AP English Literature & Composition Freire Charter School
Course Syllabus: 2012-2013 Ms. Stacey
Adapted from the College Board web site:
Much of our work in AP English Literature and Composition will involve the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, you will deepen your understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As you read, you will be asked to consider a work’s structure, style and themes, as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism and tone.
The course includes intensive study of a variety of representative works of recognized literary merit composed between the 16th and 21st centuries. You will be exposed to many writers and writing styles, but you will get to know a few works very well. As we closely read these texts, we will concentrate on: (1) the experience of literature (the way we respond to in initially, on an emotional level); (2) the interpretation of literature (the careful analysis we do to reveal multiple meanings); and (3) the evaluation of literature (the final assessment we make of the text’s quality and artistic achievement and how it reveals social and cultural values).
The most important requirement for this course is that you read every assignment—read it with care and on time. You will likely need to plan time in your schedule to get the readings—especially the novels—done! Poetry, though usually not long, is complicated and should be read at least twice. The goal of such close reading is to generate independent interpretations that go beyond the obvious. Journaling, blogging, and/or marginal/sticky-note annotation will *always* accompany readings.
As we read, we will write. Writing is an integral part of the AP English course and exam. We will sharpen our writing skills so that we may develop and organize our ideas in clear, coherent and persuasive language, using:
• a wide-ranging vocabulary;
• a variety of sentence structures;
• a logical organization;
• a balance of generalization with specific, illustrative detail; and
• an effectively controlling “writing voice” or tone.
Writing Assignments—In Detail
In this course, you will write many short, critical papers explicating poetry, short stories, plays, and novels. Each paper is based on close textual analysis of structure, style (figurative language, imagery, symbolism, tone), and social/historical values. You will use specific and well-chosen evidence to articulate an argument about these texts. These critical papers must be typed, double-spaced, and proofread (especially spell-checked) and will be approximately two-to-three double-spaced pages. I will often require a rough draft for papers. Major writing assignments will typically be work-shopped during class with peer support. You are encouraged to use the Writing Center, where I will be Mon-Thurs after school from 3-4:30 pm, for additional support.
You will also be asked to write creative assignments— poems, drama, and short stories that take on the rhetorical forms and styles of the literature we’re studying, or, that ask you to “rewrite” a story from a different perspective. I will not grade these assignments on “creativity” alone, however. I will also be looking for your knowledge and application of appropriate structures and styles as outlined by the assignment; in other word: Did you understand, then apply, the techniques of art used in the literature we’re studying? These techniques include structure, theme, and style (diction, syntax, figurative language, symbolism, and tone).
In-Class Writing, Quizzes and Exams
Expect to be quizzed after most reading assignments. I may not announce quizzes ahead of time, and we will have a number of them, both straightforward “reading checks” and ones that ask you dig a little more deeply into the text. At the end of some units, you will be given an exam that features a new text or set of texts that you must write about using the skills gained during that unit.
You will also be asked to write frequently in class: For example, you will journal in response to your reading assignments on a regular basis, either in your notebook or on the blog. We will also use writing as an assessment: As the year progresses, we will practice for the AP Exam with more frequent in-class timed assessments, where you will be given a new text (poem, story, excerpt) and asked to read, interpret, analyze, and compose an essay in 40 minutes.
Course Scope & Sequence
§ Week 1 = Summer Reading Review
§ Week 2-6 = Short Stories Unit / Response Essay (Connell, Jackson, Greene, Mansfield, Bambara, Hemingway, Welty, Williams, Marquez, Joyce, Chopin, Faulkner, Updike, Oates, O’Connor, Cisneros, Olsen)
§ Week 7-8 = The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark
§ Week 9-13 = Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
§ Week 14-15 = Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
§ Week 16-18 = Poetry Unit 1 (covering a full range of literary periods and countries of origin)
§ Week 19-21 = Turn of the Screw by Henry James w/ Literary Criticism “Lens Mini-Unit”
§ Week 22-25 = Poetry Unit 2 / “Poetry in Context” Research Paper
§ Week 26-28 = King Lear by Shakespeare / Oedipus Rex by Sophocles
§ Week 29-30 = Test Prep
§ Week 31-33 = Post-Exam Fun / Finals
Contact Information
· PHONE: Leave a message for me by at Freire’s main number à 215-557-8555
· E-MAIL (preferred!) à
· WEB SITE: http://
The Writing Center Library
My classroom has a “mini-library” full of novels, plays, and books of poetry and short stories. You may borrow these materials for school or personal use for a time of TWO weeks, using the check-out binder. Upon checking out a book, you must ASK me and get my signature on the form.
Academic Dishonesty
You are expected to turn in your own work. If the information did NOT come from your head – for example, the information was taken from a web site, a book, or even a friend -- that source must be noted!
If plagiarism in ANY form—including but not limited to cheating on a quiz or test, copying homework, or using non-cited material—is suspected, there will be an investigation by the Dean and penalties will be put into place, including a ZERO on the plagiarized assignment. I take this matter very seriously, and so should you: Take pride in your work, it is your voice.
Also, actually read everything I assign. I will not overburden you with hundreds of pages *because* I intend for you to read carefully and thoughtfully. DO NOT USE SPARK NOTES OR OTHER ONLINE SUMMARY TOOLS AS A REPLACEMENT FOR READING! You will obviously not have such resources on the tests or the AP exam. If you do, you are cheating yourself out of the opportunity to truly develop your reading skills, which you will need for the rest of your life. Be a scholar! Have original thoughts! Our world needs your brains fully maximized!
It’s my hope that you will feel invested in the content, and therefore find that learning the skills comes more easily. Everyone has bad days. I LOVE my students, and I am open and flexible, but I will not be disrespected and I will not allow the safety and progress of our community to be disrupted. The number one rule in my class is respect. Students must show respect by not talking while the teacher or another student is talking. Disrespect may also take the shape of using insulting or derogatory language or making mocking or inappropriate gestures or expressions. Anything that attacks a person’s gender, sexuality, race, religion, social class, or physical or mental aptitude will NOT be tolerated, even “as a joke.”
Grading Policy*
· Homework/Class work/Participation: These “effort” assignments are typically worth 10-20 points each—together, they always average to 30% of the quarter grade.
· Quizzes are typically worth 30-50 points each—they average to 20% of the quarter grade.
· Writing assignments are typically worth 50-75 points each—they average to 25% of the quarter grade.
· Final Project/Quarterly Exam is typically worth 100-200 points each—these two items average to 25% of the quarter grade. Collectively, these three “mastery” categories average to 70% of your quarterly grade.
*For the first marking period, 20% of the total grade will come from the summer reading assignment, so each remaining category above will be worth slightly less toward the quarterly average. Summer Reading requirement: How to Read Literature like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster and students’ choice of two novels (one American and one World) and a set of poems from an AP-level list.
Homework: Expect homework (including reading) every night!
§ All homework is due at the start of class the day it’s due, unless otherwise noted on the SmartBoard when you walk in.
§ Some assignments will be checked for content and returned at a later date, others will be logged as complete and returned for use in class.
§ No late homework will be accepted—this includes homework that you try to hand in mid-period, at lunch, or that is “magically” found in your locker after school: The answer is “no”!
If you are absent, you are responsible for finding out what you missed. This is where most students fall behind! Try to be in class every day. If you are not, you must:
1. E-mail me for your missed work/assignment
2. Check the class web site: <freireAPenglish.wikispaces.com>
3. Contact me or a classmate before your absence or, if the absence was unplanned, the day you return (after class, at lunch, or after school).
4. You have as many days as you were absent to make up the missed assignment… so, if you are out Monday, you have one day (Tuesday) to turn it in by Wednesday. You are expected to come after school review missed class work/notes.
Your Binder & Journal Notebook: Remember, this class is all leading up to probably one of the toughest, longest exams you’ll ever take. If you’re organized throughout the year, you’ll find reviewing all this material in preparation for the exam much easier. Keep all handouts and notes in your binder such that you can quickly find them as needed. Complete all journal assignments in order, dated and titled. *I will be doing periodic, unannounced binder/journal checks every few weeks – they will count for a grade!* You must be ready or you will receive a ZERO!
· Reading Checks: Expect a reading check any time you are assigned reading for homework. These will usually be very short and count for a homework grade. Sometimes, these reading checks will be open note, so always do your annotations!
· Reading Quizzes (Closed- and Open-Book): These types of reading quizzes count much more than reading checks; they require you to think critically about a text and answer AP-like multiple-choice questions. Take notes while you read and pay attention during class discussions to ace these!
· Vocabulary Quizzes: After reviewing the set of TEN (10) TMC Words of the Day, we will have a quiz. These quizzes cumulative.
· Grammar & Writing Quizzes: Each quarter, we will focus on reviewing a few key grammar/writing skills. After each mini-lesson, you will practice using the skill(s) and be quizzed. These are also cumulative.
Final Essay/Quarterly Exam
At the end of each quarter, we will have a final major writing project. If you hand in a major assignment late, your grade will suffer: You will lose 10% each day it is late. You have three days before you receive a ZERO – no exceptions. We will also have a final exam at the end of each quarter that tests your mastery of key reading and writing skills.
Scholarly Work Ethic
Preparation, effort, participation, and improvement may be factors in your grade, especially at the end of the semester (if your grade is hovering on the border). In my eight years of teaching, I have seen many bright students fail and not-so-naturally-bright students succeed based on their varying ability to be positive, humble, and determined in the face of challenges. If you need help, ask. If you need an extra day, ask. If you’re having a personal crisis, tell me. We are all human. I want you to succeed, but I’m not psychic! But I need to see the best of you, every day – no excuses. Be hungry.
Ms. Stacey: English 3
2012-2013 Signature Page
Students and parents/guardians: Please read this WHOLE document carefully and sign below. You will be held responsible for upholding its contents!
Then, detach and return this page to Ms. Stacey by: ______.
White Noise – Don DeLillo
Joy Luck Club – Amy Tan
In Our Time –
Atonement – Ian McKewan
Deliverance –
Rag Time –
Crime & Punishment – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest – Ken Kesey /Catch 22 – Joseph Heller (binder p. 51)
Song of Solomon – Toni Morrison
Turn of the Screw – Henry James
Jekyll & Hyde -
As I Lay Dying – William Faulkner
House of Mirth – Edith Wharton
Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad
King Lear – Shakespeare / Oedipus Rex – Aeschylus(?)
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie – Muriel Spark
About 50% of the test
“Build the skill toolbox”
Poetry Unit #1 = Lots of questions and discussion, w/ a test @ the end w/ one poem and questions