Agenda: Documenting Transition in the IEP
______County Schools
Transition: A Process, Not An Event
Examining District Data
IEP Checklist-Understanding the requirements
Self Assessment: Root Cause Analysis
Documents for this professional development activity:
1-Mapping Transition Services (
2-IEP Checklist for Transition (
3-Transition Assessment (
4-Transition IEP Checklist Examples by Question (attachment)
5-Real Sample Transition Services pages from district IEPs where names are concealed (copy the same components as in Handout 2 above). It is appropriate to reproduce these in one person’s handwriting or typing so participants who might have developed these do not feel targeted. Provide each team with at least 5-6 sample IEPs.
6-Root Cause Analysis (attachment)
7-Web Access (specifically to show participants where links for transition resources are located)
- Start at
- Add osp at the end of the http address to proceed to the Office of Special Programs page
- Click on Improving Results/Instructional Support tab at left
- Click on Transition to Postschool Outcomes link
- Click on Explore Transition Services Here link
- Click on Resources link
- Click on Web Resources link and show participants what is located at each link: Agency Links, Career Exploration Resources, Transition Resources, and Web Documents. Explain that specifically exploring each might be another PD day.
Process Agenda: Documenting Transition in the IEP
Note: Times for each section to be determined by total amount of time for PD event.
Transition: A Process, Not An Event
Activating Prior Knowledge: Staff discuss their understanding of transition services for students with disabilities, identify the components of transition, and the requirements for transition services under IDEA and Policy 2419 in small groups. The facilitator begins a “master list” of the components of transition to allow participants to begin to understand that transition is a process.
Direct Instruction: Facilitator uses Mapping Transition Services (Handout 1-colorful flowchart) to guide thinking about transition as a process instead of a onetime event and that the process is detailed but easy to understand.
Reflection:Participants are asked how the transition map visual might assist students and parents to understand this required process and how they might use the map.
IEP Checklist-Understanding the requirements
Direct Instruction: Facilitator distributes Handout 2 and discusses the document assisting staff to understand each question of the checklist and the location for recording specific transition information in the IEP using the dots in the document that correspond to each of the 8 questions.
Note: Active Learning:If time, facilitator would disseminate only pages 1-4 of this document. After the discussion, the participants would be placed in small groups and provided blank IEP and meeting notice pages to add their own dots for each question. Follow up discussion would provide them with the remaining pages (5-8) to allow time for self checking and follow up discussion when their answers do not match the dots pages.
Reflection: Facilitator leads discussion (first in small groups, then whole group) regarding questions of particular challenge to his or her district. If there is a pervasive issue, then focus specifically on that question or questions.
Direct Instruction: Facilitator distributes Handouts 3 and 4 and briefly explains that Handout 3 is merely an expansion of the Transition IEP Checklist. Handout 4 relates directly to question 3 on the Transition IEP Checklist and provides not only assessment groups, but kinds of assessments in each group and specific examples of assessments in each group. At the least, discuss what the district currently uses for transition assessments across the 8th through 12th grade school years and how those results connect to IEP development.
Note: Active Learning:If time, the facilitator may plan to expand the discussion around transition assessments after the next section (Examining District Data) if question 3 of the Transition IEP Checklist is of particular concern in the district. The ensuing focus might target determining where the challenges lie specifically (programmatic levels, groups of students with particular challenges, etc.) then development of a district wide plan for transition assessment from grades 8 through graduation. This process could be extremely valuable and reduce repetition. The links on the document could also be accessed allowing participants to explore parts of those documents and be assigned specific tasks.
Examining District Data
Active Learning: Using the handouts prepared for Handout 5 the facilitator groups participants who then use the handouts from the previous section to examine Transition IEP Checklist questions that meet the standard, then highlight problematic areas on the IEPs from the district. Each team then presents their findings and suggests a plan for improvement. The facilitator and/or central office team then can use the information to develop a district wide plan for documenting transition in all IEPs so each meets the 100% requirement.
Self Assessment: Root Cause Analysis
Reflection: Facilitator distributes Handout 6 and discusses the activity and form. Small groups, the same groups who examined specific IEPs, complete the form then present their conclusions to the whole group. The facilitator combines the recommendations to identify a possible plan for meeting the requirements for all transition age students.
Demonstration: The facilitator guides the participants in the computer lab using directions under 7-Web Access to demonstrate a ready location for transition information. Discussion may evolve where each participant selects a website to explore with a follow up activity at a later time to discuss particularly helpful parts of the websites. Each might then group with others who explored the same website to share their findings with other staff to expand their knowledge of resources available.
Note: Another part for later training is around Summary of Performance.
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