An illustrated anthology has been provided for the poems in this cluster for the purposes of student annotation. This means students can keep their AQA anthology ‘clean’ for the exam.
Week 1 / Silent Protest’ (Extract from White Teeth) – student copies,‘Conflicting Cultures’ OHT and student copies,
Which Country a I? Teacher Notes
‘Which Country am I? OHT’,
‘Fashion or Culture’ OHT,
‘Fashion & Culture’ sheets – one per student and one on OHT for modelling,
‘Fashion & Culture help sheet’,
‘Fashion & Culture, teacher copy’,
‘Opinions about Clothes Sheet’ – student copies plus one on OHT,
‘Presents from My Aunts, Plenary’ on OHT,
‘Language and Identity’ OHT
Week 2 / OHP
‘Poem Opening’ ( one on OHT and enough paper copies for each student)
student copies of ‘Half-Caste’
‘Reading task Half-Caste OHT’
‘Discussion Cards Half-Caste’ student sets and set on OHT
Half-Caste on OHT
Challenge, Compliment, Suggest Cards
‘Technical Terms Revision’ on OHT
Half-Caste Extract
Half Caste Statements
‘Text Article Opening’ OHT
‘Text Article Cards’
‘Text Translation’ on OHT
Challenge, Compliment, Suggest Cards
student copies of ‘Unrelated Incidents’
‘Unrelated Incidents Questions’
Unrelated Incidents Questions – Teacher Sheet’.
Week 3 / Student copies of ‘Not my Business’
‘Not my Business setting clues’ on OHT
Stanzas 1-3 on OHT
Student copies of ‘Not my Business’
‘Dictatorship context’ sheet on OHT plus student copies
Student copies of ‘Not my Business Plenary’ sheet
‘Hurricane Hits England Starter Teacher Sheet’
‘Hurricane Hits England Starter’ sheet
Student copies of ‘Hurricane Hits England’
‘Hurricane Hits England Structure Card Sort’
‘Connections OHT’
‘Connections Answer Sheet’
Connections Table – enlarged onto A3 one per student.
Connections Table reduced to A4 and copied onto OHT
Connections Table Teacher Sheet.
Week 4 / ‘A Riddle’ on OHT
‘Love after Love Questions’
Student copies of ‘Love after Love’
Student copies of ‘Connections OHT’ from week 3, lesson 3
Plain A3 paper – one sheet per student
‘Making Links OHT’.
Week 5 / Students’ copies of their Connections Table
Acetates and OHT pens
‘Other Cultures Oral Help sheet’
‘Challenge, Compliment, Suggest’ cards
‘Sample Essay Question’ – student copies plus one on OHT
‘Ideas Table’ enlarged onto A3 – one per student
A4 ‘Ideas Table’ on OHT
A student’s ‘Ideas Table’ on OHT
‘Content Descriptors’ card sort – one set of cards per pair
‘Mark Scheme’ – student copies plus one on OHT
‘How to Structure A Response’ – student copies plus one on OHT.