December 12, 2016

Council President Clentin Martin called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

All those present repeated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

PRESENT: Bartley, Costello, Fajt, Iezzi, Martin, Rosensteel, Mayor Dobies

PRESENT:Engineer Douglas Regola, Solicitor Timothy Fedele,

ABSENT: Yarnell


APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING'S MINUTES: A motion was made byCostello/Bartley to accept the November 14,2016 minutes.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain - Motion carried.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. Dusch reviewed the correspondence and copies were provided via Moodle.


MAYOR: A copy of the Novemberpolice report was made available to council on Moodle: 101 incidents, 22 citations, 0parking notices, 1 arrests, 1952miles logged on the cars and $781.61collected in fines and reports.

POLICE & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: No further police report, Mr. Furin read the Emergency Management report.



FIRE & WATER: The November report was read by Mr Rosensteel. There were 27 alarms.Jim Bold questioned his insurance billing and monitoring billing was addressed. Questioned the mileage allocation for previous years. Department advised of PO’s and the 2017 Budget.

PARKS & RECREATION: All new business.

PLANNING, ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT: Mr. Bartley presented the Zoning Officer’s report for November: 3 permit issued.1 Sign Permit, 1 Fence Permit, 1 Accessory Building Permits.

Discuss “Blue House paying for permits”. Noah Ark leaves and grass clippings dumped on Borough Property. UCC Report for August: no report.



SEWAGE AUTHORITY REPORT: Update on status of retention tank. No action as of yet. Glaser family has lost interest and Municipal Authority is not interested in the project any longer.

Waiting for DEP response.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Mrs. Lewis presented the financial reports. Motion to accept October 2016 Financial Report made by Yarnell /Rosensteel.

Vote: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain – Motion Carried



  1. Motion was made Bartley/Fajtto approve Casual Road Crew wage increase of $0.70 an hour.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain - Motion carried.

  1. Motion was made by Costello/ Rosensteel to redo Loan with First Commonwealth, Balance 44607.00 over 3 years. Max interest rate 6.73% now paying 5.22%. Can get 3.5% and pay monthly instead of end of year.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain - Motion carried.

  1. Motion was made by Costello/ Rosensteelto approve Resolution 2017-1 setting the budget for 2017.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1Not Present, 0 Abstain - Motion carried.

  1. Motion was made by Fajt/ Bartley to approve Ordinance 2017-1 setting real estate tax for Fiscal Year 2017 at 20.77 mil.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain - Motion carried.

  1. Motion by Rosensteel/ Bartley to approve the request for 10 sewer taps from the Greater Greensburg Sewage Authority for 2017.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain - Motion carried.

  1. Motion was made Bartley/ to approve the indenture agreement with the Greater Greensburg Sewage Authority for 2017.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain - Motion carried.

  1. Motion was made by Costello/ to approve payment schedule for garbage bills for 2017. No cash payments. Payments will be accepted by check, money order or credit card.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain - Motion carried.

  1. Motion was made by Iezzi/ Costello to approve membership with G-13 for 2017 year.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain - Motion carried.

  1. Motion was made Fajt/ Bartleyto approve Police Car Wash Contract with Greensburg Auto Spa in the amount of $810.00.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain - Motion carried

  1. Motion was made by Fajt/ Costello to approve the Meeting Dates for 2017.

VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present,0 Abstain – Motion carried

  1. Motion was made by Fajt/ Costello to allow businesses to advertise on our electronic sign, would be restricted to words only, two slides only, no graphics and only changed once a month.

1 month $40.00

6 months $200.00

12 month $375.00

VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0Abstain – Motion Carried

  1. Motion was made by Costello/ Bartley to allow SBGB Recreation to send letter to Hempfield Lumberkings ending their lease 12/31/16.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain – Motion Carried

  1. Motion was made by Costello/ Bartley to approve Hempfield Youth Sports League to use our batting cage two times monthly for 2 hours each time in exchange for continued use of shared equipment.

VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present,0 Abstain – Motion Carried

  1. Motion was made by Costello/ Fajt to approve a public meeting with Jeff Richards (SGBG Park Commission) for community input, January 25, 2017 6-8pm, Hirst Hall.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain – Motion Carried

  1. Motion was made by Costello/ Rosensteel to approve the meeting schedule of SGBG REC Board.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain – Motion Carried

  1. Motion was made by Costello/ Iezzi to approve the meeting schedule of the SGBG Community Park Commission.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0No , 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain – Motion Carried

  1. Motion to approve membership to COG by Iezzi/ Fajt.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain – Motion Carried



APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion to Approve Payment of Bills made by Iezzi/ Fajt

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain – Motion Carried

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Fajt/ Bartley to enter executive session for personnel reasons.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain – Motion Carried

ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Fajt/ Costello to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 pm.

VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present, 0 Abstain - Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

M. Michele Dusch