11th grade American Literature
Unit Outline forThe American Renaissance: Romantic, Gothic, & Transcendental Literature
Essential Questions: What should we trust: our intuition and imagination, or our logical reasoning? What are the elements of Romanticism? What scares you and why? How do authors create fear, suspense, and tension in their writing? What are the elements of American Gothic literature? Is it true that to be great you must be misunderstood? What would you do right now if you knew you were going to die tomorrow? What are the elements of Transcendentalism?
You need your literature book every day in class (no book = detention)
*Note that agenda is subject to change*
Day/ Date / In Class / HomeworkThursday
10/30/08 / Hand out unit outline andPoetry Terms Cheatsheet
Begin new unit: Romantic, Gothic, & Transcendental Lit
Intro Powerpoint for Romanticism/ Notes on Romanticism
Review poetry terms on p. 257 & p. 266
Review background info on p. 256 & p. 264-265
Read 6 poems p. 258-260 and p. 267-280 / Finish reading/ reviewing poetry terms, background info, and 6 poems; Review Poetry Terms Cheatsheet.
Study for vocab quiz.
10/31/08 / Vocab quiz 7
Poetry Connector group project:
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “A Psalm of Life” p. 258
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls” p. 260
William Cullen Bryant’s “Thanatopsis” p. 267
Oliver Wendell Holmes’ “Old Ironsides” p. 270
James Russell Lowell’s “The First Snowfall” p. 272
From John Greenleaf Whittier’s “Snowbound” p. 275 / Finish Poetry Connector group project, including notes & perfect paragraph – each person must have his/her own; Have a SAFE and HAPPY Halloween!
11/3/08 / Assign vocab list 8
Poetry Connector graded presentations
Anticipation Guide for “The Devil and Tom Walker”
Review Washington Irving background on p. 240 & lit terms on p. 241: direct and indirect characterization, point-of-view, and inference; review term: imagery / Finish anticipation guide and any reading p. 240-241 that you did not finish in class
11/4/08 / **Election Day-schools closed** / Vocab sentences due tomorrow
11/5/08 / Collect vocab
Read “Devil and Tom Walker” p. 242-252 (retelling of Faust)
Response questions on Devil and Tom Walker / Finish reading & response questions on Devil & Tom All permission slips for Sleepy Hollow are due on 11/6.
11/6/08 / All Sleepy Hollow permission slips due!
Discuss “The Devil and Tom Walker”
Review grammar quiz 4
Grammar: Clauses / Study for vocabulary quiz
Complete clause practice sheet
Friday 11/7/08 / Collect Clause practice sheet
Vocabulary quiz 8
Film: Sleepy Hollow - Complete handout as you watch / Have a great weekend!
11/10/08 / Film: Sleepy Hollow
Complete handout as you watch / Film handout due tomorrow
11/11/08 / Debrief film
Journal: Write about the scariest movie, book, or tale you have ever encountered and explain what it was that gave you the chills; OR write about the thing that scares you more than anything in the world- the thing that makes your skin craw and the hair on the back of your neck rise- and explain why this creeps you out.
Notes on American Gothic
Read/Review EA Poe background on p. 306 & info on p. 307
Listen/Read to Christopher Walken reading “The Raven” p. 326 / We will be reading Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher” this week- you may want to begin reading and reviewing now.
11/12/08 / Grammar: Clauses
Begin reading, “The Fall of the House of Usher” p. 308-325 / Finish reading “Usher” (through p. 316)
Complete final grammar review
11/13/08 / Grammar quiz 5
Continue reading “The Fall of the House of Usher p. 316-325
and discuss / Finish reading “Usher” through p. 325
11/14/08 / Discuss “The Fall of the House of Usher” and questions p. 325
Assignment: Create a visual representation of the House of Usher and decorate it with quotes from the text that illustrate instances of the house’s personification. Also, consider the mood Poe sets with his tone while you are creating your visual. Due Thursday 11/20. / Begin reading “Bartleby, the Scrivener” through p. 9 of 18-do your best with this challenging story- read and take basic notes of what is happening.
11/17/08 / Assign vocab list 9
Scrivener Activity
Review background on Herman Melville p. 352
Discuss “Bartleby, the Scrivener”
Assign Bartleby Character Analysis Essay- Due Tuesday November 25th / Finish reading “Bartleby, the Scrivener”. Begin brainstorming and outlining Bartleby essay.
11/18/08 / Extra credit opp: Read p. 224-348 “The Minister’s Black Veil” and write a 1-2 page journal reflection- five points towards a quiz- due next Mon.
Discuss “Bartleby, the Scrivener” / After our discussion, review “Bartleby, the Scrivener” to make sure you understand the story
11/19/08 / **Early Release Day**
Career Day
11/20/08 / Visual Representations of The House of Usher with quotes due
Writers workshop / E.C. journal on “Black Veil” due Monday; Rough draft for Bartleby essay due tomorrow!
11/24/08 / Extra Credit “Black Veil” journal due today
Film: Bartleby / Bartleby Character Analysis Essay due tomorrow! You will need your pre-writing, rough draft, peer editing, final draft, and rubric!
11/25/08 / Bartleby Character Analysis essay due!
Film: Bartleby