What am I?
Have your class work together to make riddles for objects used in Mass. Then have the students take turns reading their riddles to the class. Or you can play this game using the riddles below.
Directions: Divide the class into 2 teams. Each team is represented by who is sitting at the table. Ask a question to a team member from team one. If they answer correctly, that team gets a point. If they are incorrect, team 2 is asked the same question. If they are correct, they get the point, if they are incorrect, ask the next player from team one. Tally correct answers on the board for each team. (You can write a word list on the board for the students to pick from if it is needed).
1. I am white, green, or purple, depending on the season of the year. What am I? Altar cloth.
2. I am the place where the extra hosts are stored after Mass. What am I? The tabernacle.
3. I am the white robe that is worn over street clothes for priests and deacons. What am I? The Alb
4. I am the table of the Lord in the sanctuary. What am I? The altar.
5. I am the cup used by the priest/Eucharistic ministers for the Blood of Christ. What am I? The chalice.
6. I am the colored vestment worn only by the priest. What am I? The chasuble.
7. I am the gold cup with a lid for the Body of Christ in the Tabernacle. What am I? The ciborium.
8. I am the small white cloth placed in the center of the altar. What am I? The corporal.
9. I am small pitchers of water and wine for the Mass. What am I? Cruets.
10. I am an elevated desk or pulpit from where the Gospel and Epistle aredone. What am I? The ambo.
11. I am the book of scriptures read at the Liturgy of the Word. What am I? The Lectionary.
12. I am a stiff, white board placed over the chalice. What am I? The pall.
13. Iam a small dish usually used with the chalice. What am I? The paten.
14. I am a cloth covering used to hide the chalice and paten up to the offertory and after Communion. It is selected by the liturgical color for the service. What am I? The peplum (chalice veil).
15. I am the chair that the priests who presides at Mass stands in front of for opening rites, sits in for Scripture Readings, and stands again in front of for the communion prayer and concluding rites. What am I? The Presider’s Chair.
16. I am the book the priest prays from during the Mass at the altar. What am I? The Sacramentary.
17. I am the room where priests vest before Mass. What am I? The sacristy.
18. I am a long scarf worn by the priest around his neck and down the front of him. What am I? The stole.
19. I am the podium where the lector reads the Lectionary at Mass. What am I? The lectern.
20. I am the cord used as a belt for the alb. What am I? The cincture.
21. I am the colored vestment worn only by the deacon. What am I? The dalmatic.
22. I am the black/red/white vestment worn by altar servers and priest. What am I? The cassock.
23. I am the small white cloth used with the chalice. What am I? The purificator.
24. I am the small table off to one side of the sanctuary used for sacred vessels. What am I? The Credence Table.
25. I am an object that is rungduring the Consecration of the Mass. What am I? Bells.
26. I am a large ornate candle used at funerals, baptisms, and Easter until Pentecost. What am I? Paschal Candle.
27. I am the cross carried in and out of the Mass. What am I? The Processional Cross.
28. I am the small bowl for the priest to wash hands during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. What am I? The finger bowl.
29. I am the container for burning incense. What am I? The thurible.
30. I am the container for incense. What am I? Boat.
31. I am the holy water sprinkler. What am I? The aspergillum.
32. I am the holy water fountains or font as the entrances of the church. What am I? The stoup.