Land Steward
Resource Notebook
5. Wildfire
Wildland-Urban Fire – A Different Approach, by Jack D. Cohen
This paper, by the foremost authority on Wildland Urban Interface fire, provides a new perspective to what is a growing national issue.
The following papers offer detailed hints and tips on how to go about reducing hazardous fuels on private properties in Southern Oregon:
Pruning, Reducing Hazardous Fuels
Thinning, Reducing Hazardous Fuels
Mechanical Treatments, Reducing Hazardous Fuels
Firewise Construction & Landscaping Checklist, Firewise web site:
This paper provides the homeowner with a quick but thorough check list of items to address when developing a Defensible Space around their home.
Additional Resources
1. For local wildfire information on all sorts of topics, plus links to local, regional and national resources, visit the Rogue Valley Fire Prevention Cooperative’s website at Look under “wildfire preparedness” for hints for homeowners.
2. Jackson County has land use ordinances that address wildfire and safety issues and building codes for homes located in the Wildfire Hazard Zone. These are found on the County’s webpage in Chapter 8.7 of the County Land Use Ordinance entitled “Wildfire Safety.” Go to and open Chap 8, section 7.
3. For more papers by Jack D. Cohen on Wildland Urban Interface wildfire problems and the technical findings behind the Home Ignition Zone concept, go to: and click on “Wildland/Urban Interface Home Ignition Research”.
4. For more information on wildfire, defensible space, fire prevention, the Home Ignition Zone and many other related topics, go to the Firewise website:
5. For more information on the Oregon Forestland-Urban Interface Fire Protection Act (SB360), (which requires residents of the wildland urban interface to thin fuels around their home and along access routes), go to:
6. Homeowners in high wildfire risk areas of the county are required to fill out a form stating that they have completed this work, and return it to the State. To download a copy of the “Property Evaluation and Self-Certification Guide” to evaluate your property and sign the certification form, go to:
Hard Copies of publications:
1. “Living With Wildfire” – 2008 version by the RVFPC
2. Fire-Resistant Plants For Home Landscapes, OSU / WSU / IU Publication
3. “2005 Forest Landowner Resource Guide” by the SW OR Resource Conservation & Development Council