- The latest health at work network meeting was held on 29 May and I hope that you have now received the notes.Good progress is being made in our sub-groups, and if you have interest in shift workers and/or domestic violence please let us know.
- The proposed forward strategy for the health at work network has been drafted and circulated to you all. We would be grateful for any comments you may have on the paper by Thursday 12 July. This will be put on the RD website shortly thereafter and we will be providing a one page summary for you to put on your websites.
- The pledge and guidance on mental health adjustmentswas launched by myself, Earl Howe and Stephen Bevan at the Work Foundation on 26 June This is such an important topic, and I encourage you all to download the guidance and consider signing up to the pledge.
- We are hoping to launch the pledge on young peoplein the Autumn.
Other areas to which I would like to draw your attention this month are as follows:
Older workers
We are interested in any information, guidance or best practice you may have on the health and wellbeing of older workers. If you have any relevant material, please could you email the RD inbox on responsibilitydealhealthatwork.dh.gsi.gov.uk.
Addressing alcohol harm at work – Alcohol Health Network
A new social enterprise has been set up to reduce drinking to sensible levels and combat alcohol harm. The Alcohol Health Network uses evidence based e-health tools developed by University College London to help staff identify whether their drinking is putting them at risk and provides online information and advice on how to cut down. It also gives advice about what to do if you are concerned about someone else’s drinking. As well as the e-health tool, the AHN works in partnership with local counselling and training experts in alcohol to train HR and OH teams to address alcohol issues at work and offer lunchtime health sessions to staff. The social enterprise is the brainwave of Don Shenker, Director of the AHN and previously Chief Executive of Alcohol Concern. They are looking for organisations interested in piloting the new e-health tool, interested in training or who can simply advise them on current OH/HR practice in relation to alcohol misuse. You can contact r go to their website more information.
Fitnote - Electronic Formulation
From early July 2012, GPs will start issuing fit notes that they have completed on their computer, printed out and given to their patient. The computer-completed fit note will contain exactly the same information as a handwritten fit note. The process of rollout across GP practices is expected to complete in early 2013.
There are no changes to the rules and processes for payment of Statutory Sick Pay or Occupational Sick Pay, or applications for benefits as a result of the introduction of the computer-generated fit note.
Further information is available in fact sheets for GPs, employers and employees / patients -
I've recently been informed about a new public health campaign, launching in the Autumn which encourages and supports those people who would like to give up smoking. The Department of Health is looking for partners to help implement the exciting campaign, particularly among their employees.
Called 'Stoptober' it is a 28-day mass participation event. It aims to recreate the motivational New Year resolution conditions in October rather than January. Crucially, it also makes the quitting process easier than ever before by chunking it down to 28 days.
The high-profile campaign includes a range of materials specific for the workplace to help people stop smoking. It would be a great opportunity for your organisation to start or re-invigorate your no-smoking initiatives and to help deliver on the H5.Smoking Cessation/Respiratory Health pledge.
If you’re interested in finding out more, please email Sally Hearn on .
Did you know that smokers take an average of 8 days a year more sick leave than non-smokers*
*Lundborg P 2007 Does Smoking increase sick leave?
Business Case for Employee Health and Wellbeing
You may be interested in the following research that has recently been published:
London's business case for employee health and well-being
Although this refers to London, it is actually quite a useful summary of research on health work and wellbeing in general. For example, it contains a summary of evidence on the effectiveness of health and wellbeing interventions in the UK, and a selection of case studies on health at work initiatives with results quantified in terms of benefit/cost ratios.
We have set up a group on Linkedin for the Public Health Responsibilty Deal Health at Work network. If you wish to join you can access it here
I hope that you have a restful break over the summer. Whether or not you visit the London 2012 Olympics we would like to pay tribute to the Health and Safety record at the Olympic Park. The Park was safely completed without a single death. More than 12,500 workers helped construct the venues and the 'Big Build' of the site has been hailed as the safest construction of an Olympic Stadium ever. The Olympic Delivery Authority ensured that occupational health focussed on the wider wellbeing of workers and this holistic approach shows the impact that this can have on safety and demonstrates that we are world leaders in this area. This is an immense achievement.
Best wishes