Random Thoughts on the Sunday before your College Board Exam
By Ms. Shelnutt
- Please sleep at least 5 REM cycles tonight – 6 wouldn’t hurt! ;-)
Ch. 7 States of Consciousness– The brain needs REM – the lightest stage of sleep for optimal cognitive and behavioral functioning. The body needs Non-REM for muscles and joints to rest.
Briefly review your “quick study” review sheet before going to sleep (overnight organization in brain) AND 1st thing Monday morning (brain is hungry for some info)!
Eat protein for breakfast(eggs, cheese, meat)
- Spend more study time on the “BIG ONES”: Research, Cognition, Neuroscience & Developmental, Personality, Abnormal and Social
- What to bring with you to the testing sight?
2 sharpened #2pencils (not mechanical) and eraser (your BRAINS )
A black or blue pen
Wear a watch – YOU are responsible for knowing the time; there are NO verbal reminders (ie 30 minutes remaining…)
Bottle of water, tissues, snack (a protein bar is good )
- For those of you taking the APES or AP Chem exam tomorrow morning – Good Luck – You can SO do this. Lots of times in college, you’ll have 2 finals on the same day; this is the same thing. You need the protein bar the most. Remember PROTEIN is BRAIN food.
- For those of you just taking the AP Psych exam tomorrow, I hope I see you in class. I’m going to Costco later this afternoon and buying up some brunch treats (muffins, fruits, bagels & cream cheese). Remember to bring your own drinksto class. We’re going to play a few rounds of PSYCH BINGO, Book of Questions and review your favorite mnemonics. (see below)
- Please make a list of your favoritemnemonics I’ve shared over the past 15 weeks – that will be a fun review! You need to KNOW them – ok? <3 We’ll share tomorrow in class!
- Repeat this mantra OFTEN while breathing slowly and deeply:
“Relax, the exam may be hard, but it will be hard for everyone else too. I studied harder and worked harder than most people. Besides, I don’t need a perfect score to get a good grade.”
- Remember this more than anything: I LOVE YOU AND I BELIEVE IN YOUR ABILITY TO DO YOUR BEST WORK EVER ON THIS EXAM! Now, go make me proud! <3 WOOHOO!