplicationGuidelines


  1. The applicant must be a volunteeror employed by anArkansas, Oklahoma or Texas credit union.
  2. Recipient should be able to demonstrate support for the projects after grant funding is discontinued.
  3. Project should include clearly defined and achievable objectives, activities, and progress indicators.
  4. Demonstrate a consistency with the philosophy and values of credit unions as member-owned cooperatives.
  5. Recipient must demonstrate a strong commitment to the project.
  6. Recipient must use the grant during the year it is awarded and for the purpose stated on the application.
  7. No more than one grant proposal per year, per credit union (not including: CSCUF general grants, SCMS Scholarships, Disaster Relief Aid or CIF development fund grants).
  8. The proposal cannot involve a liability to the CSCUF beyond the amount of the grant.
  1. Complete and submit a CSCUF Hispanic Outreach grant application by the deadline date prior to the event.
  2. A credit union’s most recent financials is used in grant consideration. Please complete the included
  3. Approval/denial of applications will be communicated with applicants within one week of Grants Committee meeting. The Hispanic Outreach grants committee meets once a month to review grant applications.
  4. If approved, grant funds are disbursed by reimbursement of incurred expenses. After completion of the event, approved training, or project implementation, grantee will submit receipts with an expense report that will be provided upon grant approval.
  5. Grant funds are provided for a specific request for the calendar year in which the grant is approved. Funds spent on other training, projects, or events may not be reimbursed.
  6. Grant funds cannot be used for investments in or for the purchase of land and real estate, buildings, stock, securities, or any other similar type of investment.

Instruction for Submission of Grant Applications

  1. Submit only one grant application copy.
  2. Grant applications must include a cover letter to the committee explaining why the grant dollars are essential for your outreach initiative and/or attendance at a conference.
  3. If requesting expenses other than registration fees, you must include a breakdown of all expenses (i.e. registration fee, lodging, travel etc.) related to the event.
  4. You must specify for what type of outreach program the grant dollars will be utilized.
  5. Important: Attach all necessary documents. Application will not be processed without the attachments.
  6. Mail, fax, or email your grant application:

Courtney Moran, Executive Director

Cornerstone Credit Union Foundation

6801 Parkwood Blvd. Ste. 300

Plano, TX 75024

Fax: (469) 385-6448

  1. If you have any questions, please contactCourtney Moran at 469-385-6448 or .

Hispanic Outreach Grant Application Guidelines

Hispanic Outreach Grant Application

Type of Grant Needed:

Fee for Hispanic Opportunity Navigator (HON)

Financial education

______Remittance promotion

______Spanish Immersion Program in Costa Rica

Participation/sponsorship in Hispanic community-wide event

Home buying seminar

Launching of a new program targeting Hispanic community, please explain:

Other (specify) ______

Date of Program ______Amount Requested $______

Total # of people expected to be reached by this program ______

Name and title of person submitting application

Credit Union




Credit Union Assets Number of Members

Number of Credit Union Employees Number of Bilingual Employees

Percentage of Hispanics in your community

Foreign-born? U.S. born?

List alternative funding or grant sources and estimate amount of assistance

Have you ever applied for a Richard L. Ensweiler Grant? Yes No

Have you ever applied for a grant from the Cornerstone Credit Union Foundation? Yes No

List previous outreach initiatives (attach an additional page, if necessary):

What were the previous measurable goals/objectives and were they achieved?

Explain how this program will benefit your Hispanic community and your credit union:

What are your measurable goals and objectives for the proposed project?

Indicate extenuating circumstances relevant to this application:


Please find your most recent Financial Performance Report (FPR) on NCUA’s website at:

Choose the option to view a 2-page FPR summary for one credit union online. Input your CU’s charter number and select Ratio Analysis. In the worksheet below, you will provide the ratios taken from your online FPR.

Please use the two most recent quarter’s information from the report and the peer average. *If peer average is not available for most recent quarter, please select to view previous quarter and provide data available.

NCUA – Financial Performance Report
Ratio Analysis
CU CHARTER NUMBER: ______ / Credit Union
(2nd most recent quarter)
Date______ / Credit Union
(most recent quarter)
Date______ / Peer Average
(most recent quarter *available)
Net Worth/Total Assets
Delinquent Loans/Total Loans
Net Charge-offs/Average Loans
Return on Average Assets
Cost of Funds/Average Assets
Provision for Loan & Lease Losses/Average Assets
Net Operating Exp./Average Assets
Total Loans/Total Assets

I the undersigned do attest to the best of my knowledge that the information contained in this application is true, factual, and accurate. I understand that this application is for one year only.

If accepted, I realized that I must submit a new application for each new request.

Applicant SignatureDate______Signature and Title of Person Responsible for Proposal Details and Completion of Project/Training

Applicant SignatureDate______