Oct Pasadena PTA Meeting
October 25, 2017 at 7:30 pm
Welcome to our second PTA meeting of the 2017-2018 school year by Alison Carey and Marisa Mitnick. Please make sure that you review the minutes from our last meeting in September and sign the attendance book circulating during the meeting. If you have any questions relating to school operations, procedures or policies other than those sponsored by Pasadena PTA, kindly address them to Mrs. Heitner at the conclusion of her report.
Approval of Minutes – Motion to approve minutes? Lori Bornstein Second? Daniella Blackman. All in favor? Opposed?- We will be posting approved minutes on our PTA Website.
Membership Report- Kim Berkowitz – We are getting so many membership forms in – thank you to everyone who already sent them. If you haven’t, please send it in as soon as you can. Membership is $8 per adult member. 359 Members
Treasurer's Report -Michael Rosenstein – Bank statement was reviewed and reconciled. We currently have about $48,000 in our account with some expenses that still need to be paid.
Share Folder
PTA Eblasts – If you are not receiving PTA eblasts, please email us atpasadenaelementary.com. We send weekly reminders, community news, etc.
PTA Website –pasadenaelementary.orgThank you to Michael Rosenstein for taking on this task, the website looks great – all important forms/flyers are on it.
Class Lists – You should all have a copy of your class lists by now. If you do not, please see Tracy Miniman at the end of the meeting.
Principal's Report - Ms. Heitner discussed the POB Book by Margaret Carr's husband. History of Plainview.If you need to receive texts, text 67587. There will be no candy allowed for Halloween. See our Wellness Policy. The school has started the Safety Patrol. Student Ambassadors who set school rules to improve Pasadena. The kids are loving the smoothies. You can now buy a smoothie as a snack.Ms. Heitner also discussed Title 1 where we are eligible for money from the federal government based on the need of free/reduced lunches. This money goes towards materials for learning, AIS, staff development, etc. There are currenly 471 students in the buildling and 20% get AIS. She discussed the school/parent commitment.
Teacher's Report-Curriculum Update for PTA Meeting – 10/25/17. The Kindergarteners have adjusted nicely. They are learning to show respect and cooperation while making many new friends.In Reading, we have been discussing using our super reading powers and building stamina. In writing, we have launched Writers Workshop and have been discussing What Good Writers Do. We just finished publishing our first book. In math, the children have been exploring shapes and their attributes. We have just begun learning how to count, identify and write the numbers 0 to 5.In science, we just launched the K to 2 Ohneida science program. The Kindergarteners were very excited to learn about weather and to use a thermometer to measure temperature. We have many meteorologists in our future.
Gr. 1
Fundations- tapping CvC words, diagraphs
Reading - fiction and exploring story elements
Writing- Learning the routines and What Good Writers Do while writing personal narratives
Math- using part part whole mats and ten frames to add and subtract
Science- our sun and the night sky
Gr. 2
Fundations – suffixes: s, es, ed, ing Introducing vowel teams Reading – launching guided reading and discussing reading engagement Math – repeated addition and the use of rays Science – Beginning weather unit (weather patterns, seasons, temperature, water cycle) S.S. – citizenship (voting, American symbols, needs / wants) Writing – beginning personal narratives
Gr. 3
Math finished adding and subtracting and moving into multiplication SS - finishing world geography and moving into tools for inquiry Science - scientific method Reading and writing fiction and personal narratives
Grade 4
Social studies: inquiry 1: Does where you live matter? A focus on the geography of NY and how it impacted where Native Americans settled Math: Topic 5: multiplying 1-digit numbers. Using variables to solve for the unknown in equations to solve word problems.Science: living things Writing: narratives Reading workshop: focus on characters and fiction reading. What motivates a character? How does the character change and why? Supporting character traits with text evidence
President's Report
1. Elementary Extra Help has started, this year we have a new online registration system. Extra help is offeredon Tuesdaymornings for Math or Reading. You must sign up theSundaynight before.
2. Nominating committee will be Tracy Miniman, Daniella Blackman, Jamie Vine and Lisa TIsdale and Bari Shapiro.
3. Please come and learn how to prevent and protect our children during this opioid epidemic. There is a DISTRICT-WIDE SUMMIT on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th at 7:30pm, at POBMS, with a keynote presentation by Prof. Harvey Milkman, PhD.
4. Save The Date for an important workshop - Active Parenting: We Need You!!! Workshop isMon, Nov 13th, 7:00-9:15pmat Mattlin Middle School. Childcare will be available at no cost.
5. SEPTA NIGHT OUT will be WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th at the Mansion at Oyster Bay. Eat, drink, shop, mingle and enjoy dueling pianos! This event is not just for Special Education parents. All are welcome for an evening honoring Sue Carollo.
6. Board Goals
⦁7. Class size and demographics
8. 2018-2019 school calendar - February break will be a long weekend. Updating other holidays.
Fundraiser/PTA Event Reminders
Kid Stuff Coupon Books – Jaime Vine. We are missing 50 books. Please return.
Pretzel Sale - Next sale is Friday 10/27. 2$ month.Philly Pretzel Factory.
Spirit Wear – Look online to see what is available.
Birthday Box – Sharon Sakhichand . We are in need of another volunteer.
Box Tops/Labels for Education – first submission is Wednesday, November 1st
Candy/Gift Wrap Sale – orders are due Monday, October 30th . You can still place your order online.
Picture Day – Jaime Vine Retake day isNovember 28th
Halloween - In School Event. Tuesday, 10/31 – all kids – annual Vocabulary Parade
POB Family Night – November 2nd. No HW. Check the flyer for discounts.
Reports of Committees/Open Chairperson Positions
Community Service – Sharon Levine
Cultural Arts – Gena Tesoriero
Oct 10Wacky Science, Cider Press was at school and Nov 6 is a visit from the Islanders.
Health - MeetingFriday
Nutrition –Sara Fins
Sara Fins – Pasadena
Dorothy Drexel – POBMS
Karen Heitner – Pasadena
Donna Lupia – Old Bethpage
Vanessa Schack – POBJFKHS
Lisa Hindi – Matlin
Rich Cunningham – Business Office
Christine Kunnmann – Whitsons
Karen Ball – Whitsons
Marina Bornais – SEPTA/POBMiddle
Thomas Schwartz – Mattlin
Sharyn Schwartz – POBMS
Jennifer Segui – Business Office
This year we will be rotating schools where the meetings will be held and will have children from the various schools participate in the meeting. Today we had 4, 4th graders participate.
Feedback from the kids – Portions are smaller this year, snack prices have gone up, they like that there are more choices for lunch, cheezy breadsticks are smaller but taste better (it has been confirmed that the brand changed). Popcorn chicken is a favorite. Breakfast for lunch is a hit – the French toast needs more cinnamon. Add egg sandwiches, want burgers more often. Add turkey bacon?
Note: Egg sandwiches will be offered again a couple of times/month at the elementary level and middle school. At elementary breakfast will be offered once/week.
Lines have been longer in the elementary schools. This is being addressed. The lunch periods have been combined this year (there are less lunch periods) and enrollment has increased over all. Kids in K and 1 don’t always know their codes and this slows the line down.
Smoothies: Elementary: Being offered every day as a lunch option (contain yogurt), and once/week as an alternate fruit included in the lunch. Also, once/week frozen smoothies will be offered as an a la carte snack option for purchase.
Kids mentioned they wanted turkey bacon, they will try it and see. Also, Whitsons is working toward finding a pasta that meets the guidelines but tastes better than what they are serving now.
High School: The flow of the line in the cafeteria is being evaluated. There was a consulting company brought in to give suggestions. The proposal will be put forward soon. The aim is that it will be included in next year’s budget. Eventually all schools will be evaluated in this way to improve flow in all cafeterias.
Water Fountains: Mr. Cunningham has been spot checking the fountains and checking the maintenance records to see how often the filters are being changed.
Each elementary school has had 3 ‘filling stations’ added to fill water bottles with filtered water.
Childcare: Right now, snacks are being handled by Jeremy Ritter at the childcare office. The snacks are ordered centrally and distributed to the schools. There is refrigeration but it’s limited. Mr. Cunningham is looking into maybe offering breakfast and snacks through Whiston’s since enrollment is up so much.
High School – there is no breakfast food offered at early morning ‘lunch’ periods. Whitsons will begin offering lunch all day as one option.
Mrs. Heitner confirmed that additional snack options will not be added at Pasadena, except for the frozen smoothies mentioned above.
POBMS feedback – Fajitas were not good. Whitson says they are a great seller but will check on this in the future.
Recycling – the program is being worked on and getting up and running. More details to follow.
Transportation Committee
9/28- Steve Lindenfeld and Phil Kolton
⦁MS zero period bus routes mirror the AM routes
⦁Stops cannot be moved closer to home simply for convenience
⦁Mr.. Donarummo will look into getting more notification for the kindergarten parents in the future.
⦁Though they are told of stops and times in the letter they need an email reminder
⦁Parents are unaware of the 10-minute window and will be reminded in the future before the year begins
⦁Bus schedules for early and late buses are on the portal, there was a discussion regarding the passwords
⦁Mr. Donarummo will speak with We transport regarding buses being late and parents not being notified on time (specifically an issue on bus 4 at 9/25)
⦁Mr. D. will be looking into an issue with drivers making mid block stops as they are not allowed to do this. Adding stops would cost the district money and cause buses to run late.
⦁Food is not allowed on the buses
⦁There is security at all buildings until the end of the day and then there is overlap at the elementary buildings with child care security (at some times when the day ends there are 2 guards)
⦁Mr.. Donarummo discussed the ADAS/Rave system
⦁Mr. Donarummo went over the new sign in procedures
⦁Check for custody issues, sex offender registry
⦁Passes are shredded at the end of the day
⦁HS 11th period bus routes 14 and 29 will be condensed into the other stops
⦁The committee is being asked to come up with goals we are asking the units for suggestions
⦁We transport contract expires 2019
⦁Mr. Donarummo will be asking for cameras and GPS on buses
⦁Mr. Donarummo discussed the fact that behavior needs to be discussed. The elementary principals said it is discussed on the drills.
⦁There is now someone always manning the phones when the buses are running
⦁There are POP officers present at one of the drills to give feedback, it was already done at Old Bethpage
⦁All staff (regardless of position) gets training in bloodborne pathogens, child abuse, DASA (code of conduct), right to know, school safety and sexual harassment.
Curriculum Committee
10/11- Jaime Vine and Steve Lindenfeld
NYS assessment result were discussed in depth
More than a 50% refusal rate, this was fairly consistent amongst all buildings
We decreased in ELA while the state and county increased
The buildings looked at SRI scores versus results to see any disparities.
The buildings looked at data to discuss the student’s overall strengths and weaknesses Math spiral skills are an issue- students are forgetting material they should know Parents should be utilizing IXL Field trip coordinator is not feasible at this time but we will continue to discuss field trips in the committee.
Summer curriculum writing ELA/SS integration based on new ss inquiry Grade 2/3 math project Grade 3 math Unit 2 has always come before unit 1, teachers who did 1 first were not supposed to Parents should be discussing math facts each day Next gen science standards per BOCES were discussed
Steam parent night
Title IX – Sharon
Technology - Michael Rosenstein
POBMS - Pic Day and spirit week is going on.
High School -
Project Challenge
SEPTA - Event is coming up
New Business
There is NO SCHOOL on November 7th and November 10th
Our next PTA Meeting is onNovember 21st at 9:30 am
Adjournment – Motion to Adjourn? Danielle Schwartzberg Second? Daniella BlackmanAll in favor? Opposed?