FULL NAME(S):…………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………...... …
DATE(S) OF BIRTH (needed for British Tennis Membership *):……………………………………………………………………
PHONE NUMBER(S): Home ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………
Mobile(s) …………………………………………………………………………………………………...... ….
E-MAIL(S)(Most Club communication will be by this method):………………………………………………….....………….
I/we apply formembership of Braunton Tennis Club and understand that members play entirely at their own risk and agree to abide by club rules. I/we enclose Cash, Cheque (payable to Braunton Tennis Club) or will pay by electronic transfer to the Braunton Tennis Club account at Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-90-49, account no. 00144263.
All applicants must complete and sign a copy of this form to confirm the above,whether or not they have been members the previous year. Please note that all applications are subject to approval by the committee. Please return completed form and cash or cheque payments to the treasurer Dr Eirene Williams, Robbers Hall, Croyde EX33 1PL tel: 01271 890367 or other committee member.
Please circle the categories of membership required e.g Family £120 / Annual membershipJoining between 1/4/16 and 30/9/16, and valid to 31/3/17 / Winter membershipJoining between 1/10/16 and 31/3/17, and valid to 31/3/17. / Membership PlusNo longer applicable
Adult (over 25 on 1/4/16)_ / £50 / £20
Family (2 adults and any number of children in school year 13 or below) / £120 / £50
Under 25 (on 1/4/16 ) / £30 / £10
Junior (school years 7-11) / £20 / £5
Mini (school years 1-6 ) / £10 / £10 / Separate application form
Guest at club session / £2 per person / £2 per person / See below
Guest at any other time / £3 per person / £3 per person / Maximum £5 per court
Information about guests to be entered in the book in the ball box on court, and guest fees collected by the hosting club member and submitted to the treasurer. A maximum fee of £5 per court has been agreed outside club sessions.
*By joining the club you are also being automatically signed up as a British Tennis Member (BTM) for free. You will need to affiliate yourself to Braunton Tennis Club within the BTM system. This will enable you to take advantage of the many benefits offered to BTMs including Wimbledon ticket ballots, exclusive news and discounts and a player rating, see By becoming a BTM, you agree that you will abide by the Terms and Conditions of British Tennis Membership ( and that the LTA and its directly affiliated bodies (see can use your personal data for the purposes of your involvement in British Tennis, and to send you by post, e-mail or SMS information related to those purposes (see
Please tick here if you are already a British Tennis Member
Signed by applicant(s) ...... Date……………………………