Call for 2008 Auction Items and Donation Form

Dear NAER Members:

87Donate Now – Shop Later!

Remember how you love to shop for all those fabulous “gifts and goodies” at our Annual Sharing Conferences? Well, first someone has to donate the “loot.” That’s where you come in . . .

HELP! We need items for the 67 Silent Auction!

Each year, through the generosity of our members and guests, we offer a varied selection of merchandise for the conference attendees to bid onn throughout the Sharing Conference week.

The Auction provides great entertainment as members and guests try to out bid each other! Most importantly, all proceeds from the Auction are used to fund NAERPI’s educational programs. We are asking that you donate items that will garner attention and bring lots of action to the Auction!

Who may donate items?

―Practitioner members: This is an excellent opportunity for your organization to show your support for RPINAER.

―Resource Provider members: This is your opportunity to put the best of your line—key product(s)—in front of your target market by donating these items to the NAERPI Auction, and see your products being used and enjoyed by fellow members.

―NAERPI Guests: You may also participate and donate items!

The items you donate allow us to raise funds for worthwhile endeavors such as education and other recognition events. And – it’s major fun, too!!

We know budgets are tight and times are tough but dig into your “prize stash” and pick out something that our members will want to own!

To DonateThen follow these easy steps below:

1. Choose an item worth at minimum least $25.00. Company logo items and gift certificates are welcome. (Please, no perishable items.)______)

2. Fill out a form for each donated item and send a copy to NAER, via one of the methods below:

  1. Choose an item worth at minimum $75.00. Company logo items and gift certificates are welcome. (Please, no perishable items.)
  1. Fill out one form for each donated item—see below form.
  1. Send a copy of each form to NAERPI, via one of the methods below:
  2. Mail to: RPI,18601 N. BondMill Street, Suite 303R, Naperville, IL, 60563
  3. Fax: 630-369-3773
  4. Email:
  1. Email a photo of each item to
  1. M Hyatt Regency Savannaharriott Newport Beach Hotel & Spa Newport Beach, CA. p P41undayu7Shipping:
  2. Ship ALL items for arrival onno later thanon Tuesday, April 22, 20087 to:

Marriott Newport Beach Hotel & Spa

Attention: Alena Revicks

Recognition Professionals International 11th Annual Conference

Hold for Guest: Nicole Sweigart Arrival on April 24, 2008

900 Newport Center Drive

Newport Beach, CA 92660

  1. Send tracking number to

1801 N. Mill Street, Suite R, Naperville, IL, 60563,

Fax: 630-369-3773 or Email:

oor eEmail to

Hyatt Regency SavannahNaples Grande Resort & Clu293. Ship 8767

Millennium Biltmore HNyatt Regency SavannahMarriott Newport Beach Hotel & Spaaples Grande Resort & ClubHotel Los AngelesCathy Baxter & Allison MarrerroElena RevicksRoRoland SellenKathleen Quinndney Smith,Director of Catering/Convention DirectorManagerServices;Lisa Massiello

Recognition Professionals International 11th Annual ConferenceNational Association For Employee Recognition, NAERNValerie Nicklausicole SweigartHarriett JohnsonLisa Massiello28468765900 NewporTwo West Bay Street Center Drive506 South Grand Avenue475 Seagate Drive

Newport Beach, CA 92660Savannah, GA 31401Naples, Florida 34103

Los Angeles, CA 90071-2607

Phone: 239-597-3232

800-245-By April 1, Ship ship your donated items to The Millennium Biltmore, 506 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90071. (Who’s attention and how will we confirm that all items shipped or communicated to be shipped was received in time for the follow-up meeting)

4. Mark the item HOLD FOR: What does this mean?______

Lisa Massiello

Thank you,

Dean Parris & Jim Becker

2008TheNAERPI Silent Auction Committee

NAERPI11098th Annual Sharing Conference

NAEPI 68BondMill303R

Complete & Return this form


Yes, I am donating the following merchandise for the NAERPI’sSilent Auction.

Thank you for your generosity in agreeing to make a donation to the Silent Auction to be held during the 11098th Annual Sharing Conference at the Hyatt Regency SavannaMarriott Newport Beach Hotel & SpahNaples Gran, NSavannahewport Beach, CGAde Resort & ClubMillennium Biltmore Hotel, NaplesLos Angeles, FLCA, April 2793010- AprilMay 30213, 2008765.

Please use a separate form for each item donated. Copy form(s) for your records.



Contact Name:

Phone: Email:


Donated Item:

Model #Retail Value:

Item Description:

Hyatt Regency SavannahMarriott Newport Beach Hotel & Spa------Naples Grande Resort & ClubMillennium Biltmore Hotel-----------------

Return this completed Donation Form to the NAERPI office.

NAERPI, 16801 N. BondMill Street, Suite 303R, Naperville, IL 60563, Phone: 630-369-7783 Fax: 630-369-3773 Email:

The Auction will be held at the RPI 2008 Annual Conference at the Marriott Newport Beach Hotel and Spa during the Cocktail Reception on Tuesday, April 29May 1, 20087 from 65:00—6:1561500 p.m. in the R Scarbrough Ballroomose Garden.

―Donated Items will be raffled or placed in either the Silent Auction or placed in the Live Auction.

―All NAERPI attendees, guests, exhibitors and speakers will be eligible to bid.

Silent Auction items & bid sheets will be located in the Exhibit Areaat the NAER Conference Registration area.
Attendees can place their bids Tuesday, May 2nd between 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm throughout the conference.

Silent Auction Bidding Closes PROMPTLY Tuesday, MayApril 12 at 12:030 pm.

oAll Silent Auction items will have a minimum opening bid located on bid sheet.

oAll Silent Auction Items will have a minimum increment amount for the next bid.

―All Silent Auction Items must be paid for on TuesdayWednesdayTuesday, April 29th MayApril 11st 2nd th—no later than 673:14530004:15 45 pm.

―Payment may be cash, check or credit cards (American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card).

―If a photo is provided to the NAERPI office, attendees will be able to view all the donated items prior to the auction at

―On site, attendees will be able to view all EXHIBITOR Donated Auction Items prior to the auction at each of the Exhibitor’s Booths Sunday, April 279th and Monday, April 2830th.

Payment may be cash, check or credit cards (American Express, Visa, MasterCard).

NAEPI 68BondMill303R

Encouraging Excellence

RPI. 1601 N Bond Street, Suite 303 . Naperville, IL 60563 . ph 630-369-7783 . fax 630-369-3773