AP U.S. HistoryChapter 19 Summary: From Crisis to Empire
- The Politics of Equilibrium
a.Federal jobs
i.Huge increase in number
ii.Awarded to party loyalists
c.Pendleton Act
i.Set guidelines for appointments
ii.Public service improved
d.Republican party splits
- Supported Democrat Cleveland
- Disliked ______in Republican party
- Favored spoils system
- Chester Arthur
- Favored merit system
- James ______
- Farmers and Workers
a.Farmers organize to oppose wealthy
b.Patrons of Husbandry ______
i.Mysterious rituals
ii.Blamed ______
iii.Created cooperative enterprises
c.Farmers’ Alliance
i.Took political stands
ii.Advocated free ______
d.Farmers’ Alliance forms People’s Party
i.Platform included ______income tax, eight-hour workday, and immigration restrictions
ii.Were known as Populists
e.Free Silver
i.Unlimited coinage of silver
- William Jennings Bryan
a.Very eloquent speaker
b.______; embraces free silver
c.Ignored Populist nomination
d.First candidate to “stump” for himself in a ______campaign
e.Carried the South and the agrarian west in the Election of 1896
- Stirrings of Imperialism
a.Americans follow European lead
i.Wanted to become a world power
ii.Economic competition
b.James ______
i.Wanted to expand influence in Latin America
ii.Conference encourages ______
iii.Customs union and system for settling disputes rejected
c.U.S. asserts power in foreign affairs with a dispute between Venezuela and Great Britain
d.Alfred ______argues for a modern navy
- Building Support for Imperialism
a.America eyes ______
i.Seen as a good Pacific base
ii.Severe depression hurts Hawaii; America intervenes
iii.Queen ______overthrown
iv.U.S. annexes Hawaii
- The Spanish-American War
a.Americans call for war against Spain
i.U.S.S. Maine explodes in ______harbor
ii.Yellow Journalism
iii.Aggressive nationalism in Republican party
b.War in Cuba
i.Well-organized ______effort
ii.Army mobilization poorly conducted
- Unsanitary conditions in camps
- Epidemics kill many
iii.______attack Kettle Hill then San Juan Hill
c.War Against the Philippines
i.Dewey quickly defeats ______warships
ii.Rebel leader Emilio ______
- First fights on the side of the Americans
- Becomes suspicious and then fights against the Americans
- The Spanish-American War Ends
a.Treaty of Paris of ______
i.Ends Spanish-American War
ii.Cuba becomes independent
iii.U.S. acquires Puerto Rico and ______
iv.U.S. pays Spain $20 million for the Philippines
- After the Spanish-American War
i.Aguinaldo attacks Americans
ii.Americans set up ______camps
iii.Taft reforms education, health, transportation, etc.
iv.Americans allow greater ______
b.Platt Amendment
i.Cuban debts had to be low
ii.U.S. could intervene in Cuba to protect it
iii.Cuba had to allow U.S. to buy/lease naval stations
- American Diplomacy in Asia
a.Theodore Roosevelt becomes ______after McKinley’s assassination
b.The Open Door Policy
i.Created to allow global trade with China despite spheres of influence