East Sussex Branch of the Pony Club
Lisa Taylor
6 Hurst Lane
Windmill Hill
East Sussex BN27 4TS
07802 586303 / 01323 833286
17 November 2018
Dear Senior Campers
I have set out below some information that you will hopefully find useful. There are also some additional documents that you will need to print out that are on separate links that also relate to camp.
Arrival at Camp
Please arrive at camp between 09.45 and 10.30. On arrival at the South of England Show Ground you will find the main gates locked please proceed to the next entrance,the Princes Gate,on the lefthand side after the main show entrance. Pleasehead towards the blue gate and then turn left for the stables which are situated behind the main pavilion car park,there will be someone at the entrance of the stables to help you (probably me). Pleasepark your trailer/lorry on the grass vergeon the right hand side after you have gone through the yard barriers. This is were the trailers/lorries will remain for the week and where your child(ren) will keep their hay and feed. Please park as close to the stables and the neighbouring trailer/lorry as possible to save the children having to walk further than necessary with full hay nets etc. If you are not leaving your trailer/lorry then please park further down to allow for the vehicles that are staying.
Please leave your horse in its trailer/lorryand come to the meeting point, with your horse’s Passport/vaccination paperwork, bridle, saddle, your hat (correctly tagged), body protector and air jacket(please note if you are using an air jacket you will still need your rigid body protector to be worn underneath for XC)and medical armband. Once these have been checked and passed you will be allocated your stable, get your stable ready for your horse, bed down, hay and water etc.
Once you have got your stable ready please bring your horse to the farrier who will check your horse shoes. If your horses shoes are loose or in need of replacing you will be asked to remedy this. Only then may you put your horse in their stable. No one is allowed to tie up outside the stables whilst they are getting their stable ready.
Once your horse is happily settled in then you may take your luggage, sleeping stuff, bike and cake up to the common room. Here you will find details of your ride and team, there will also be cold drinks and biscuits for you in the common room. Please do not leave anything outside Rank Lodge.
Please come in your riding attire or have it easily accessible as you will be meeting your instructors and riding in the afternoon. You will not be getting into your rooms and unpacking until tea time.
There will be a minimal base covering of shavings in all the stables, plus one free extra bale for the week. If you require extra shavings from Ardingly, please download the enclosed formand return it to me by the 15thJuly together with a cheque made payable to ESPC for the appropriate amount. It is easier if these are pre ordered and paid for, although we can usually order more if necessary during the week, but they have to be paid for at the time of order. You can of course bring your own shavings/bedding but please notestraw is not allowed at Ardingly.
Change of horse
Please advise me if you have had a change of horse since filling in your application form in February, this is not a problem but we do need to know your horse’s details. Please complete the form below and return it to me before 15th July. Your horse should be 6 or over unless I have given prior consent and the horse must be seen at rallies/clinics prior to camp.
Rides and Teams
These will be displayed in the common room upon arrival. If you have any specific concerns about instructors orspecifically want to be with a friend and you have not already done so, please let me know. I will do my best to accommodate you.
Sleeping arrangements
Each room at camp has two bunk beds, there is also one dormitory that sleeps 12 children again with bunk beds. You are able to choose who you share with and we allocate rooms on arrival, so we do not need to know who you are sharing with until then. If you are not sure who to share with, don’t worry, we will sort it out on the day.
Sleep is extremely important as you have a very, very busy week ahead of you, so I expect all campers to behave at night and go to sleep when asked and not to mess about or disturb fellow campers, my team or me!!!!
Could I also ask that “ear plugs” are not bought to camp unless for medical reason.
We are not allowed to administer any medication unless we have parent/guardian permission, therefore if your child is on medication or would like to have paracetamol etc as a precaution, please sign the consent form and let me have it with the medication, which must have your child’s name clearly marked on it, in a sealed container on the first day of camp.
Parent Helpers
Many thanks if you have volunteered to help at camp, it really is appreciated. Please come to the common room where I am sure Claire will be looking forward to your help. When you have finished you are more than welcome to go and watch your child(ren) ride but please do not interrupt them during their training sessions or give instructions on their riding or whatever they may be doing. Your child(ren) will not appreciate it, neither will the instructors. Also if you bring dogs they are not allowed in the kitchen area and should be kept on leads at all times.
PLEASE NOTE:siblings are very welcome to come with you when you come to help but they are NOT to be left unattended at anytime. It is not mine, my team or the instructor’s responsibility to supervise them and we will not be held liable for any accident or incident involving them. They are especially not allowed down the stables, XC or in the schools whilst lessons or activities are taking place.
We will have a farrier on call but please make sure your horse has well fitted shoes/stud holes (where applicable), it would be a shame to miss a days riding due to a thrown shoe.
Last day of camp
Saturday morning the campers will be doing a display on their horses followed by prize giving. Please arrive for 10.15and park near the common room/rank lodge (please do not go down to the stables)to watch their display and join us for prize giving. It is expected that all campers stay for the display and prize giving.
Please note the instructors do not stay for prize giving as they all have commitments to teach in the afternoon and leave promptly after the display however, they will of course stay and discuss any issues/concerns you may have so please let me know during the display and I will advise the instructor accordingly. Alternatively, they will be happy to speak to you during the week.
After prize giving, please help to pack everything up and ensure you take everything home with you that you came with and leave not only Rank Lodge spotless but the stables and yards as well. We always have excellent comments from the Rank Lodge cleaner and the stockmen about how spotless the stables, yards and rooms are compared to when other camps leave and we wish to continue this tradition.
Campers will not be allowed to leave camp until their room, stable and yard have been signed off by either the yard manager or myself.
We normally aim to be leaving Ardingly between 1 and 2 pm and all children should be collected by that time.
I hope this information eases everybody into camp quickly and efficiently but if you have any concerns or queries then please do not hesitate to give me call.
Senior Camp Organiser
Please fill in and return to me ASAP if you have a change of mount since applying for camp.
Riders name………………………......
Name of horse…………………………… Age……
Mare or Gelding……………
Date of last Vaccination ………………………………………….
Any peculiarities or social defects ie Laminitis, kicking or biting, or anything else we should know? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
In the event of an accident to my horse or Pony or any other condition requiring prompt Veterinary treatment or the farrier, I give permission to the organiser or her representative to assume responsibility for my equine’s well being.
Signed(parent/guardian) ………………………………….
Print Name …………………………………………………..
Date …………………………………..
…………………………………………………………….cut here and return…………………………………………
East Sussex Pony Club Summer Camp 2017
I give permission for (name of child) ……………………………………………………………………….
to be given the medication (name of medicine) …………………………………………………………..
As prescribed / dosage directed on the packet.
Signed (parent/guardian) …………………………………………
Date …………………………………………………………………