Student Support Services
The Experiences of students following a part-time course of Higher Education in an English FE College
Thank you for taking part in our survey. What follows is a questionnaire which asks lots of questions – but they are easy to answer! Your response will remain anonymous but it is very important: it will be added to the total number of responses that we receive. We intend to produce a report which highlights the things that students have told us about their experience of Higher Education in an English FE college. We hope that this will lead to improvements where these are necessary and a better experience for other students like you, who have chosen to study part time for an H E qualification in an English college.
Please read the questions carefully and then answer ALL the questions. This questionnaire should not take more than about 15 minutes of your time. Give us your email address and we will enter your response into our Lucky Draw for a £50 book token.
The survey closes at noon on 28 March 2013.
Part A: Your Background
Although confidential, it is helpful to find out some general information about you.
1. Please indicate your gender:
Male / q / Female / q / Prefer Not To Say / q2. Please indicate your age
16 – 18 / q / 19 – 24 / q / 25+ / q3. Your email address (Only if you are entering our lucky draw)
Part B: College and Course Information
4. What is the Name of your College?
5. What type of Course are you studying?
Higher National / qFoundation Degree / q
Honours Degree / q
Professional Qualification / q
6. What is the title and subject of your course (eg BA Business Studies)
7. Tell us your current year of study
First Year / q / Second Year / q / Final Year / q8. How do you fund your studies? Please tick all that apply.
Entirely Self-Funded / qFamily / q
Bank Loan / q
Sponsorship / q
Employer Funded / q
My Employers Pays Part, I Pay The Balance / q
Personal Loan/Borrowings / q
Loan from the Student Loans Company / q
Part C: When and How You Study
This section covers when you study.
9. Why did you choose to study Higher Education at your particular College?
Please select the options from the list below ranking them in order of importance
1 to 3 (the strongest reason ranked 1, followed by 2, then 3)
Location / qMy friends/siblings study(ied) here / q
Reputation of the College / q
Offered my preferred course of study / q
Lower fee than other colleges / q
My employer insisted on this course at this college / q
Other (please Specify): /
10. For each of the following statements, please select ONE option that matches your view most closely:
My employer gives me time off work to attend college / qI have to take leave to study / q
My employer allows me to work flexibly to accommodate attendance at college / q
I’m not employed so I can study whenever I like / q
11. I attend college for (choose the answer that matches your circumstances) ...
Up to three hours per week / qBetween three and six hours / q
Over six hours / q
12. Tell us about the work for your course that takes place outside college.
I have to study outside college for an average of (choose the option that best describes your circumstances) ...
Three hours per week / qBetween three and six hours per week / q
Over six hours per week / q
13. Tell us about the relevance of the course to your work.
My course is (choose the answer that matches your circumstances) ...
Very relevant to the work I do / qNot related to what I do / q
Provides useful background to my job / q
Essential if I am to progress in my career / q
14. Would you have preferred to study Full Time?
Yes / q / No / q15. In my opinion, my course fee is (choose the answer that matches your circumstances) ...
Too High / q / TooLow / q / About Right / q
16. What would help you to learn better?
Please select the options from the list below what you believe your studies could be made easier, ranking them in order of importance 1 to 3
(the strongest reason ranked 1, followed by 2, then 3)
More private study time at college / q
More time away from work / q
More on line or distance learning / q
More individual study support from my tutors / q
Summer schools or other more intensive periods of study / q
17. Which of the following best describes your course and your work
(choose the option that best describes your circumstances) ...
My employer arranges my work commitments to allow me to attend college / qMy course tutors do not always take into account the demands of my job / q
The course arrangements are flexible, so that I can organise my work and my course to the best advantage / q
Part D: Support for Your Studies
This section refers to your experiences of the facilities and support available to you as part of your studies.
18. For each of the following statements, please select ONE option that matches your view most closely:
Part D: Support for Your Studies
Strongly Agree / Agree / Neither Agree nor Disagree / Disagree / StronglyDisagree
Information about the pastoral support provided by the college was clearly explained / q / q / q / q / q
The college provided clear information on fee payment and administration / q / q / q / q / q
The college library is well resourced with books and learning material / q / q / q / q / q
I would prefer to have a separate library for higher education students / q / q / q / q / q
The college should have separate academic and social spaces for HE students / q / q / q / q / q
I make use of the college’s sporting facilities / q / q / q / q / q
The college forms an important part of my social life / q / q / q / q / q
I can get good and impartial careers advice and guidance at the college / q / q / q / q / q
This question’s options continue on Page 6 …
Question 18 options continue from Page 5 …
My teachers are supportive / q / q / q / q / qMy tutors are up to date with their subject / q / q / q / q / q
My tutors are good teachers / q / q / q / q / q
My tutors are enthusiastic about their subject / q / q / q / q / q
What is taught relates directly to my job and my industry generally / q / q / q / q / q
Part E: Your Overall Experience
This section refers to your overall impression of your experiences on a Higher Education programme at a College.
19. For the following statement, please select ONE option
On balance, do you feel you are benefiting from your studies?
Yes / q / No / qIf you feel you are not, why not?
20. How would you rate your overall experience of studying HE at your college
(please select ONE option that matches your view most closely)?
Very Good / qSatisfactory / q
Average / q
Unsatisfactory / q
Very Poor / q
21. For the following statement, please select ONE option that matches your view most closely
I would recommend friends/family members to study at my college
Yes / q / No / q / Maybe / q22. In your opinion, does the college offer good value for money (please select ONE option)?
Yes / q / No / q23. Please add any comments or views you may like us to know
End of Survey
Thank you for completing this survey. As stated earlier, each completed survey is treated in the strictest confidence.
Madeleine King
Student Support ServicesPage 1