CPS Competitors Analysis

Strategic Planning Systems (Corporate)


FinanceAdvisor 2.0

/ Alcar Strategic Financial Planning System
(revised 3/1/99 by) The Alcar Group / Finanseer
Stern Stewart / Evaluator
Intellexis / Longview
Khalix 2.4 / Adaytum Software
Adaytum Planning
Type of tool /
  • Performance measurement
  • Forecasting
  • EVA and Free Cash Flow focused
  • Strategic Financial Planning
  • Financial Analysis
  • Valuation
  • Financial analysis
  • Forecasting and Valuation
  • EVA focused
  • Valuation
/ Analysis
Reporting /
  • Budgeting and Planning
  • Forecasting and management reporting

Modules /
  • Developed Finanseer and KPMG EV Manager
  • Alcar Strategic Financial Planning System
  • Debt Rater Plus (DOS)
  • APT! (DOS)
/ No /
  • Hierarchy Manager
  • MBA Business Plan
  • Adaytum Planning in 1992
  • Adaytum Allocator
  • Adaytum Cash Forecaster

Clients /
  • 2000 clients
  • 500 clients
  • AT&T, Coca-Cola, Eli Lilly, etc.
  • Nestle, Hewlett Packard, Philips, etc.
  • From Fortune 1000
  • More than 5,000 users: Bodyshop, Kwik Save Stores, Mother care, WHS Smith, Barclays.

Main Competitors /
  • Alcar, Finanseer
/ Alcar / Finan, Finiconsult, Goalfix, Alcar in a limited way. / Hyperion, Oracle,

Arbor, Comshare

SW / HW requirements /
  • Windows 95 or 98
  • Win 95 or higher
  • 64MB RAM, 32bit
  • Win 3.1 & later
  • Win 3.1, 95, NT
  • 486, 8 MB RAM
  • Client: MS Windows 3.x, 95/98 or NT
  • Server: Unix
  • Windows 95, NT, Win OS/2
  • 15 Mb space for installation.

Language / It’s written in C++ for Windows / Developed in C++ / Visual basic on top of Excel / C / Visual basic
Other /
  • Since 1979 in mainframe
  • Since 1984 in DOS
  • Since 1996 in Windows
/ Adaptable to Java
Partnership with SUN, Digital, HP, Pyramid, Oracle, Informix, Sybase, Micro Soft, CTG, Cognos
Support Line /
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Technical and modeling support
  • Worldwide
  • Difficult to reach in Europe
  • Staffed by marketing people with limited financial knowledge
/ Yes /
  • Yes, worldwide. Implementation personnel are financial experts with solid technical backgrounds
  • Yes, US, UK, France and Denmark.
Helpline service from 9am until 5.30 pm. Helpline via E-mail:
Price license /
  • $745 for the license
  • Client Specific
  • (one installation reported at $12,000)
  • $ 6,500 per system
  • $10,000 for 2 systems
  • $15,000 for 5 systems
  • Prices have dropped from $8,500.
  • Usage by unlimited number of persons costs $17,500
  • Prices start at $190,000
  • License for one LAN server, three controllers, and 10 managers plus two weeks of consulting is priced at $46,000.
  • Allocator for Adaytum Planning: $20,000 per server plus license.

Price maintenance /
  • $250 per year
  • $500 per year for application support
  • 18% of listed price
  • First year free
  • Level 1: $ 1000/year
  • Level 2: $2000/year
  • Was $1500/year for all.
  • 16% of price of the software
  • Included in the cost of the license for the first 12 months from the date of the contract. After that, 15% of the license price

Price training /
  • $900 per day for software training
/ Private ($5400 for 3 days) or public training ($1200 per person for 2 days) / $ 3500/day
was $500 for public and $1500 for private / 0, 1 or 2 days dependable on the knowledge of user. /
  • Based on a price per person per basis. Training held in Markham, Ontario or can be conducted at the customers’ site

Users’ rights and protection /
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • Yes. Secure network access, intranet and internet
  • Yes.
  • User level security. Users control security with System Administrator access.

Right mouse /
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes

Edit Undo /
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes. Advanced undo and redo of model building and data changes.

  • No
  • Not clear
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes and ASCII files Oracle, SQL server, Sybase, Access.

Links to databases /
  • No, but users have used their text file import Compustat data.
  • Yes
  • Essbase, Excel, Hyperion, others
  • No
  • Compustat, Extel, probably static links
  • Yes OLE 2
  • Yes. Oracle, Sybase, Informix, SQL Server


OLE in / out /
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • N/A
  • No

File management /
  • No
  • Utilizing a unique relation table indexing and corporate hierarchical relationships, Khalix provides exceptionally fast access to the data you need. Industry standard RDBMS

16 / 32 bit / 32 bit / 32 bit /


/ 32 bit.
Website ( / FinanceAdvisor.com / alcar.com / sternstewart.com / Interratio.nl / longview.com / adaytum.co.uk
Contact person / Jeff Macklis
(212) 349-2747 / The Alcar Group
Tel: +1 847 663 9000
Fax: +1 847 663 0130 / A. Matthews
Tel: +44 171 399 3600
Fax:+44 171 399 3601 / B. Keuss
Tel: 020 697 7336 /

Judy Winchell

Tel: +00 1 610 889 9380 /

Bright Masih

Tel: +44 0 181 563 7123
Corporate Finance
Time issues /
  • Annual, quarterly and Monthly forecast engine.
  • Extensive
  • 366 days possible
  • Unlimited number of periods
  • Restatement
  • 20 annual periods in history and 20 in forecast
  • Period detail is flexible
  • No PTD
  • No 366 days once in 4 years
  • No restatement
  • Unlimited user defined
  • Multiple time periods

Forecast methods /
  • 14 forecasting methods.
  • Forecast methods as well as the underlying data (% or values) can be changed to reflect an account’s individual forecast.
  • 10 predefined forecast methods
  • 14 predefined forecast methods
  • Trend analyze function and user defined (free form).
  • Yes
  • Standard cell references
  • Input absolute values
  • Khalix can use predefined or user-defined algorithms, allocations, spreads, regressions, etc.
  • Yes, forecasting possible.

Freeform calculations /
  • Yes
  • Yes, extensive
  • No
/ Yes
Add accounts / change account names /
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • User Defined
  • Rename possible
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes

Adjust to different accounting regimes /
  • Yes. Both the Chart of Accounts and the Report definitions are maintained externally to the system and can be easily changed to accommodate any basic analytical structure.
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • Only possible by exporting via OLE link to Excel.
  • Yes
  • Yes

Number of predefined accounts /
  • 1000 accounts
  • Extensive
  • No
  • Limited
  • No predefined accounts

Taxes /
  • Extensive
  • Carry back and carry forward
  • Reasonable
  • Limited
  • Carry forward / backward is not possible
  • Interest tax shield is possible.
  • Tax logic is unlimited – it is configured to meet each clients needs
  • Yes with Cash Forecaster.

Number of reports /
  • 32 reports
  • 15 reports can be displayed at one time.
  • 17 reports, including custom report and OLE report
  • 40 standard reports
  • Possible to edit data also from reports
  • 30 interactive flow charts
  • Virtually unlimited

Define custom reports /
  • Yes, with optional Report Editor module.
  • Yes
  • No, adjusted reports can not be saved. Option to use predefined report templates using Custom Report Writer
  • No
/ Configured to meet each clients needs / Ad Hoc reports on demand, customized or standard batch reports.
Lay out reports / style /
  • Yes
  • No, only after exporting to Excel
  • Yes, extensive. It is more a documentation tool.
/ Yes / Yes
Graphs /
  • No, but can easily move the data to Excel.
  • Yes
  • Yes, only historical analysis
  • Yes, extensive
  • Yes
  • Yes, automatically.

Suppress zero values on reports /
  • System accounts are automatically surpressed when they result in zero values for all periods.
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes

Checks /
  • Yes, Validation Report
  • Yes, Retained earnings report: Financial alerts, Built-in audit trail
  • Yes, checks at every step, ensuring that user errors are quickly identified.

Scenario /
  • Multiple forecast scenarios. Can select the appropriate version of your forecast.
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • To be saved in separate xls files
  • Yes (max. 36 scenarios)
/ Yes, limited to hardware and database capabilities
Sensitivity analysis / Changing an item in the Forecast Editor window will instantly change the values in the Report Generator. The sensitivity of any variable can be measured easily. /
  • Yes
  • Yes
/ SA is configured for each users needs including the definitions of drivers and algorithms / Yes
Peer Group analysis / A Consolidations program has been released. The system has an optional data collections feature, which collects and reports data from the individual companies that are analyzed. /
  • No
  • Yes
  • Industry averages
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes

Account notes /
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes. Cell annotation capability.

Goal Seek /
  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes

Drill down analysis /
  • Drill-down into any item whose definition is a formula or defined calculation.
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes. Supports multiple levels of drill-down.

Consolidation /
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Multiple files, percentage, elimations in separate file, and no financial consolidations.
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes

Currency translation /
  • No. Not yet but it’s on their development priorities list.
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes.

Memo accounts /
  • Yes. The system is very strong with respect to memo accounts. Half the standard Chart of Accounts is and memo accounts (called User Accounts) can reference the financial statement accounts and vice-versa.
  • Yes
  • User Defined
  • No
  • Yes

Help /
  • Yes
/ Help menu available / Help menu available / Help menu available /
  • Khalix includes robust help linked directly to the menu picks or dialogs and includes hypertext, etc.
  • Yes, instructions, accounting principles.

Credit analysis /
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes with Cash Forecaster

Templates /
  • Yes
  • Yes

Qualitative assumptions /
  • No
  • No
  • Yes

Debt scheduler /
  • Yes
  • No
  • No, but can be developed using Khalix modeling language
  • Yes

Bond rating /
  • No
  • Yes (Debt Rater Plus
/ Yes
Database for bondrater Yes /
  • No
  • No, but can be developed using Khalix modeling language
  • No

Covenant ratios /
  • Yes
  • Not Standard
  • Of certain results
  • Yes

Ratio analysis /
  • Yes. Several
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Limited
  • Yes, can create unlimited ratios.
  • Yes

  • Yes
  • Yes

Valuation methods /
  • EVA but could easily be augmented to support SVA.
  • SVA
  • EVA
  • DDM
  • Liquidation value option
  • Customizable
  • EVA
  • SVA
  • No DDM
  • No liquidation value option
  • SVA
  • EVA
  • None are predefined in the software, but are configured to meet each client’s unique needs

Funding options /
  • Yes. Determines whether excess cash has been created or additional financing is required.
  • Yes
  • Standard
  • Target Capital Structure
  • Yes
  • Via Treasurer Feature
  • Not very advanced but e.g. including target debt / capacity.
/ It is difficult to select an own defined order. /
  • None are predefined in the software, but are configured to meet each client’s unique needs
  • Yes with cash Forecaster.

Target capital structure /
  • Yes
/ Yes in Treasurer Feature /
  • No

IRR calculation /
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes

Cost of capital /
  • Yes
  • Yes, calculator
/ Yes, Business Risk Dbase + Cost of capital calculator Levered / Unlevered / Calculator: Yes /
  • Yes. Khalix includes a wide array of functions
  • No

Customizable account groups /
  • Yes
  • Yes

Batch import and export /
  • To/From Text Files designed for import to Excel.
  • Optional link to Compustat Research Insight.
  • Yes

Print reviews /
  • Yes

Multiple scenarios reporting /
  • Export to external database.
  • Yes