Ensign James Luna East Texas Chapter

Society of the War of 1812 in Texas

2012 Annual Report-07 April 3013

The Ensign James Luna Chapter enjoyed a very active slate of events in 2012. On 19 May 2012, the Chapter had a well attended tour of the American Heritage Museum in Bullard, Texas. This Museum contains artifacts from all wars in which the United States has been engaged. The Museum also features documents signed by all Presidents of the United States. A business meeting/luncheon following the Museum tour was held at The Ribmasters Restaurant in Bullard. Proclamations were obtained from the Henderson County, Texas Commissioners Court and the City of Athens, TX on 18 June 2012 in recognition of the Declaration of War against Great Britain in 1812. Coverage of same was published in the Athens Review newspaper. Compatriot Tom Gann also had a memorial page published in the Lufkin, Texas newspaper, in June, listing names and bios of 1812 Veterans who resided in or interred in Angelina County, Texas. At the 05 November 2012 dedication of the Henderson and Van Zandt Counties “New Directions” facility for homeless veterans, Chapter President Luna presented United States Congressman Jeb Hensarling the 1812 Commemorative Medal and Certificate for his service to his District and the United States. During the presentation, Congressman Hensarling remarked he had a Grandfather who was a soldier in the War of 1812. Presentation was publicized by the Congressman’s Staff. This item was submitted to“The 1812 War Cry”for publication. A Memorial Service honoring the 1431812 Veterans who resided in or who are interred in 27 East Texas Counties was held on 08 December 1812 at the historic 117 year old “Brushy Creek Methodist Church”. This solemn occasion included; intoning the names of the 1812 Veterans who resided in or are interred in East Texas and ringing of the Church’s bell. Texas Society 1812 President Peter Rowley attended and presented an interesting and informativeoverview on causes and results of the War of 1812. A reception was held immediately following the service. Information and photos of the event have been submitted to “The 1812 War Cry” for publication. In 2013,The Chapter proposes to actively pursue the marking of 1812East Texas Veterans graves and other programs to garner public attention and recognition of the United States’ Second War of Independence. One new member was added in 2012, David Hanover, who also is the current President General of The Sons of the Republic of Texas. Recruiting efforts continue with several interested prospects.

Respectfully Submitted, Charles E. Luna, President Ensign James Luna East Texas Chapter Texas Society of the War of 1812