U3A Ballina/Byron Inc
Minutes of Tutors’ Term 4Meeting
Wednesday 25 November 2015 - Fripp Oval
Present:Warren HastingsHarris,Sue Bell, Richard Gregroika, Ken Wood,Christine George, Ian McLean,Shirley Leon,Kim Pendreigh, Viv Miller, Raine Moloney,Barbara McCall,Deane Bostock, Joy Goode, Faye Duncan, Victor Bosnic, John Van Der Werff, Margaret Ball, Marie Curnow, Judith Haggard.
Apologies:Mahullah Bosnic, Heather Boulton, Grant and Jacqui Tuckwell, Terry Doherty, Brian Lewis, Anne McDonald, Elspeth Lacey, Bert and Mary Carter, Glenda Shearman, Colleen Wellard, Gerti Krebs.
The meeting was opened at 11 am by the President Warren Hastings Harris who welcomed those present and thanked absentee tutors for their apologies.Warren also thanked our Tutors and co-ordinators for their efforts during 2015 and expressed his appreciation for the commitments made to classes in 2016.
Minutes of meeting Held in 27th August 2015 were circulated and taken as read, Moved Barbara McCall and Seconded Shirley Leon. Carried.
Business Arising:
- The coffee machine at Fripp Oval has been serviced. It is hoped that this will fix the operating issues with the machine.
- Mahullah still intends to run the Christmas Wrapping workshop and a date will be confirmed soon.
General Business:
- Tutors were reminded that the time slot allotted for a class at Fripp Oval is to include both set-up and pack-up. If the class is late starting it cannot be allowed to run past the published finishing time unless there is no class immediately following it.
- One of our Members has suggested that classes be issued with a requirements list at the start of term one. If your class has any attendance, fitness or participation requirements that the participants need to adhere to then please write up the list for distribution in your class. These sheets can be photocopied at no cost to the Tutor in the Fripp Oval Office.
- Tutors are asked to review the Tutor’s Handbook (Available on our website) and to send in any comments with reference to changes, deletions or additions. Please consider the question “Does this handbook provide me with all the information I need to run a U3A class”. This manual will be updated for the start of 2016. Some areas already identified for update include:
- Committee contacts
- Rules in relation to the giving and publishing of personal details
- The requirements to run classes within the time slot allocated so as not to interfere with classes that follow.
- Conflict resolution on page 9 in light of the discuss at the last Tutors meeting.
- Update the appended class information sheet.
Class roles are now filed in the top draw of the grey filing cabinet under their respective days. There is also a file for ‘external’ classes.
End of Year arrangements:
- The deadline for newsletter copy is 14 December.
- Class information sheets need to be returned urgently. The Class co-ordinator thanked Tutors for their prompt response in returning the sheets. There are only a couple still outstanding.
- There are a couple of queries with some of the forms and the Class co-ordinator will speak to these Tutors after this meeting.
2016 Arrangements:
- Information Day at Ballina Fair will be on Friday 8th January 2016, 10 am to 4 pm.
- Enrolment day is Thursday 14 January, 9 am to 1 pm. Also Tutors are asked to attend to take enrolments for their class. If you are unable to attend please let the office know as soon as possible.
- There will be a training day for new and continuing office volunteers on Thursday 21 January 10am – 12.
- We have place a yearly planner in the office and are trying to set dates for all our events early in the year so that plenty of notice is given to members.
- AGM at the end of March or Early April. A date will be confirmed when we have finalised the timetable to see when the Fripp Oval Hall would be available.
- An update on social events was given to the group.
Any other business from the floor:
- A question was asked about Tutors who run classes from their home recouping costs for electricity etc. This is outside our guidelines however most home based classes ask for a gold coin donation to cover tea and coffee etc.
Next meeting: TBA
Meeting closed: 11:28am