“ What do I do if ….. ? ”
- A person presents to the official checkers a proxy to vote for another Elector who cannot
appearin person.
There is no provision for proxy voting in the Connecticut General Statutes.
- An Elector enters the polling place wearing a T-shirt bearing the name of a candidate and
having no coat to cover the offending name. The Elector is insistent that she has a
right to vote and NOW.
Advise the Elector that she cannot have any political paraphernalia in the polling place.
The Elector must either borrow a jacket to cover the shirt or return when the shirt has been changed. The police may be called if necessary.
- You cut the seal on the voting Tabulator Bag, run your zero tapes (3) and at 6 AM declare the polls open. The first Elector tries tovote and cannot get their ballot into the tabulator.
Check the security plate in back of tabulator – it must be removed.
If Security Plate has been removed – Check to see if the lock is in the up or down position which allows the ballots to go through the Tabulator into the black box..
- At 11:00 AM a frail elderly woman appears at the official checkers table wanting to vote.
A RED “A” is found in front of her name on the Official Check List. The woman
explains that she had not been feeling well and had voted by an absentee ballot.
Now she is feeling much better and wants to vote in person.
An absentee ballot can only be withdrawn by the Elector, in person in the Municipal Clerk’s, prior to 10 AM on Election Day. After this time, the Elector is not allowed
to vote in person. They will get a statement from the clerk to vote in Person.
- At 2:30 PM a young man appears at the Official Checkers table and insists that he was made
an Elector at the DMV about 2 months ago. He is no where on the Official Check List. But
hehas a receipt that is dated and signed by the DMV.
Have the Assistant Registrars fill out a Voter Registration form with the Elector. Attach the receipt to the form. Add his name to the supplemental list and he will than be allowed to show ID to the Official Checkers and pass thru to the voting booths and will be marked as having voted.
- A prospective Elector asks out loud if he is still on the voting list, at such an addresses. He
states that has moved to another town but did not have time to register there. His friend
is running for Board of Education in your town and needs his vote. The official checkers do
check the list and find him at the address and his ID is valid with that address. Is he
allowed to vote?
NO. Even though his ID seems valid with the proper address and he is on the Official CheckList – he has just stated that he moved to another town and no longer lives at that address.Follow the procedure for a Challenged Ballot.
- An Elector enters the polling place and states that his wife is not feeling well. She is very
weak and cannot get out of the car. What can you do?
Check Official List to see if the wife is an elector.
Send your 2 Assistant Registrars out to the car with:
Ballot – Magnifier – Pen - Privacy Folder
Check the ID of the wife
Have the wife fill out the paper ballot.
Mark the Official List as having voted in person.
They will put the ballot into the tabulator
- Mrs. White comes in to vote on standing at the Official Checkers table she states that her
son fell yesterday, and broke his leg. She is sad because he wanted to vote so badly,
this would be his first time. Is there anything you can do?
Call the Registrars office and they will speak to her about doing an emergency ballot for her son.
- It is 3 PM and the local newspaper reporter has been in and out of your polling place several
times. He has been observing the people outside the 75 foot markers. Someone has
hung a political sign on a telephone pole within the 75 foot markers. The reporter thinks
this will make a good story; he asks to use your phone to call his paper.
NO, he cannot use your phone, polling place phones are for Election Officials only.
Because the sign is within the 75 foot field than you must have it taken down. And be aware of your town’s policy on political signs on town owned property.
- Veronica Voter presents herself to the Official Checkers wanting to vote. She has current
ID with all the necessary information. However, her name is already checked off the
list as havingvoted. One of the Official Checkers says “Sorry, Veronica, only one vote
Today! Go away and do not bother us again.”
Veronica insists that she has not voted today.
The Official Checker has been told several times not to speak to Electors in this manner.
Her response is, “Do you know who my brother is? He pays your salary.”
First take care of Veronica with the form ED-513 “Remedy when Elector’s Name is Erroneously Checked off the List.” And allow Veronica to vote.
If this keeps happening, that names are erroneously checked off, change the checker
Next, ask the Official Checker to go home. Her behavior is inexcusable – it does not matterwho her brother is. Call Registrars’ office for a replacement and have another election official fill in until a replacement arrives.
Record both actions in your diary.
- It is one minute before 8 PM and everyone is looking forward to going home. There are 25
people in line waiting to be checked off to vote. The Official Checkers have announced
to those waiting that the polls are about to close and they may not be able to vote.
What do you do?
At 8 PM you have an Election Official stand at the end of the line no matter how long the line goes, even if it is out the door. No one else may enter the line, but all those people in the line at 8 PMare allowed to vote even if it goes on after 8 PM.
- You have been informed that there is a bomb in the building and everyone must evacuate!
Remember to stay calm. Safety of everyone is essential.
Have the Tabulator tenders look and remember the number on the public counter and leave the building with the ballot black box.
Have the Official Checker stop checking off names. Anyone not marked off can return later and will be allowed to vote when everyone is allowed back in the building.
Have the Official Checkers take the Official Check List with them as they leave the building.
The ballot clerk should take the ballots of the electors that have not processed their vote and write down names of people that have been checked off the list but not cast a vote.
Assistant Registrars will take any paperwork they have completed with them as they leave.
You as moderator, have the keys to the Tabulator. Leave the building and make phone call to Registrars office outside building.
DO NOT Seal up the Tabulator Machine..
When you return if the number on the tabulator machines is the same than continue to vote. If not than take the tabulator machine with the wrong number off to the side. Call Registrars office for instructions. Do not Use the Ender Card unless you are told too. Just turning off the machine is fine.
15. You have declared the polls closed. The “public” has entered the polling place. They are
anxiousto get the Election results. They have deadlines and parties to attend. They are
insistent on you are reading the numbers from the Tabulator Tape and NOW.
When you tellthem that they are to remain in a designated area away from the Tabulator
and work area. A spokesperson states that this is a Freedom of Information situation.
They must remain in the designated area. Take your time and follow the established procedure for closing the polls.
Tell them that they must remain quiet, so you can do your work. If not than you will have them removed.
When you are finished you will invite them to look at the tapes and any paperwork that they would like to see.
You will read the results from the Tally Sheet - Candidate name – tabulator total – hand count total – Write in total – absentee total (if applicable) and grand total on all candidates separately.