A Rich Brother Dies In Oregon Leaving a Fortune Estimated at $3,000,000—A Big Slice Coming to Indiana County Relatives.
A dispatch announced the death at Salem, Oregon,about two weeks ago, of PeterPalmer, abachelor, leaving afortuneestimated at$3,000,000. There are numerous heirs in this county and inWestern States. Peter left WestWheatfield, this county, about50years ago, and was next heard of inCaliforniaduring the early gold excitement in that famed Eldorado. He engaged in the general huntfor the precious metal, and was one out of the comparatively fewengaged in that pursuit who was markedlysuccessful. He remained in California several years, finally removingto Oregon where he invested his earnings invarious enterprises, all of which appear to have prospered andadded to his already accumulated wealth. Amonghis other ventures, which are reported to have turned outhighly profitable, was the purchase and development of certain mining and other properties in Alaska. About 25 years ago Peter paid avisit to hisold home in WestWheatfield and visited his manyrelatives in thatvicinity and in otherpartsof the country. Hegave his friends then some little accountof the prosperitythat had attended himin his western home;although he did not, so far as we can learn, leave any tangible, evidences of the fortune he claimed to possess. Upon his return west after this lastvisit, he corresponded occasionally with various members of his family,who were thus able to keep trace of his movements, and who were promptly informed of his death. Last week, in company witha lawyer, Samuel, a brother of Peter, whoresides in Greensburg, Westmoreland County, leftfor Oregon to investigate the estate. It is stated that Peter, whowas about 84 years old at the time of his death, was unmarried, and that his entire fortunewill go to his brothers and sisters or theirsurviving heirs.
Peter was thename of the father of this sketch and resided near Germany, in West Wheatfield,and who died a number of yearsago, and was one of the best-known and highly respectedcitizens of that section of the county.The elder Peter was twicemarried, the maiden name of his first wifebeing Kunkle and who bore him ten children. The younger Peter was the last survivor of these ten children.The second wife’smaiden name wasGaffaney,and she bore her husband eight children,all of whomare living save one, and whosenames and residences we append:Cynthia, marriedto James Wakefield, Esq.,of West Wheatfieldtp.; William, livingin Colony county,Kansas;Lucinda (deceased, and who was the wife ofthe lateex-County Commissioner Jere Wakefield), of West Wheatfield; -Catherine, wife of the Rev. JosephCampbell, formerlyof Marion Center, but now a resident of Kansas City,Mo; Daniel,residing here inIndiana; Samuel, of Greensburg, Westmoreland county; Martha M, thewife of John Baker, whoformerly resided in East Mahoning, this county, later removed to Tennessee, and who now resides inKansas City,and Edward Porter, wholivesin Wisconsin.
Nearly all those interestedin the estate have learned of the goodfortuneawaitingthem, butnone have yetreceivedofficial notice inregard to thematter, yet all profess greatconfidence in ultimately comingin for a fair competence.
(Indiana Messenger, Indiana, Pennsylvania, 21 April 1897)
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