Habilitation procedures and Professorsnomination at
the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics
University of Žilina in Žilina
This material includes essential articles of the following documents:
Regulation No. 5/2009 FRI ZUfor initiation of Habilitation Procedure and Professorsnomination at Faculty of Management Science and Informatics at the University of Žilina in Žilina (hitherto Regulations No. 5/2009 FRI ZU)
Methodical recommendation No.2/2007 of Law Code for the procedure for obtaining scientific and pedagogic titles and artistic and pedagogic titles of Associate Professor and Professor at University of Žilina in Žilina (hitherto Methodical recommendationNo.2/2007 ZU)
Regulation No. 6/2005 of Law Code governing the procedure for obtaining scientific and pedagogic titles and artistic and pedagogic titles of Associate Professor and Professor at University of Žilina in Žilina (hitherto Regulation No. 6/2005 of Law Code)
Act No. 131/2008 on Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendments to some other Acts in wording of later modifications (hitherto Act)
General Provisions
- The application for habilitation as an Associate Professor or for the nomination as aProfessor at the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics,University of Žilina (hitherto FRI ZU),is possible to submitin following fields of study:
9.2.9 Applied Informatics
3.3.15 Management
- An applicant for habilitation as an Associate Professor must be after successful 3rd level of higher education concluded in the same or related field,in which the habilitation procedure will be carried out.An applicant for nomination as aProfessor must be habilitated in same or in related field in which the nomination isto be carried out.
- Expenses compensation connected with Habilitation procedures and Professor nomination is specified in the Internal Regulation of University of Zilina in Zilina no. 78 Fees, tuitions and payments associated with study and payments connected with scientific-pedagogical title granting are availableon the website (in Slovak):
Habilitation procedure
1.The applicant for habilitation as an Associate Professorsubmits the request in accordance with § 1 sect. 1 Regulationno.6/2005 of Law Code.: „ A habilitation procedure is initiated by submitting an application letter, which applicant submits in written form, to the Chairman of the Scientific Council of the University or to the Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Faculty, if the study program in relevant study field (hitherto “field”) iscarrying out at Faculty [hitherto “Scientific Council” (§ 83 sec. 4 of the Law Code)]. The applicant specifiesin application the field in which he/she is applying for.
2.Pursuant to § 1 section 2 RegulationNo.6/2005 of Law Code the request has to contain:
a) Habilitation thesis is to be submitted in four copies
A.In accordance with § 1, section 3 RegulationNo.6/2005 of Law Code applicant submits his
habilitation work as
- a monograph or
- a monothematic work containing new scientific experiences , or
- a set of published scientific works supplemented by commentary, or
- documentation on a work of art or artistic performance, or a set of works of art or artistic performances realized.
B. In accordance with § 1, section 4 RegulationNo.6/2005 of Law Code:After the approval by Chairman of Scientific Council , Habilitation work can be submitted in foreign language. Summary of Habilitation work is in Slovak language.
b) Biography,
c) Verified copy of a document on the completion of higher education,
d) Verified copy of a document on being granted a scientific-academic degree or artistic- academic degree.
Pursuant to § 54 Sec. 15 of Law Code - Graduates of doctoral study programs are awarded the academic degree of ”Philsophie Doctor” (abbreviated”Ph.D.”, used after the name). Pursuant to § 110 Sec. 3of Law Code–Postgraduates, who have studied due to former regulations leading to the award of the scientific degree ”Candidate of Science”, (abbreviated as ”CSc.”),or those who are awarded scientific-academic degree “Doctor” and scientific-academic degree “Philosophiae Doctor ” are entitled to use academic degree “Doctor”. In accordance with§ 54 sec. 15.), concerning the application ofobtaining the scientific-pedagogical degree.
e) Summary of the pedagogical activities and results achieved in educational work
Pursuant to§ 75 sec. 8 of Law Code - The academic teacher working in the post of Senior lecturer provides for the fulfillment of tasks in the field of education and in the field of science, technology or art in cooperation with Professorsand Associated Professors of higher education institution (Clauses 4 and 5). If the academic teacher working in the post of Senior lecturer has not obtained the academic degree of PhD. or scientific-pedagogical degree, he/she educates himself/herself to receive it. Among the working duties of a Senior lecturer in the field of education is, especially, giving lectures from selected chapters, supervising seminars and laboratory works and subsequent evaluation of students, and making an opponent of final theses (Section 51, Clause 3) in two initial levels of higher education, development of study materials, consultations for students, and provision of field trips and practical training of students. In the field of science and technology or art the working duties of a Senior lecturer include participation in research, development or artistic activities of the workplace and publishing their results in journals and at scientific, professional or artistic events, and cooperation in organization of scientific or artistic events. A qualification requirement for performing the post of a Senior lecturer is depending on concrete content of working tasks, higher education of the second level or higher education of the third level. Among the employment duties of a Senior lecturer is examining at the State examinations in Bachelor degrees programs.
f) List of original published scientific, professional and artistic works, textbooks, a summary of any scientific projects solved, scientific-technical or artistic projects developed, patents and inventor’s certificates, a summary of demonstrable references and responses to his scientific works, artistic works or creations, a summary of lectures and lecture stays at home and abroad
Each published item must be marked by identification code according to the publication activity categorization.
Besides the documentation specified by § 1, sec. 2 Regulation No.6/2005 of Law Code, applicant fills up the following data:
- Personal professional characteristic.
- Internal table of Criteria FRI ZU for Associate Professor habilitation and Professor nomination, attested by head of the department or workplace. Criteria are appendicles to Regulation No. 5/2009 FRI ŽU and also to this procedure.
- Originals, off-prints or copies of published works that were categorized per Criteria FRI ZU for Associate Professor habilitation and Professor nomination. Copies can be submitted either all in printed form or all in electronic form onattached memory medium.
- The proposal of three habilitation lecture topics.
Applicant delivers the application with enclosed documents to Department of Science and Research of FRI ZU.
3.Vice-dean for Science and Research checks application for all formal requisites data and in case of shortcomings the applicant is to be asked to remove them.
4.Chairman of the Faculty Scientific Council nominates 3-members Evaluation committee, which serves as advisorybody. Chairman of Evaluation committee submits the decision of Evaluation committee in written form to chairman of Faculty Scientific Council. In case of positive recommendations, the committee proposes the composition of Habilitation commission, opponents and topics of habilitation lectures.
5.Chairman of the Faculty Scientific Council inform applicant about the acceptance or refusal of the application or asks the applicant to remove the shortcomings.
6.Upon the positive statement of valuation committee, Chairman of Faculty Scientific Council submits the reviewed materials to Vice-rector for Science and Research ZU.Chairman of Faculty Scientific Council informs applicant about the decision of Vice-rector for Science and Research. In accordance with Methodical Recommendation No.2/2007 ZU sec. 5 thereby announcement habilitation procedure begins.
7.Pursuant to § 1 sec. 6 Regulation No.6/2005 of Law Code:„ If Chairman of Faculty Scientific Council discovers that application, according to section 1, is not furnished with all requirements due to sections 2 and 3, he asks applicant to remove all shortcomings and interrupt the habilitation procedure, furthermost for 1 year. If the applicant within the period does not remove all shortcomings, habilitation procedure will be terminated. “
8.Pursuant to § 1, sec. 8 Regulation No. 6/2005 of Law Code: „Within the six months from the beginning of habilitation procedure, Chairman ofFaculty Scientific Council, with the agreement from the members of Faculty the Scientific Council,appoints three opponents of the habilitation thesis and three members of the habilitation commission from experts. In doing so, only one opponent and only one member of the habilitation commission can be employee of the faculty or a higher education institution at which the habilitation procedure takes place.“
9.According to § 1 sec. 10 Regulation No. 6/2005 of Law Code: “The opponents of the habilitation thesis elaborate written statements within three monthssince being nominated as opponents. “
10.Procedure of Habilitation lecture is introduced in§ 1 sec.11, 12, 13, 14 RegulationNo. 6/2005 of Law Code: „ (11) Part of the habilitation procedure are habilitation lecture and habilitation thesis defense. (12) By presentation of Habilitation lecture, the applicant proves especially his pedagogical ability. The habilitation lecture is a public performanceand is heldin front of the Habilitation commission with the participation of at least five representatives of the Scientific Council. (13) During the habilitation thesis defense applicant proves his scientific qualification particularly in the area of habilitation thesis, responds the comments of opponents and proves overall view in corresponding professional field. The habilitation thesis defenseis open and take place before the Habilitation commission with the participation of at least five representatives of the Scientific Council and at least two opponents (14) Date, time and place of the habilitation lecture and date, time and place of habilitation thesis defense is announced by Chairman of Scientific Council at latest 14 days ahead in daily press and on the faculty webpage. Both habilitation activities (lecture and defense) should be realized within 9 months from officialbeginning of habilitation procedure. In announcementis stating the first name, surname and workplace of applicant, title of the habilitation lecture and title of the habilitation thesis. Habilitation lecture and habilitation thesis defensemust be carried out at latest 10 months after beginning of habilitation procedure.“
11.According to § 1 sec. 15 Regulation No. 6/2005 of Law Code: „Habilitation commission evaluates the fulfillment of requirements according to § 76 sec. 1, 3, 4 and 6 of Law Code, according to criteria for Associate Professor habilitation and on the base of a submitted materials, opponents' reviews, professionalevaluation of the level of habilitation lecture and result of the habilitation thesis defense,evaluates in general the pedagogical level, scientific and artistic activity of the applicant and at latest one month after habilitation lecture and habilitation thesis defense proposes to Chairman of theFaculty Scientific Council the proposal withrecommendation togrant the applicant degree of Associative Professor in relevant field or proposal with recommendation not to grant the degree of Associative Professor in relevant field“.
12.According to § 2 sec. 1, 2, 3, 4 Regulation No. 6/2005 of Law Code.: „(1) Scientific Council discuss the proposal of the Habilitation commissiondue to § 1 sec. 15 at the latest 6 months from itssubmissionin the presence of chairman of Habilitationcommission or a member of this commission delegated by its Chairman.Commissionevaluates, whether applicant fulfill the requirements for obtaining degree of Associative Professor anddecides, whether nominate or not to nominate the applicant asAssociate Professor in the respective field. If applicant, according to decisionof ScientificCouncil, doesn’tfulfill requirements, Scientific Councildoesn’t grant the degree of Associative Professor and the chairman informs the applicant in written form with the decision along with reasoning within 30 days from decision making. Period for potential repeated application submission for obtaining degree of Associative Professor is defined in Negotiating order of Scientific Council. This period may not be longer thanthree years. (3) The Scientific Councilvotes by secret ballot upon the proposed habilitation of the candidate to Associate Professor; the Scientific Council shall decide by a majority of its members’ votes upon the proposal of whether to nominate the applicant as anAssociative Professor. (4)If Faculty Scientific Council makes decision to grant or not to grant the proposed nomination as an Associate Professor,Chairman of the Scientific Council deliversdecision with all documents from the previous course of the habilitation to the Rector of Universitywithin 30 days from the decision „
13.According to § 3 sections 1, 2, 3 RegulationNo. 6/2005 of Law Code: „ (1) The Rector grants the degree of Associative Professor to applicant within 2 months from receiving the decision of Faculty Scientific Council. The document on nomination as an Associate Professor is a decree on the nomination as an Associate Professor issued by a higher education institution. By signing the decree by the rector, the habilitation procedure is finished. 2) The decree shall indicate:
a) First name, surname, birthday of the applicant ,
b)Field the applicant is nominated for ,
c) Regulation according to which the nomination was conducted,
d) Name of the faculty and higher education institution where the habilitation took
e)Title of the habilitation thesis,
f) First name and surname of the chairman of the Habilitation commission,
g) Date of effectiveness of the nomination.
(3) The decree of the nomination as an Associate Professoris to be made on the certificate with the state emblem in a drawing supplied with a print of a round seal with the state symbol of the Slovak Republic“
B. Nomination procedure
1.The applicant for nomination as aprofessorsubmits the proposal in accordance with § 4 sect. 1 Regulation no.6/2005 of Law Code.:„A nomination procedure is initiated by submitting an application letter in written form to Chairman of the Scientific Council of the faculty or a higher education institution. In application letter, the applicant specifies the field in which he/she is applying for. “
2.The application shall be furnished in accordance with § 4 section 2 Regulation No.6/2005 of Law Code with:
a) Biography,
b) Verified copy of a document on the completion of higher education,
c) Verified copy of the decree on the nomination as Associate Professor,
d) Summary of the pedagogical activities and results achieved in educational work,
(§ 75 sec. 5 of Law Code)
The academic teacher, working upon the positionas Associated Professor connected with the fulfillment of tasks in the field of education and in the field of sciencecontributes,in cooperation with professor working in the same field, to the development of knowledge in this study field. He warrants or takes part upon the guarantee of quality and development of Bachelors study program, which is carried out at the Faculty, if Professor doesn’t carry outthis activity. Among the working duties of Associated Professor in the field of education is, especially giving lectures, supervising seminars and subsequent evaluation of students inclusive with examinations on the state exams, supervising of doctoral students, supervising and act as opponent of final theses (Section 51, Clause 3) and design of Study programs. In the field of science and technology or art the working duties of a Associated Professor include participation in research, development or artistic activities of the workplace and publishing their results in journals and at scientific, professional or artistic events on the international level and cooperation in organization of scientific or artistic events.
e) List of original published scientific, professional and artistic works, textbooks and university textbooks, a summary of any scientific projects solved, scientific-technical or artistic projects developed, patent and inventor’s certificates, a summary of demonstrable references and responses to his scientific works, artistic works or creations, a summary of lectures and lecture stays at home and abroad,
f) Most significant scientific, professional, or artistic works, textbooks, study texts, documents of artistic works or artistic performances,
Besides the documentation specified by § 1, sec. 2 Regulation No.6/2005 of Law Code, applicant fill up the following data:
- Personal professional characteristic
- Internal table of Criteria FRI ZU for Associated Professor habilitation and Professor nomination, attested by Head of the Department or workplace. Criteria are appendicles to Regulation No. 5/2009 FRI ŽU and also this procedure
- Originals, off-prints or copies of published works, which were categorized per Criteria FRI ZU for Associate Professor habilitation and Professor nomination. Copies can be either all printed or all in electronic form on attached memory medium.
- The proposal of one inauguration lecture topic.
3.Applicant delivers the application with enclosed documents to Department of Science and Research of FRI ZU.
4.Vice-dean for Science and Research checks application for all formal requisites data and in case of shortcomings the applicant is asked to remove it.
5.Chairman of Scientific Council FRI ZU nominate 3-members Evaluation committee, which serves as advisory organ. Chairman of Evaluation committee submits the decision of Evaluation committee in written form to theChairman of Faculty Scientific Council FRI ZU. In case of positive recommendations, the committee proposes the composition of Inauguration commission, opponents and topic of Inauguration lecture.
6.Chairman of Faculty Scientific Council FRI ZU inform applicant about the acceptance or refusal of the application or order the applicant to remove his shortcomings.
7.Upon the positive statement of Evaluation committee, Chairman of Faculty Scientific
Council FRI ZU submits the reviewed materials to Vice-rector for Science and
Research ZU. Chairman of Faculty Scientific Council FRI ZU inform applicant about
the decision of Vice-rector for Science and Research. In accordance with Methodical
Recommendation No.2/2007 ZU sec. 5 thereby announcement of nomination
procedure begins
8.According to § 4 sec. 4 Regulation No.6/2005 of Law Code: „ If Chairman of Faculty Scientific Council discovers, that application, according to section 1, is not furnished with all requirements according to section 2, applicant is asked to remove all shortcomings and the nomination procedure is interrupted, furthermost for 1 year. If the applicant within the period does not remove all shortcomings, nomination procedure is terminated”.
9.According to § 4, sec. 6 and 7 Regulation No. 6/2005 of Law Code: „(6) Within the six months from the beginning of nomination procedure, Chairman of Faculty Scientific Council with the agreement of the Scientific Council appoints three opponents of the inauguration thesis, four members of the Inauguration commission from significant experts and at least on expert from foreign country. In doing so, only one opponent and only one member of the inauguration commission can be employee of the Faculty or a higher education institution at which the nomination takes place. (7) At least one of the opponents and the chairman of the nomination commission have to be active professor in the field or relative field of study at the University, or they have to be significant scientific persons in the field or relative field of study or significant international accepted specialists or artists.“