Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society
as an ONS chapter
1992 - 2013
April/May 2013
Volume 19 Issue2
NorthValley Chapter ONS
14341 Troy Way
Magalia, CA 95954
Board Members for 2012
President:Pete Miller
President Elect: Jenay Hollaway
Secretary: Judy Zarynski
Treasurer: Rachel Garibaldi
Nominating Chair: Alizum Eberstein
Membership: Lori Rollins
Newsletter : Beverly Davis
Program Chair: Elke Mowers
Calendar of Upcoming
May 16ONS Meeting/Dinner
June 8&9Relay For Life (Chico)
June 22&23 Relay for Life (Paradise)
Scholarships available for 2013
NV ONS has funds available to assist 5members with educational costs($100 each) for the 2013 year. It isn’t a huge amount of money, however, every little bit helps. There are 2 requirements, first, board approval is required before function attendance and second, a written report or oral presentation is given to the NV ONS pertaining to the subject matter.
Please contact Pete Miller to submit your application.
Congratulations Jenay on your new son
Caison Josiah
Born May 4, 2013
7# 7 oz.
A Note from Our Program Chairperson
The NorthValley
Invites you to a wonderful evening and Dinner
Presenting Topic is:
The NorthValley Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society
Cordially invites you to attend:
Emerging Trends in Health Care: Programs designed to help facilitate seamless access to our products for your practice and patients
Presented by: Chris Johnson
Thursday, May 16th, 2013
Location: Nash’s Restaurant
1717 Esplanade, Chico, CA95926 (896-1147)
Chapter Meeting at 6 pm, Appetizers
Program & Dinner starts at 6:30 pm
Let’s try to meet for “Cocktails” at 5:30 pm to get to chat with each other
Everyone is welcome
Members – Free
(let us know if you want to become a member)
Non-members - $ 20.00Students - $ 10.00
1 CEU provided
Please RSVP latest by Thursday: 11-29-2012
(please only RSVP if you can come, and cancel asap if you can’t make it)
Elke: (530) 332-3870 or Email:
Report of 4th Annual Integrative and Holistic Nursing Conference April 2013
By Patti Schaffer
Fortunately I was able to expand my nursing horizons and experience a great conference in Integrative Medicine. Especially in the area of cancer care, integrative medicine has a huge role to help our patients and ourselves in mind, body, spirit and the disease process. The conference had workshops on Natural Healing, Concepts of Integrative Nursing and, Nutrition, herbal and dietary supplements plus many more on stress reduction, transpersonal healing and healing touch.
Highlights from the lecture, Integrative Cancer Care, by David Leopold, M.D. included assessment of the baseline of patients’ lifestyle,their diagnosis, treatment plan and post treatment followup. Dr. Leopold looks at the diet of the patient, and like most of us, encouraged healthy habits, but not extreme changes during treatment, but encouraged slow changes while maintaining caloric intake. Post treatment to use a non-inflammatory, low glycemic, Mediterranean diet was highly encouraged. Omega 3’s, mainly vegetarian diet, grass fed beef (low consumption), cold water fish, olive oil, low saturated fats…with additional fats from nuts and seeds. Foods and supplements added todiet included nushrooms that increase immune action, fish oils, omega 3, turmeric, vitamin D and calcium, green tea, probiotics and daily fiber.
There are always potential interactions with many supplements. Antioxidants should be avoided during treatment because of interactions with anthracyclines, bleomycin, etoposide, mitomycin and radiation…Other herbs, supplements to be aware of are Echinacea, ginkgo, st. john’s wort. Green tea interacts with Tarceva and Valerien interferes with tamoxifen to name a few.
He highly stressed exercise (aerobic is the best) and that includes walking. Daily exercise of 40-60 minutes decreases inflammation, depression and insomnia, stress, heart disease, cancer stroke, blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and energizes.
Now on to stress! “Catecholamines and neuropeptides…brought on by chronic stress can affect both cancer cell growth and tumor vascularization” Actual dermatology studies have shown catecholamines and stress mediators as an important co factor in cancer progression in melanoma. Dr. Leopold has his patients seek professional counseling if unable to decrease stress. Mindful based stress reduction classes, breathing techniques, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, biofeedback are all offered at his clinic. Mind matters in cancer survival, as managing it will affect the endocrine, immune and autonomic system. Studies have found correlation with stress and progression of cancer, GI dysfunction, anxiety, HTN, CVD.
Recommended data bases for dietary supplements: www. and
Letter from the President
Summer seems to be here already with increasing temperatures and time to relax. This spring has been busy with the recent ONS Congress in Washington DC. Kate Mcdonald I am sure has some good stories and new information gained from her trip there. For those who missed Congress, there are 3 sessions one can view, though without CE cedit, through video streaming, live streaming area on New Drug Update, Mara Mogensen Flaherty Lecture, The Patient's Voice: Are We Hard of Hearing? By Donna L. Berry, , and ONS Clinical Lecture: Effective Symptom Management to Optimize Care with Oral Cancer Therapy by Peg Esper.
We have been asked by state legislative ONS people to support AB 1202,a proposed bill effecting nurses and other ancillary staff members handling chemotherapy and waste.
Our Chapter is in a bit of reorganization with changes in how National charges dues and pays our Chapter. We are still waiting to see what end of the stick we get after National figures who should be in our chapter. We hope to clarify this for the members soon. Information coming soon to a newsletter near you. As always, if there is anything I can do or share concerns, please let your Chapter Board know.
Peter Miller, BSN, PHN
Links of interest from ONS
1.New Funding Available forNursing Projects Related to Professional Development,Patient Care, or Nursing Leadership.
ONS is offering up to $2500 grants.
2.How to Start a Survivorship Program in a Rural Cancer Center
3.PEP Resources to Be Updated
4.Chemotherapy Dosing in Obese Adult Patients
5.Chemotherapy Administration Sequencing
6.Flushing the Toilet and Other Toilet Topics see ab1202.