Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom
South Africa 2520

Tel: 018 299-1111/2222

Unit for Open Distance Learning
Tel: 018285 2036
Fax: 087237 0795

July 2016

Dear HONS BA student,


The Faculty of Theology and the Unit for Open Distance Learning is utilizing a blended learning method of delivery for the HONS BA in Theology qualification.

Lectures will be transmitted from and be presented at the studios of the Unit for Open Distance Learning at the Potchefstroom Campus. The interactive whiteboard technology makes it possible for a lecturer to present a theology module in real time across all three of the NWU Campuses’ as well as to various open learning centres across South Africa and the world.

The software we use to make the broadcast is Smart Bridgit. The steps to join in on the classes are below for your use. Please remember when you make use of this broadcast, that your microphone and webcam are closed. The lecturer will give time for questions, when you can open your microphone if you have any questions. Otherwise you are welcome to contact the lecturer by e-mail after class, but an interactive question bank will also be available during the class. The classes will be presented in English and translated by the NWU'sinterpreting services into Afrikaans.You may join the meeting in the language of your choice.

Steps to make use of Bridgit:

1. Click this link to download SMART Bridgit software:

2. Copy the program short cut to your desktop.

3. Run Bridgit by clicking on the icon and click "Run"

4. Type in the server code:

5. Click on the "Join Meeting" tab at the top and then click on the drop down arrow next to "Meeting Name"

6. Choose the meeting name that will be used for the session.

What do you need to join the session?

  1. Internet Connection (At least 2MB download speed,
  2. Computer with speakers and a microphone headset if you want to join the discussion in class.

If you have any trouble making use of the software, please contact Christo Louw at

Questions during the session

If you want to ask a question during the class, you are welcome to use the question bank to post your question. The lecturer will see the question and answer it immediately. Please use the following links:



NTES673 Section A-C:

NTES673 Section D-F:

NTES673 Section G-H:


If you are unable to take part in the broadcast of classes, please note that all broadcast’s will be recorded and uploaded to Panopto:

You are welcome to make use of the recordings up to the exam date. The recordings will be available 48 hours after the live broadcast of each module.

Please use the following USERNAME and PASSWORD when trying to access the Hons BA video’s:

USERNAME: theology

PASSWORD: theology

Classes will be broadcast as follows:

Monday (No classes on a Wednesday) / Time:
11 July; 25 July;
15 August; 29 August;
12 September; 26 September
10 October / 17:00-17:50 MISS672 or LITK671
18:00-18:50 NTES673 Section A-C
19:00-19:50 NTES673 Section D-F
20:00-20:50 NTES673 Section G-H


The Examination of the second semester modules (2016) and the second opportunity of the first semester modules (2016) will take place in October/November 2016. The exact dates will be communicated later.

Please note that there is no formal examination for TEOL671. The student’s scientific article will be evaluated for the examination mark.

Lecturer Details:

Please note that the Lecturer Details may change, but such changes will be communicated in time:

Subject and Lecturer / Email address / Office Telephone
LITK671: Prof Ferdi Kruger / / 018 299 1592
MISS672: Prof Sarel van der Merwe / / 083 310 0372
Sec A-C: Dr Aldred Genade
Sec D-F: Prof Risimati Hobyane
Sec G-H: Dr Johannes Wessels /

/ 018 299 1605
018 299 1531
083 285 4567


Dr PM Theron Academic Manager: Theology