Short Session Objectives
Topic / Objectives: Suggested areas to be covered: / FICM syllabus areasAirway management in ICU: what is different? /
- NAP 54 summary for ICU
- Factors leading to increased risk in ICU
- Contents of difficult airway trolley and bronchoscope
- Difficult airway management guidelines
Tracheostomy management (to be accompanied by in-situ simulation) /
- Indications for tracheostomy and evidence base for when/why/how
- Percutaneous vs surgical
- Tracheostomy care and decanulation
- Management of displaced trache (re-enforced by SIM
Ventilation modes in ICU and common scenarios /
- Description of different ventilator modes available
- Description of safe ventilation (ARDS-net)
- Common scenarios in ICU (examples)
Advanced ventilator modes and rescue techniques /
- Recruitment maneouvers and ‘optimum peep’
- Ventilator strategies for hypoxia and hypercarbia
- Reverse I:E rations and APRV
- Ventilator strategies for bronchospasm
- Rescue strategies for ventilation failure including, proning, paralysis, ECMO
Ventilator weaning strategies /
- Recognition of readiness to wean
- Methods of reducing ventilator support
- Spontaneous breathing trial
- Safe extubation
- Facilitating weaning (use of NIV or optiflow)
- Strategies to manage long term weaning
Acute heart failure and coronary syndromes /
- Classification of cardiac ischaemia
- Classification of ACS, diagnosis and management
- Management of coronary ischaemia in ICU
- Management of heart failure in ICU
Cardiac arrest and prognostication /
- Management of post-cardiac arrest (evidence base)
- Methods of prognostification including how, when and with what.
Intravenous fluid therapy and cardiac output monitoring /
- Preparations of IV fluid available, pros and cons of each.
- Complications of fluid administation
- Methods of fluid titration (CO monitoring, SV optimisation, SVV)
Delirium and sedation /
- Definition of delirium in ICU
- Recognition of pain and delirium in ICU
- Management of pain and delirium in ICU
- Complications of sedation and methods to reduce these
Critical illness weakness /
- Pathophysiology of critical illness weakness
- Causes and risk factors
- Physical diagnosis
- Tests available
- Management and prognosis
Acute, acute on chronic and chronic liver failure /
- Pathophysiology and definition of the spectrum of liver disease
- Common presenting features of liver disease in ICU (UGI bleed, encephalopathy, sepsis, renal failure)
- Criteria for liver transplant services
Management of seizures and status epilepticus /
- Classification and definition of seizures and status
- Management of status epilepticus
- Causes and specific management strategies
- Basic EEG interpretation
Disorders of coagulation /
- Physiology of the coagulation cascade
- Disorders of coagulation and presentation
- Anticoagulants
- Diagnostic tests available for coagulation abnormalities, including platelet mapping and TEG
Blood products – what’s available? Transfusion guidelines /
- Summary of available blood products, contents and indications
- Management of anaemia in different groups of ICU patients
- Blood transfusion for haematological disease
- Complications of blood transfusion
- Blood conservation strategies
Management of massive haemorrhage /
- Definition of massive haemorrhage
- Management guidelines (evidence base)
- Complications of massive transfusion
Haematological disease: neutropenic sepsis, ITP, TTP, HUS and plasmapharesis /
- Description of spectrum of haematological disease in ICU, presenting features and specific challenges
- Definition and management of neutropenic sepsis
- Management of invasive lines in neutropenic patients with sepsis
- Plasmapharesis indications and process
Gut failure: physiology, causes, management /
- Signs and symptoms of gut failure
- Differential diagnosis and investigations
- Management of gut failure
Nutritional support on ICU, Malnutrition and re-feeding syndrome /
- Nutritional requirements for patients in ICU
- Methods of feeding
- When, what, how? Brief discussion of evidence base/guidelines
- Malnutrition and re-feeding syndrome
Endocrine emergences in ICU /
- Common presentations of thyroid disease, adrenal disease and diabetic emergencies
- Discussion of phaeochromacytoma and carcinoid syndrome
- Management of above
Skin conditions in ICU /
- Dermatological emergencies in ICU
- Prognostication and management
- Pressure sore physiology and management
- Skin infections and invasive lines
- Burns and management
Antibiotic resistance and stewardship /
- Common classification of antibiotics
- Methods of action
- Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance
- Principles of antibiotic stewardship
Disorders of electrolytes /
- Fluid compartments within the body and electrolyte contents
- Abnormalities of sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphate, calcium overview