This SDS is not mandated under REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and is provided for informationonly.

1.1.Product identifier



1.2.Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advisedagainstIdentifiedusesConcentrated material for manufacturing purposesonly.

1.3.Details of the supplier of the safety datasheet

Companyname:Sensory Perfection


135 Hughenden Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3TF, UK

Contact:Jo Cateley



+44 1424 532737

1.1Emergency telephonenumberEmergencyphone: +44 1424 532737

2.1.Classification of the substance ormixtureClassification

CommentThis product does not meet the criteria for classification in any hazard class accordingto

Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substancesandmixtures.



Classification (67/548/EEC or- 1999/45/EC)

2.2.Label elements

HazardstatementsNC NotClassified

2.3.Other hazards



The Full Text for all R-Phrases and Hazard Statements are Displayed in Section16.

4.1.Description of first aidmeasures

GeneralinformationNo specificrecommendations.

InhalationMove affected person to fresh air at once. Get medical attention if any discomfortcontinues.

IngestionIf necessary, rinse mouth and provide fresh air. Get medical attention if anydiscomfortcontinues.

SkincontactWash skin thoroughly with soap andwater.

EyecontactRinse immediately with plenty of water. Remove any contact lenses and open eyelidswideapart. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if anydiscomfortcontinues.

4.2.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute anddelayed

4.3.Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatmentneededNotes for thedoctorNo specificrecommendations.

5.1.Extinguishing media

Suitable extinguishingmediaExtinguish with the following media: Foam, carbon dioxide or drypowder.



5.2.Special hazards arising from the substance ormixture


Oxides ofcarbon.

5.3.Advice forfirefighters

Protective actionsduringfirefighting

Containers close to fire should be removed or cooled withwater.

Specialprotective equipment forfirefighters

Wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and appropriateprotectiveclothing.

6.1.Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergencyprocedures

PersonalprecautionsWear suitable protective equipment, including gloves, goggles/face shield, respirator,boots,clothing or apron, as appropriate. In case of spills, beware of slippery floors andsurfaces.


6.2.Environmental precautions

EnvironmentalprecautionsNo negative effects on the aquatic environment areknown.

6.3.Methods and material for containment and cleaningup

Methods for cleaningupContain and absorb spillage with sand, earth or other non-combustible material. Collectandplace in suitable waste disposal containers and seal securely. Label the containerscontainingwaste and contaminated materials and remove from the area as soon as possible.Washthoroughly after dealing with aspillage.

6.4.Reference to other sections

7.1.Precautions for safehandling

UsageprecautionsHandle all packages and containers carefully to minimisespills.

7.2.Conditions for safe storage, including anyincompatibilities

StorageprecautionsStore in tightly-closed, original container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keepawayfrom heat, sparks and open flame. Protect from freezing and directsunlight.


7.3.Specific end use(s)

8.1.ControlparametersOccupational exposurelimitsDIETHYLPHTHALATE

Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 5mg/m³Short-term exposure limit (15-minute): WEL 10mg/m³

WEL = Workplace ExposureLimit

8.2.Exposure controls


Eye/faceprotectionEyewear complying with an approved standard should be worn if a risk assessmentindicateseye contact is possible. The following protection should be worn: Chemical splash gogglesorfaceshield.

HandprotectionChemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be wornifa risk assessment indicates skin contact ispossible.

Other skinand bodyprotection

Wear appropriate clothing to prevent any possibility of skin contact. Wear apron orprotectiveclothing in case ofcontact.

HygienemeasuresNo specific hygiene procedures recommended but good personal hygiene practicesshouldalways be observed when working with chemicalproducts.

RespiratoryprotectionNo specific recommendations. Respiratory protection may be required if excessiveairbornecontaminationoccurs.


9.1.Information on basic physical and chemicalpropertiesAppearanceLiquid.




Relativedensity~ 1.102 @20°C

9.2.Other information

Refractiveindex~ 1.502 @20°C


10.2.Chemical stability

StabilityStable at normal ambienttemperatures.

10.3.Possibility of hazardousreactions

Possibility ofhazardousreactions

Will notpolymerise.

10.4.Conditions to avoid

Conditions toavoidAvoid heat, flames and other sources ofignition.

10.5.Incompatible materials

Materials toavoidStrong oxidising agents.Strong acids.Strongalkalis.

10.6.Hazardous decomposition products


Thermal decomposition or combustion products may include the following substances:Oxidesof carbon. Oxides ofnitrogen.

11.1. Information on toxicologicaleffects

GeneralinformationNo specific health hazardsknown.InhalationNo specific health hazardsknown.

IngestionNo specific health hazards known. No harmful effects expected from quantities likely tobeingested byaccident.

SkincontactNo specific health hazardsknown.

EyecontactVapour or spray in the eyes may cause irritation andsmarting.

Acute and chronichealthhazards

No specific health hazardsknown.

MedicalsymptomsNo specific symptoms noted, but this chemical may still have adverse health impact, eitheringeneral or on certainindividuals.

MedicalconsiderationsMay cause allergic contact eczema. Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause thefollowingadverse effects: Allergic rash. Get medicalattention.

EcotoxicityNo negative effects on the aquatic environment areknown.


12.2.Persistence and degradability

Persistence and degradability The product is expected to bebiodegradable.

12.3.Bioaccumulative potential

BioaccumulativepotentialThe product does not contain any substances expected to bebioaccumulating.

12.4.Mobility in soil

MobilityThe product is insoluble inwater.

12.5.Results of PBT and vPvBassessment

Results of PBTand vPvBassessment

This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT orvPvB.

12.6.Other adverse effects

13.1. Waste treatmentmethods

GeneralinformationWaste is suitable forincineration.

DisposalmethodsDispose of waste to licensed waste disposal site in accordance with the requirements ofthelocal Waste DisposalAuthority.

GeneralThe product is not covered by international regulations on the transport of dangerousgoods(IMDG, IATA,ADR/RID).


14.2.UN proper shippingnameNotapplicable.

14.3.Transport hazardclass(es)No transport warning signrequired.


14.5.Environmental hazards

Environmentally hazardous substance/marinepollutantNo.

14.6.Special precautions foruserNotapplicable.

14.7.Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and the IBCCode

Transport in bulkaccording to Annex II of MARPOL73/78and the IBCCode


15.1.Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance ormixture

EUlegislationRegulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of16December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures(asamended).

Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of18December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and RestrictionofChemicals (REACH) (asamended).

GuidanceWorkplace Exposure LimitsEH40.

15.2.Chemical safety assessment

Key literature referencesandsources fordata

European Chemicals Agency,




This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used incombinationwith any other materials or in any process. Such information is, to the best of the company's knowledge and belief,accurateand reliable as of the date indicated. However, no warranty, guarantee or representation is made to its accuracy, reliabilityorcompleteness. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability of such information for his ownparticular use.