Error in linear Algebra !!
Both MATLAB commands return the same x.
Naomi asked a very good question recently—how do you put confidence limits on a lagged covariance plot. This is done by hypothesis testing where the null hypothesis is that there is no correlation—and the null hypothesis is rejected where the correlation coefficient exceeds a defined confidence level.
In hypothesis testing two types of errors are possible.
In type-1 errors the null hypothesis is rejected when the null hypothesis is true and the probability of this error is denoted by (Here we would say that the correlation is significant when it is not)
In type-2 errors occur then the null hypothesis is accepted when it is in fact false (here we say the correlation is not significant when in fact it is. The probability of type-2 errors are
Testing the significance levels for correlation coefficient.
We choose the rejection region in terms of r at a chosen significant level for different degrees of freedom (N-2). (Use Appendix E not C!!). This shows the significance levels for the degrees of freedom for the 5% and 1% confidence limits.
The procedure for finding confidence intervals for the correlation coefficient r is to transform it into the standard normal variable Zr
Which has the standard error
The appropriate confidence interval is then
Zr-Zz<Z< Zr+Zz
So if your normalized correlation coefficient Z is less than Zz then you can’t say within the prescribed confidence limits that your estimate of the correlation coefficient is different from zero. In other words you can’t say that the data sets are correlated.
To transform this back to r call Zz =C
What would the confidence limit for 95% confidence limit test for significance for 30 degrees of freedom?
From the Guassian Distribution
Transform this back to r with above equation requires that the correlation needs to be above 0.36 to be significant.
You can also just look up this value in appendix E in Emery and Thompson (however, I’m getting slightly different answers—for example in the above example while both the book and this calculation agree—for 8 degrees of freedom (N=10) I calculate a significance level of .630, while the book reports .632)
Before going back into Fourier Analysis—I want to talk about ellipses—it’ll be a good review of complex numbers, and it’s very useful when applying the least-squares fitting that we have been applying to a scaler time series. When LSQ fitting is performed to a vector time series, such as current or wind measurements—it is extremely useful to characterize the periodic motion in terms of its ellipse. Since I’m an oceanographer I’ll refer this to as the tidal ellipse—can be used for inertial motion which occurs in ocean and atmosphere—but probably not in the geochemical record.
Tidal ellipse
R= Acost+Bsint+i (Ccost+Dsint)
R=(A+iC) cos(B+iD) sint
Since we are dealing with vector that oscillates at a single frequency this can be represented in terms of a clockwise rotating vector and a counter clockwise rotating vector.
R=R+eit+ R-e-it
Where R+ and R- are the radii of the clockwise and counter-clockwise rotating constituents.
R= R+( cost+isint) + R-( cost-isint)
R=( R++ R-) cost +i( R+- R-) sint
Solving for R+ and R- by equating the two bold equations above we find:
The magnitude of these are then
Now the amplitude of the Major Axis is R++ R- And the amplitude of the minor axis is R+- R-
While the orientation and phase of the ellipses:
OREN= 0.5*(G1+G2);
Note relationship between discrete Fourier transform and correlation. If there is a correlation between a sinusoid and the data this operation will yield a higher value than one where the correlation is weak. For the correlation to be large requires that the signal have some energy at this frequency. Since the Fourier components are orthogonal each component will uniquely pick up a correlation with the signal. The sum of these coefficients then completely describes the signal.
The Complex Conjegent
Cn= C*-n
Z Z*=(x+iy)(x-iy)=x2+y2
For element-by-element vector or matrix multiplication
Z. *conj(Z)
This is useful when taking spectra in MATLAB
Gate Function
=1 –1/2 < x < ½
=0 elsewhere
Extend F.T. to Generalized functions
Write slightly differently (integral goes from –T/2 to T/2)
The Gate Function (this is the sampling record)
Sinc function
Now consider a gate function that has the same area but the time that it is non zero is 1/T
1/T * GATE(t/T)
So as it gets shorter it gets taller, but the integral remains the same.
The Fourier Transform of this is
1/T * GATE(t/T)
Draw this as Gate, with T=2, showing gate narrowing and bringing the function to the Dirac delta function
Finally the Fourier transform of a Gated Sinwave
Fast Fourier Transform
Note the number of operations to do discrete Fourier Transform.
Power Spectra