Spring Field Trip Fact Sheet – Deanna Rose Farm

What are the departure and arrival times for this field trip?

The bus will depart OLP ECC around 8:15am. On each day students will be divided into three groups and we will take guided tours. Before and after the guided tour each group will have some time to explore the farm. The groups will come back together at 12:15 to each lunch in the lunch area provided. The boarding process to depart from the zoo will need to begin by 12:45pm. The arrival time back at OLP ECC should be around 1:30pm.

When is my child’s field trip permission slip due?

We must have all field trip permission slips turned back into the front office by Monday, April 24 so we have time to put together our bus rosters. Please do not turn in your child’s slip to their classroom teacher.

What happens if I have students in different classes and they are scheduled to attend the field trip on different days?

We do our best to try to make sure all siblings are scheduled to attend field trips on the same day, however this does not always work out. If you are planning on attending the field trip and would like for siblings to attend together make sure to notify their classroom teachers in advance.

Who can attend this field trip?

Any family members that would like to attend this field trip are more than welcome to join us. Anyone other than students and teachers will be required to use their own transportation to the farmstead. If you are planning on attending please let your child’s teacher know.

What is the cost to attend this field trip?

There is no cost for students to attend. The cost for the field trip and the bus transportation is included in the activity fee paid at the beginning of the school year. Family members who will be attending the field trip are responsible for purchasing their own admission Information about admission and location of Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead can be found at http://www.opkansas.org/things-to-see-and-do/deanna-rose-childrens-farmstead/

What will my child eat for lunch?

All students are to bring a lunch with a drink. The lunch should be brought in a disposable container and must be labeled with the child’s name. Their teacher will have a container to place all of the class lunches in to transport on the field trip. We can’t guarantee the lunches will be kept cold so please check with your child’s teacher to see what kind of container the lunches will be stored in. If you are attending the field trip and are planning on purchasing lunch for your child please let your child’s teacher know the morning of the trip.

What is my child required to wear?

All students are required to wear the yellow OLP ECC field trip shirt. We realize that some students may have different colored shirts from our summer session but all students must wear the yellow shirt for this field trip. Due to the number of groups that attend Deanna Rose during the months of April and May we want to make sure that all of our students are in the same field trip shirts for safety reasons. If your child needs a yellow shirt one can be purchased at the front office. Also please make sure to dress your child in comfortable weather appropriate clothing and shoes for walking.

What if my child will not be riding the bus?

If your child will not be riding on the bus at all for the field trip please make sure to tell your child’s teacher prior to the morning of the field trip. This information will be added to the bus roster so we are not looking for your child during the check in process. If your child is going to ride the bus back to OLP ECC and was not on the bus originally you will need to notify your child’s teacher before they start the check in process to board the bus. Finally if you decide your child is going to leave the field trip with you and they originally rode the bus to the field trip you will need to notify your child’s teacher before they start the check in process to board the bus. All teachers will have a roster for parents to sign if their child is going to leave from the field trip location with them.

What if we want to stay longer at Deanna Rose?

If you attend the field trip with your child and you would like to enjoy the farmstead longer than the allotted time for the field trip you are welcome to stay with your child.

For questions, call (816) 251-1140 or e-mail or