Course Name: 8th Grade HealthEmail:

Teacher: Mr. Walters

Office Hours: Due to my schedule - Students should look for me in the gym, auxiliary gym or locker room (girls will need to knock on locker room door and wait for someone to open the door). I will not be available on days 3 or 6. I can always be reached via email at

Introduction and Course Overview:

Students will study a variety of health concepts related to their daily lives, made relevant to their age group and community. Students will understand the choices they make have real ramifications on their body, society, and in the lives of loved ones, and they will begin to recognize the interconnectedness between personal and societal health and well-being. As they learn about new topics and hear personal testimonies, students will implement the information they learn in practical ways, making this course not simply a collection of material to study, but a tool to create a healthier life. All materials are based on the Pennsylvania Health standards and a variety of methods will be used to implement and facilitate student understanding.

Course Goals:

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Identify the purpose of each body system and how they work together
  • Articulate the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, and a variety of other unhealthy behaviors
  • Discuss the ramifications of sexual exploitation, AIDS, and sexually transmitted diseases
  • Create their own nutrition guide
  • Create their own fitness program based on individual goals and overall health using BMI, Target Heart Rate, etc.
  • Advocate healthy decision making in overall health and wellness
  • Evaluate health care products and dieting fads
  • Identify proper technique and use of CPR
  • Recognize different types of injury, identifying how to properly treat them and ultimately prevent them

Unit Topics may include but are not limited to:

Body Systems, Nutrition, Weight Management, Exercise and Fitness, Healthy Lifestyles, Human Sexuality and Reproduction, Healthy Relationships, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Abstinence and Contraceptives (Abstinence-based instruction), Decision Making, Self-Esteem, Personal Identity, Understanding and Preventing Bullying/Cyber-bullying and Violence, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, CPR and Rescue Breathing, Wounds, Bleeding, and Bone Injuries, Effects of Alcohol, Tobacco, Illegal, and Other Drug Use, Health Care in America, Evaluating Health Care Products, and Financing Your Health Care, Social Networking

Attendance and make-up work:

  • Attendance will be handled according to BAMS Policy (see Handbook)
  • Missed notes/class work due to absence are the responsibility of the student to see the teacher for making up
  • All notes/class work will be accepted until the completion of the current unit - BUT -lateness penaltieswill be applied to assignments turned in after a due date(see BAMS Handbook for homework policy)
  • Students must make up missed quizzes and exams during the next Health class

Course Requirements and Grades:

Grades will be based upon a points system. Each assignment will be given a point value and at the end of the marking period the total points earned will be divided by the total points possible. If students have any questions about their grade they should see me immediately.

Final Grades will be based on the following grading scale:















Human Biology and Health, Science Explorer 2007 … Students can use online text book by following the directions on my teacher page.

Behavior Expectations:

Following is a list of possible classroom rules and expectations. It is not an exhaustive list and may not include all rules. Additional expectations will be clearly stated by the teacher. Choosing not to abide by the rules may result in any of the following at the teacher’s discretion: a student-teacher conference, disciplinary slip, a call to parent(s) and/legal guardian, a parent-teacher conference, and/or removal from class. Persisting problems will be handled by school administration. Please see BAMS Handbook for disciplinary action.

  • Be Respectful(i.e. don’t speak when others are speaking, use manners, etc…)
  • Be Kind(i.e. treat others how you want to be treated)
  • Be Safe(i.e. no running inside, goofing off, sitting on tables,etc…)
  • Be Here, Be Ready(i.e. on time, on-task, prepared)

Student Obligations:

  • Students will arrive to class on-time and be prepared with paper (notebook) and a writing utensil
  • Students will adhere to all or any classroom procedures to ensure a positive learning environment
  • Students will complete class notes and activities/assignments
  • Unless told otherwise, all work is to be completed by the end of the period and/or turned in for a homework grade as specified by the teacher

Instructor Obligations:

  • Teacher will implement direct instruction of new information in a manner that facilitates all learning styles
  • Teacher will provide activity and interaction time related to current units/topics to facilitate learning and practical application using individual practice, partner work, and/or small group work (differentiated instruction)
  • Teacher will assist any student and provide ample opportunities for one-on-one discussion and/or questions concerning assignments, topics, tests, grades, etc
  • Teacher will respond promptly to any inquiries made by email and/or telephone (EMAIL WORKS BEST FOR ME)

Note: I teach at Pleasant Gap Elementary on Days 3 and 6. On those days Mr. Miller will be the health teacher. If you have something very important to share with me on those days it is best to send an email.

BAMS Health Assignment 1:

After you have read the syllabus and discussed it with your son or daughter, please sign and return this page.Keep the first page for your records. This is the first graded assignment for Health (10 points).

Student Grade Level: ______Period: ______Days: ______


Student Name (printed)

______Date: ______

Student's Signature


Guardian's Name (printed)

______Date: ______

Guardian's Signature


Daytime Phone # of Guardian(s)

Email works best for me… please indicate by checking the box if this is a good way to contact you for non-emergencies. If parents share custody, please write both parents’ information.


Guardian’s Name (Print)Guardian’s Email


Guardian’s Name (Print)Guardian’s Email

Please list any health related issues, concerns, and/or requests below: