Internship Workbook


BRE PM3206 Winter 2017

DIPLOMA PM3205 Winter 2017

Intro / Welcome to Internship
Winter Term 2017


You are about to embark on an exciting 8-week adventure in which you get to “put into practice” some of the concepts, ideas and practical skills you have developed, not just in your college training, but also throughout your life experience to date.

Your internship “trainer” (pastor) has agreed to welcome you into his/her ministry world and will attempt to recognize and treat you like one of the staff members in this place of ministry. We encourage you to be confident and adventurous as you enter this laboratory period. Keep your eyes and ears open to absorb and learn more than you ever have before. Study like you have never studied, love people like you have never loved and serve like you have never served. While doing that, be sure to carve out time in your busy ministry schedule for your relationship with God and for yourself.

Note to Internship Trainer

You will see that this workbook is directed toward the intern, as we expect that he/ she will take the lead in being responsible for all that is required in his/her internship experience. You are being provided with a copy of the workbook so that you are well informed with what the intern is doing and needs to do.

If you have not hosted/supervised interns from Masters College for the last 4-5 years, please be aware that significant changes have been made. No longer does intern have academic assignments to be completed, but will be able to focus 100% attention on fulfilling the required practicum assignments as outlined in the syllabus and for involvement in areas of ministry where you feel they will be challenged and receive valuable ministry experience. Also different, is the fact that you will be more involved in the assessment process. The intern’s faculty supervisor (Dr. Owen Black) will be assigning a final grade for the internship, however the assessment information you provide will be vital to the grading process.

One thing that we require of each of our internship trainers is that you intentionally set aside a scheduled time each week to meet with the intern. This is time the intern NEEDS with you and will be invaluable to him/her in helping feel confident in what he/she is doing and for the personal and ministry mentoring that will be gleaned from you. For the first week, please schedule a longer period of time for this meeting in order that you and the intern can “map out” the assignments and activities of the internship period. This time is also crucial for you to become familiar with one another and for each of you to better understand expectations.

We at Masters are so appreciative for you taking on this responsibility to help with the practical side of ministry training. It is our prayer that the next 8 weeks will be a profitable and specially blessed time for you, the intern and your congregation.

This Workbook

This workbook is intended to be a weekly guide for both you and your internship trainer. It will offer you a focus for each week, and offer you a guide for the weekly meeting with your internship supervisor.

Your syllabus outlines the requirements of your practicum assignments. All assignments and reports may be accessed in the Internship Website.

Week / Starting Right &
Building Relationships
Jan 11-15

Weekly Focus

The primary objective for these first few days is to become acquainted with your internship trainer, those you will be working alongside and the facilities. The secondary objective is to gain a “big picture” overview of the ministry and how you will fit into it over the next 8 weeks.

It can often be an uncomfortable and awkward experience coming into a new setting where you face the challenges of initiating relationship with ministry peers and those to whom you will offer ministry. This week to “chart your course” in consultation with your trainer and focus your attention on the leaders you will work alongside and people you will be helping to lead during the next 2 months. Look for peers with whom you would enjoy building a friendship and/or ministry relationship. If you identify someone, build time into your schedule to get together with him or her this week.

This Week

1.  Hold the initial meeting with your internship trainer to begin discussing how your “Ministry Program” and “Communication” practicum assignments can best fit into their current ministry schedule. You will have this week and next to work this out.

a)  Internship Planning Form – on which to record your plans for fulfilling the required practicum assignments

b)  The Checklist of Possible Internship Activities in the Local Church/Ministry – you should have this completed prior to the meeting so your internship trainer can look at it and make some determinations about your involvement and observation in their local ministry setting.

Weekly Meeting Outline

Starting Right & Building Relationships

Structure for weekly meeting:

Generally your weekly meetings require 60-90 minutes of scheduled time, though the first week will require an additional 30-60 minutes for the internship planning process.

Prayer (10 min.)

By the end of this meeting you will have spent time in prayer for…

§  each other and for your mentoring relationship

§  your relationship with the congregation and other ministry leaders

§  other personal needs

Personal (10 min.)

By the end of this meeting you will feel that you know your trainer/intern a bit better having discussed …

§  a brief overview of your family background

§  personal faith journey

§  the most rewarding moments experienced thus far in ministry

Practicum (30 min.)

By the end of this meeting you will …

§  Have read through the requirements for the internship practicum (outlined in the syllabus) and have begun to lay out a plan for the fulfillment of the practicum requirements

§  Have begun to complete the “Internship Practicum” Planning Form (attached to the Internship syllabus).

§  Have identified questions, which need to be directed to the internship faculty supervisor regarding the fulfillment of the practicum.

People (10 min.)

By the end of this meeting …

·  the internship trainer will have identified for you some of the key people he/she feels it would be imperative that you begin to get to know.

·  You will have obtained contact information for these people or will have clear instructions as to how to obtain it. Note: Making these initial contacts by phone rather than electronically is important.

Program (15 min.)

By the end of this meeting, you will have …

§  Clarity as to the meetings, ministry programs and events that you are required to attend and/or be involved in.

§  Have heard from your trainer, the church plans and your potential involvement in the …

o  Short Term: (In the next 7 days or before your next meeting)

o  Long Term: (events on the ministry calendar)

Plan (15 min.)

By the end of this meeting you will have discussed with your trainer…

§  Specific plans and personal tasks necessary for you to be prepared for upcoming program. Discuss goals, and issues of preparation

§  General ministry expectations for you as part of the staff of this ministry

§  He/she will have looked over your Checklist for possible internship activities – and have begun to think through how you may be able to either participate or observe a variety of ministry situations.

Discussion (20 min.)

By the end of this meeting you will have discussed with your trainer…

This Week’s Ministry Focus

This week’s focus is “Starting Right” (Expectations) and “Building Relationships.” Spend some time in discussion with your supervisor in order to get an understanding of how he/she works in ministry and what expectations will be of you. You also will want to be able to communicate some of the things that you feel you will need from the trainer in order to be as effective as possible over the course of this internship experience.

Ask your internship trainer to share with you how he/she focuses on the building of relationships in ministry in regards to connecting points, personal boundaries, protecting of private life and personal time, nurturing and maintaining key relationships in the ministry and outside the ministry (i.e. neighbors, etc.). What suggestions does she/she have for you in regards to what is important or maybe what he/she might wish to have done differently?

Notes for Week Intro Days

Starting Right

Requests: (questions that need clarification?)

Reminders: (tasks I was given to complete this week?)

Intro / Expectations

1)  The intern should be considered part of the pastoral staff. He/she is someone that is assuming the role of pastoral leader and should be considered part of the ministry team.

2)  The internship mentoring relationship is one of mutual love and respect assuming a commitment between adults with open and mature communication.

3)  The trainer will ensure that the necessary practicum components required of the intern will get done and the intern will ensure that tasks assigned will be completed.

4)  The trainer will regularly look at the internship checklist to see if there are activities or functions in the weekly ministry calendar where the intern may have opportunity to either participate and/or observe.

5)  The trainer will provide the intern with a safe place so that disappointment, frustration, disagreement can be voiced without condemnation.

6)  The trainer will create an environment of trust and the intern will foster that trust.

7)  The trainer will ensure that there is a budget in place to deal with the interns basic needs both personally and within the context of ministry. There will be a weekly designated amount for such needs.

8)  The Intern will look to be inspired as they go about fulfilling their ministry experience in the mentoring church.

9)  The trainer will commit to a weekly scheduled time to meet with the intern and the intern will come to this meeting prepared to discuss the agenda outline provided in the internship workbook.

10)  The intern needs leadership and will look to the Mentor to give godly, inspiring vision, clear strategy to reach the vision and the right atmosphere for success.

11)  Other expectations specific to your internship placement context.

Week / Call of God
Jan 16 - 22

Weekly Focus

Hopefully now after your first week, you are feeling more comfortable in your internship setting and have a clearer picture of what your role is going to be for this internship period. You now have 7 weeks ahead of you to leave your mark and more importantly, God’s mark on this ministry, its people and your supervisor. This internship is part of you following His voice and living out His calling for your life. Ask God this week to make it clear to you, what His distinct purposes are for you to be here; what persons He is calling you to serve; and what He would like most to accomplish in you.

By the end of this week you should have scheduled the ministry programing and communication tasks you need to complete during your internship.

Weekly Meeting Outline – Week 1

Call of God

Structure for weekly meeting:

Prayer (5 min.)

By the end of this meeting you will have spent time in prayer for…

§  each other and for your mentoring relationship

§  the continued clear call of God on your lives and ministries

§  other personal needs

Personal (5 min.)

By the end of this meeting you will have discussed…

§  how things are going in general … your highs, lows, challenges, etc. from both your (the intern) perspective as well as your trainer’s perspective.

Practicum (15 min.)

By the end of this meeting you will …

§  Have discussed with your trainer your plan (including calendar) for accomplishing all the internship tasks you have before you. This is a good time for you to discuss together the priorities for tasks to be started and timelines for the bigger, more demanding tasks.

People (5 min.)

By the end of this meeting you will have highlighted with your trainer …

·  Positive experience with people you have met

·  Issues, concerns or potential difficulties with people

Program (10 min.)

By the end of this meeting, you will have …

§  Clarity as to the meetings, ministry programs and events that you are required to attend and/or be involved in.

§  Have heard from your trainer, the plans and your potential involvement in the …

o  Short Term: (In the next 7 days or before your next meeting)

o  Long Term: (events on the ministry calendar)

Plan (15 min.)

By the end of this meeting you will have discussed with your trainer…

§  Specific plans and personal tasks necessary for you to be prepared for upcoming programs and activities. Discuss goals, preparation, time and task management, project planning, etc.

Discussion (20 min.)

By the end of this meeting you will have discussed with your trainer …

This Week’s Ministry Focus

Initiate a discussion with your supervisor about the Call of God. Some suggested questions are…

·  How have you been able to identify and follow the call of God in your personal life and ministry?