Brings for its students
CLASS-XI - Accountancy (2016-17)
Under the leadership of
Deputy Commissioner
(Chief Patron)
Mr. Girish Chand
Principal, KV-Nabarangpur
Content Updation by:
Sh.R.K. Thakur, PGT- Commerce, KV-No.2, Raipur.
Ms. Monaly.D.P. Mukherjee,PGT-Commerce KV, Bilaspur
Sh.V. Jaiswal, PGT-Commerce, PGT-commerce, KV, BMY Bhilai
CLASS-XI – Business studies
Points deserve your attention while taking examination:-
*Put the question number clearly on the middle of the page and highlight it by underlining.
*Utilise the early 15 minutes to read the question paper carefully. Plan and organise your answers in mind. Also try to analyse and break a long question in small parts for easy understanding. As internal choice is provided only in questions carrying 6 marks, select the questions to be attempted.
* Write your answers in points as far as possible. Avoid writing in paragraphs. If a question carries a longanswer but has been allotted comparatively less marks, focus on points and sub-points
*to make presentation effective; underline the headings/main points and keywords.
* Don’t get confused with the question starting with words like “ list out , outline, state, enumerate, explain “. In such questions ,answer with complete sentence should be given for each point. Question started with the word like “ state” give brief description(one sentence each). However, you may check the marks assigned to the question and accordingly write your answer within the given word limit.
*You can make your answers more effective by supporting it with illustrations, diagrams, views of management experts, latest example or data, wherever necessary.
*Questions based on distinction must be answered in tabular form with the basis of distinction clearly specified.
*Do not spend more than requisite time on a particular question.
*Use your watch to keep track of time so as to finish thepaperwell in time and do a quick revision before the exam ends.
Content mapping
Concept andcharacteristics of business.
• Business, profession and employment -Meaning and their distinctive features.
• Objectives of business - Economic and social, role of profit in business
• Classification of business activities: Industry and Commerce.
• Industry - types: primary, secondary, tertiary - Meaning and sub groups
• Commerce - trade: types (internal, external, wholesale and retail; and auxiliaries to trade: banking, insurance, transportation, warehousing, communication, and advertising.
• Business risks - Meaning, nature and causes.
All Human beings have different types of needs. So, in order to fulfill those needs they have to perform some or the other activity. Human activities are classified as
- Economic activities. Economic activities are those by which we can earn our livelihood.
- non economic activities. non-economicactivities are those which are performed out oflove, sympathy, sentiments, patriotism.
Economic activities may befurther divided into three categories namely;
1. Business 2.Profession 3. Employment
Business- Meaning:
business refers to an occupation in which people regularly engage in activities related to purchase, production and/or sale of goods and services with a view to earning profits.
Characteristics of Business activities:
An Economic activity: It means an activity aimed at earning money. Business is also aimed at earning money or livelihood by satisfying human needs.
Production and procurement of goods and services: Every business enterprise must either manufacture the goods or it acquires from producers. Goods may be consumer goods or Capital goods. Services means facility offered to consumers like banking, insurance etc.
Sale or exchange of goods and services: Business involves transfer or exchange of goods and service for value.
Dealing in goods and services on a regular basis: It should be a regular activity. One time sale or exchange will not be considered as business.
Profit earning: Business always aims at earning profit.
Uncertainty of earning: There is always a possibility of less amount of profit or even loss in business.
Element of Risk: There is always a possibility of Uncertainty of earnings.
- Comparison of Business, Profession and Employment:
Basis / Business / Profession / Employment
- How to Start?
- What is its nature?
- Qualification/Who can start?
- Return/What will you get?
- Capital/How much you need to start?
- Risk involved
- Transfer of Interest – Can you transfer?
- Code of conduct
- Classification of Business Activities:
- Industry: Production or processing of goods and services. It is concerned with changing the form of the products. It gives form utility to the products. It is classified into the following:
(Producing or processing of Goods as well as breeding of animals)
1. Primary 2. Secondary3. Tertiary
1. Primary Industry
a. Extractive Industryb. Genetic Industry
2. Secondary Industry
a. Manufacturing Industryb. Construction Industry
2.a. Manufacturing Industry
(i). Analytical (ii). Synthetical (iii). Processing (iv). Assembling
IndustryIndustryIndustry Industry
- Commerce: It includes all those activities which are concerned with removing all the hindrances in the movement of goods from the manufacturer to the consumers. It includes the following activities.
Commerce includes the following activities :
- Industry
- Trade – Export, Import
- Transport and communication
- Banking
- Insurance
- Advertisement
- Packaging
- Warehousing etc.,
- Trade : Trade means exchange of goods and services between sellers and buyers with profit motive.
- Auxiliaries to Trade:
- Role of Profit in Business:
- It is source of income for the business man.
- It provides funds for expansion
- It is an indicator of efficiency of business man.
- It builds up reputation.
- Business Risk: It refers to the possibility of inadequate profits or even losses due to uncertainties or unexpected events.
Nature Of Business Risks
- Causes of Business Risks:
- Natural Causes : Risk may be due to Flood, earth quake, lightning, heavy rains etc.
- Human Causes: It includes dishonesty, carelessness or negligence of employees, strikes, riots, etc.
- Economic Causes: It includes uncertainties relating to demand for goods, competition, price, collection of dues from customers, changes in economic policies etc.
- Other Causes: It includes political disturbances, mechanical failures etc.
Q.1Identify the occupation in which people work for other and get remunerated:
(a) Business(b) Employment(c) Profession(d) Social Service
Q.2Which profession is related to “Bar Council of India”?
(a) Teacher(b) Doctor(c) Lawyer(d) Chartered Accountants
Q.3Which profession is related to “Medical Council of India”?
(a) Teacher(b) Doctor(c) Lawyer(d) Chartered Accountants
Q.4Which profession is related to ICAI?
(a) Teacher(b) Doctor(c) Lawyer(d) Chartered Accountants
Q.5The persons who engaged in profession is known as:
(a) labour(b) manager(c) professional (d) worker
Q.6The occupation which required special knowledge and skill to be applied by individuals is known as:
(a) Business(b) Employment(c) Profession(d) Social Service
Q.7What is the reward or return in “Business”?
(a) satisfaction(b) salary or wages(c) profit (d) professional fees
Short Answer type Questions :
- State the different types of economic activities.
Ans. Business, profession and Employment.(1)
- Name the trade where the goods are bought from the foreign country.
Ans. Import trade.(1)
- State examples of Analytical industries.
Ans. Petrol, diesel(1)
- Which industry provides services to primary and secondary industry?
Ans. Tertiary industry(1)
- What is meant by Business Risk? Explain the features of it.
Ans. Meaning and Features(3)
- Describe the meaning of Commerce.(3)
Ans. Meaning of commerce.
Long Answer type Questions:
- Profit play an important role in business. Give four reasons to justify the statement.
Ans. Role of profit in business (4)
- Give the meaning and two examples of Economic activities.(4)
Ans. Meaning. Ex. A person selling tea and coffee in the railway station 2. Doctor treating patients at his clinic.
- Explain the meaning and causes of business risk.
Ans.Refer Meaning and causes.(5)
- Compare the business, profession and employment.
Ans.Table showing the comparison above.(5)
- Explain the features of business. (6)
- Harish produces wheat for personal consumption. Will it be a business activity?
Ans.No.As it is not for performed for earning profit.(1)
- A person sells his old car at a profit. Can it be termed as a business activity? Explain. (4)
Ans. No. because business involves dealing in goods on regular basis. Brief Explanation of features of business.
- Risk is an inherent element of a Business. Do you agree? Explain. (4)
Ans. Meaning and Nature of Business Risks .
- A chartered Accountant advised his client how to save tax by hiding income.which values affected in this case?
Ans. Value of violating code of conduct and cheating government by helping in paying less tax.
Content mapping
Sole Proprietorship- Concept, merits and limitations.
• Partnership- Features, types, merits and limitations of partnership and partners, registration of a partnership firm, partnership deed. Type of partners.
• Hindu Undivided Family Business: Concept.
• Cooperative Societies- features, types, merits and limitations.
• Company: merits and limitations. Types;private and public company – Concept.
• Formation of a company- four stages, important document (MOA, AOA, relevance certificates of incorporation and certificate of commencement.
• Choice of form of business organization.
- Meaning of Sole Proprietorship: It refers to a form of business organization which is owned, managed and controlled by an individual who is in receipt of all profits and bearer of all risks.
(i) Easy to form and close(ii) Liability(iii) Only bearer of profit and loss(iv) Control
(v) No separate entity.(vi) Lack of business continuity.
(i) Quick decision making (ii) Personal satisfaction (iii) Information will be kept secretly (iv) Direct incentive (v) Ease of formation and closure.
(i) Limited resources (ii) Limited life of a business concern. (iii) Unlimited liability (iv) Limited managerial ability.
- Meaning of Joint Hindu Family Business:
- It refers to a form of organization wherein the business is owned and carried on by the members of the Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) and controlled by karta. It is governed by the Hindu Law.
(i) Formation (ii) Liability (iii) Control (iv) Continuity (v) Minor members.
(i) Effective control (ii) Continuity of business (iii) limited liability of members (iv) Increased loyalty.
(i) Limited resources (ii) unlimited liability of karta (iii) Karta’s dominance (iv)limited managerial skills.
- Meaning of Partnership: Relation between persons to share the profits of the business carried on by all the partners or any one of the partner acting on behalf of all the other partners
(i) Formation (ii) Liability (iii) Risk bearing (iv) decision making (v) continuity (vi) Member
(i) Easy to start and close (ii) proper decision making (iii) More money (iv)secrets are maintained.
(i) Unlimited liability (ii) Fights exist (iii) Chances for closure (iv) No public confidence.
Types of Partners :
1. Active partner: An active partner is a partner who gives capital, participates in
management, shares the profits and losses and has unlimited liability.
2. Sleeping partner: A Partner who do not take part in the business activities.
3. Secret partner: A partner who has association with the firm but unknown to the
4. Nominal partner: A partner who allows his name to be used by the firm
5. Partner by estoppel: A person who by behaviour sets an impression to others
that he/she is a partner of the firm.
6. Partner by holding out: A person who is not a partner but allows himself to be
represented as partner in a firm.
Consequences of Non Registration:
1. A Partner of an unregistered firm cannot file a case against the firm or other
2. The firm cannot file a case against third parties.
3. The firm cannot file a case against the partners.
Kinds of partnership:
(i) At Interest (ii) Formed for completing a work
Partnership deed: It is written agreement which contains the rules and regulations for carrying on partnership.
- Meaning of Cooperative Society: It is a voluntary association of persons formed for protecting the mutual interest of members from exploitation of middlemen.
(i) Voluntary association (ii) service motive (iii) power to take decisions (iv) limited liability.(v) Registration is compulsory so they have legal status.
(i) Equal voting rights. (ii) Continuous existence (iii) low cost of operation (iv) Government support (v) Easy to start (vi) limited liability.
(i) Resources are little (ii) Difference of opinion. (iii) Management is not proper (iv) Strict rules from the government.
(i) Consumer (ii) Producer (iii) Marketing (iv) Farmer’s (v) Credit (vi) Cooperative housing societies.
- Meaning Of Joint Stock Company: Company is an artificial person created by law with continuous existence& common seal. Its capital is divided into shares.
(i) Artificial person (ii) Formation is difficult (iii) Company has separate identity (iv)Continuous existence (v) Control of the company is made by directors.(vi)liability is limited.(vii) Common seal.
(i) Liability is limited (ii) Chances are there for expansion (iii) Managed by professional people (iv) Continuous existence (v) Shares can be easily transferred from one person to another person.
(i) Very difficult to form (ii) No secrecy (iii) No personal involvement.(iv)More rules and regulations. (v) Very slow in decision making (vi) owners have less control.
Types of Companies:
(i)Private company (ii) Public company.
- Public Company:
- Members: Minimum 7, Maximum unlimited
- Minimum number of directors: 3
- Index of members: Compulsory.
- Transfer of shares: Shares can be transferred easily from one person to another.
- Invitation to public: It can invite the public to purchase the share and debentures
- Private Company:
- Members: Minimum 2, Maximum -200.
- Minimum number of directors: 2
- Index of members: Not compulsory.
- Transfer of shares: Shares cannot be transferred from one person to another.
- Invitation to public: It cannot invite the public to purchase the share and debentures.
- Memorandum of Association:
- It defines the objects for which the company is formed.
- This is the main document of the company.
- This defines the relationship of the company with outsiders.
- Every company has to file Memorandum of Association.
- Alteration of Memorandum of Association is difficult.
- Articles of Association:
- It defines the objectives of the company that are to be achieved.
- This is the subsidiary document of the company which can be substituted by Table “F” of companies act.
- Articles define the relationship of the members and the company.
- It is not necessary for the public limited company.
- It can be altered by passing a special resolution.
Choice of form of Business organization:
(i) less costly in setting up the organization (ii) Limited liability (iii) continuous existence (iv) Form of raising capital (v) Control to be made (vi) Nature of business.
- Formation of a Company
- 1 Promotion. 2 Incorporation. Capital subscription.4 Commencement of Business:
Promotion: Functions of a Promoter:
(i) Finding out a business opportunity (ii) Conducting studies (iii) Getting the name approved. (iv) Fixing up persons to sign Memorandum of association
(v) Appointment of professionals (vii) preparation of necessary documents.
Documents: Memorandum of association:
(i) Name clause (ii) Registered office clause (iii) Objects clause (iv) Liability clause (v)Capital clause (vi) Association clause. (vii) Articles of association. (viii) Consent of directors (ix) Agreement with managing director or whole time director (x) statutory declaration
Incorporation:The memorandum of association must be duly stamped, signed and witnessed. (ii) The articles of association duly stamped and witnessed. (iii)Written permission of the directors. (iv) Agreement with the managing director/manager.(v)A copy of the registrar’s letter giving permission for the name. (vi) A declaration that all the legal requirements are followed.(vii) A notice about the exact office of the registered office. (viii) Documents showing the payment of fees.
Capital subscription:
(i) SEBI approval (ii) Filing of prospectus. (iii) Appointment of brokers, bankers etc., (iv) Collection of minimum subscription (v) Application to stock exchange (vi) Allotment of shares.
- Commencement of Business:
(i) A declaration about meeting minimum subscription requirement. (ii) A declaration regarding the application and allotment money paid by the directors as same as others. (iii) A declaration that no money is payable to the applicants because of the failure of the company. (iv) A statutory declaration that the above particulars are followed. (v) The registrar shall examine the documents if these are found satisfactory a certificate of commencement of business will be issued.
MCQs ( 1 MARK)
1.‘Profit do not have to be shared.’ This statement refers to
(a) Partnership(b) JHF(c) Sole proprietorship *(d) Company
2.Which of the following is not the feature of the sole trade?
(a) Individual Ownership(b) Limited Liability *
(c) Secrecy(d) Undivided Risk
3.Which of the following is not the advantage of the sole trade?
(a) Easy Formation(b) Unlimited Liability *
(c) Quick Decision(d) Personal Control
4.Which of the following is the limitation of the ‘Sole Trade’?
(a) Unlimited Liability(b) Limited Source of Capital
(c) Unbalanced Management(d) All of the above *
5.The head of the JHF Business is popularly known as
(a) Proprietor(b) Director (c) Karta *(d) Manager
6.The ‘Karta’ in the JHF Business has ……………………
(a) Limited Liability(b) Unlimited Liability *
(c) No Liability(d) Joint Liability
7.Which of the following is not the advantage of the JHF Business
(a) Easy to Start(b) Limited Resource *
(c) Secrecy(d) Direct Contact with Customers
- Very Short Answer type Questions:(1 Mark)
Q.1For which of the following types of business do you think a sole proprietorship form of organisation would be more suitable, and why?
(a) Grocery store (b) Medical store(c) Legal consultancy
(d) Craft centre(e) Internet café (f)Chartered accountancy firm.
Q.2Sole trade is good for which type of business?
Q.3Explain the following terms in brief
(a) Perpetual succession (b) Common seal(c) Karta (d) Artificial person
Q.4What is meant by ‘partner by estoppel’? Explain.
Q.5If registration is optional, why do partnership firms willingly go through this legal formality and get themselves registered? Explain.