Writing Evaluation Sheet
Name _____________________________ Assignment ____________________________
First Paragraph (introduction and emotion): ________ (10)
_____ Clear topic sentence introducing title of work, author, and emotion(s) only
_____ Specific quote(s) from the text that caused each emotional response
_____ Clear explanation(s) of why each quote caused response(s)
Second Paragraph (summary): ________ (10)
_____ Clear topic sentence introducing what the work is about
_____ Clear inclusion of important details/events in your own words
_____ Keep summary to no more than 20% of size of original text
_____ Order of details in summary is logical
_____ No interpretation of details (interpretations belong in third paragraph)
Third Paragraph (author's point): ________ (10)
_____ Clear topic sentence introducing interpretation of one of the author's points
_____ If story or poem, author's point is general—about life, people, us—not just about the specific characters and events in the story or poem
Fourth Paragraph (personal connection/position): ________ (10)
_____ Clear topic sentence agreeing or disagreeing with the author's point as stated at the beginning of third paragraph
_____ Specific Personal example or logical explanation outside of text supporting
agreement or disagreement (Do not use examples from text.)
Mechanics: ________ (10)
_____ Complete Sentences
· no fragments or run-ons
· end punctuation: period, semi-colons, question marks, and exclamations
_____ Clearly worded sentences
· clear sentence structure (clear syntax—word order)
· appropriate word choices (prepositions, adjectives, plural nouns, spelling
_____ Correct verb forms
· 's' on end of present tense, third person singular verbs
· past, future, perfect forms
· singular verbs for singular subjects and plural verbs for plural subjects
· same tense throughout ¶ (consistent tense)
_____ Correct use of pronouns
· singular pronouns for singular nouns and plural pronouns for plural nouns
_____ Correct use of articles (countable single nouns/plural nouns as a group)
· use "a" (or "an" before vowel sound) if referring to one thing in general
· use "the" only if the reader knows specifically which one you mean
_____ Correct use of capitals
· at beginning of sentences and for all proper names, brand names, and titles
_____ Correct use of quotation marks
· around actual words someone speaks or writes
· around titles of smaller works (articles, essays, songs, chapters)
_____ Correct use of commas
· before conjunctions between two complete sentences
· after introductory (DIP) phrases
· between all items in a list of three or more
· around non-essential (non-restrictive) info
· before quotations
Grading: 90-100 = A 80-89 = B 70-79 = C 60-69 = D 0-59 = F
Note: If each section has at least a 70, average the sections to calculate grade. If any section has less than a 70, that score will become the score for the entire paper until that section is rewritten to a 70.