Athletic Training Student Aide Skills Checklist
Name: ______
The following are skills in which you must demonstrate proficiency while enrolled in the athletic training student aide program. Keep this form in the athletic training facility. Make certain you demonstrate your skills Ms Gallo by the end of each season. All of these skills will be taught throughout the school year and you can get them checked off anytime prior to the end of the season.
Season 1
- Complete a CPR/AED and First Aid course
- Demonstrate heat pack application, including treatment time, indications, proper toweling, and instructions to athlete.
- Demonstrate cryo-cuff application including treatment time, indications, remix procedure, and sanitary precautions.
- Demonstrate setting up a hot and cold whirlpool.
- Demonstrate ice bag application to go with flexi-wrap.
- Demonstrate wound care: universal precautions, direct pressure, elevation, indirect pressure (brachial and femoral arteries)
- Demonstrate how to apply Rapid Form Vacuum Immobilizer for suspected fracture.
- Demonstrate how to apply a Sam Splint for a suspected wrist fracture.
- Demonstrate proper wrist taping.
- Demonstrate ankle taping.
- Demonstrate the following ankle rehabilitation exercises, proper sets/repetitions and purpose for each:
- Ankle circles, alphabet exercise
- Dorsiflexion using theraband/tubing
- Plantarflexion using theraband/tubing
- Eversion using theraband/tubing
- Inversion using theraband/tubing
- Balance on stable surface
- Balance on unstable surface
- Balance on unstable surface with a ball toss/catch.
Season 2
- Complete a CPR/AED and First Aid course
- Demonstrate the following stretches: calf (slant board), hip flexor (on one knee), and partner hamstring stretch.
- Demonstrate the following knee rehab exercises, including proper sets/repetitions and purpose for each:
- Straight Leg Raise
- Wall squat to 45 degrees, 60 degrees, and 90 degrees
- Single leg press on Total gym to 45 degrees, 60 degrees, 90 degrees
- Terminal knee extension with theraband/tubing behind knee
- Demonstrate thumb hyperextension taping.
- Demonstrate rotator cuff strengthening exercises using theraband/tubing (internal and external rotation, full can exercise), including proper sets and repetitions
- Demonstrate the following exercises for shin splints: heel raises, toe raises, Achilles stretch (knee straight, knee bent).
- Be able to list signs and symptoms of heat illnesses.
- Be able to explain the lightening policy.
Season 3
- Complete a CPR/AED and First Aid course
- Hip flexor strengthening using theraband/tubing.
2. Ball squeezes isometric hip adductor strengthening exercise.
3.Demonstrate proper crutch fitting.
4.Demonstrate proper sling usage.
5. List 10 signs/symptoms of a concussion.
6. Demonstrate the knowledge of how to perform a concussion evaluation (this is always done with the ATC present).
7. Explain the return to play guidelines that we use in the training room when it comes to athletes with concussions.
8. Demonstrate buddy taping for finger sprain.
9. Ankle taping revisited, demonstrate ankle taping.
Extra Skills
1. Demonstrate how to stock a medical kit.
- Demonstrate the use of ace-wraps and compressions for injury.
- Be able to recite major muscle groups of the body as well as bone and some of the major ligaments.
- Be able to identify the different motions of the body.
- Demonstrate the knowledge of how to perform an injury evaluation with the supervision on the certified athletic trainer.
- Learn to perform an ankle evaluation with the supervision of the certified athletic trainer.
- Learn how to properly complete an injury report with the supervision of the certified athletic trainer.
- Learn to perform a knee evaluation with the supervision of the certified athletic trainer.
- Learn to perform a shoulder evaluation with the supervision of the certified athletic trainer.