Student Conservation Association

Conservation Internship Program

Partner Handbook

Table of Contents


SCA - Who we are

Mission Statement

Online Partner Resources

SCA Programs

SCA Crews

SCA Community Programs

SCA Internships

SCA Corps

Conservation Program Coordinators

Welcome to the MySCA Partner Portal

Selecting an Intern

Candidates Sent Through MySCA

Pre-Selected Candidate

Reviewing and Interviewing an Applicant

Making an Offer

Accepting an Offer

Selections Less Than Two Weeks from Start Date

SCA Permissible and Prohibited Activities

SCA AmeriCorps and the Education Award


Education Awards

Partner Responsibilities Under AmeriCorps

AmeriCorps Health Insurance

AmeriCorps Grievance Procedure

AmeriCorps Prohibited Activities

Intern Preparation and Arrival

Things to Consider

General Information

Background Checks

SCA's Background Check

Federal Background Investigations (HSPD-12)

Supervising an Intern

Chase Cards

Monthly Reports

Activity Logs

Sick and Vacation Time

Learning and Education

Intern Evaluations

Changes to Dates of Service

Withdrawals and Early Exits



Emergency Communication with SCA

Non-Emergency Communication with SCA

Worker's Compensation Coverage and Claims

Job Hazards

Training and Supervision

Emergency Response Plan


Off-Duty Safety

SCA Policies

Intern Housing Policy

Wildland Fire Duty

Pet Policy

Alcohol Policy

Drug-Free Workplace

Discrimination & Sexual Harassment Advisory

Press Releases and Photographs


As an SCA partner, you are critical to the success of our mission to create the next generation of conservation leaders. We are grateful that you've chosen to work with SCA and will do everything we can to support you and your internship program. This manual offers advice and information that will help you make selections, understand communication between you, SCA and selected interns, and generally promote a successful internship. Whether you are new to SCA and supervising an intern for the first time, or you've been with us for years, we encourage you to read these pages carefully and familiarize yourself with all forms, schedules, and policies. Please refer to this information before and after your intern arrives. As always, we are here to help you with any issues or concerns that may arise while you supervise the intern. Note that young adults that serve in SCA internships are often referred to as “members”.

This manual includes almost all of the information you’ll need to:

●Learn about the MySCA Portal

●Successfully supervise your intern(s)

●Deal with questions of travel and living allowances, insurance, and logistics

●Get support from SCA staff when necessary

●Report to SCA anything affecting the health and well-being of your intern(s)

SCA - Who we are

The Student Conservation Association (SCA) is America’s conservation corps. Our members protect and restore national parks, marine sanctuaries, cultural landmarks, and community green spaces in all 50 states and various US territories. SCA provides college and high school-aged members with hands-on conservation service opportunities in virtually every field imaginable, from tracking grizzlies through the Tetons to restoring desert ecosystems to teaching environmental education at Washington, D.C.’s Urban Tree House. We are truly building the next generation of conservation leaders. Click here or visit our website at to learn more about our history and founder, Liz Putnam.

The SCA’s Hudson Valley Corps was created in 1999 to serve the conservation needs of the region through a joint partnership with the two largest resource agencies of New York, the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The program has since grown to add many leading non-profit organizations and local environmental agencies to our list of partner sites. Internships are focused on watershed protection, public access and trail enhancement, habitat restoration, wildlife protection, environmental education, and historical preservation.

Mission Statement

SCA's mission is to build the next generation of conservation leaders and inspire lifelong stewardship of our environment and communities by engaging young people in hands-on service to the land.


Tens of thousands of green professionals, from park superintendents to urban planners, can trace their start to SCA. This organization is where college and high school students connect with nature, render hands-on service, gain new skills and perspectives, and launch a lifetime of stewardship.

Online Partner Resources

Please visit our SCA Hudson Valley Partner Resources page for up-to-date information and resources regarding our program.

SCA Programs

From basic trail work to advanced research, we offer a conservation service force with the knowledge, skills, and passion to do the work that you need done. And we offer you the opportunity to mentor a new generation of conservation professionals. Our proven services are easy to access, effective,and affordable. Choose your solution.

SCA Crews

Teams of six to eight high school students and two trained adult crew leaders work up to 35 days to complete your labor-intensive projects. SCA’s National Crews provide a formative experience, as interns serve nature and challenge themselves. Learn more about National Crews here. (

SCA Community Programs

Each of SCA’s Community Programs is unique and tailored to a specific community. Offering year- round training and service opportunities, SCA’s Community Programs engage diverse high school students in major U.S. cities who may lack access to the natural environment and green job opportunities. Visit our Community Programs section to learn more (

SCA Internships

For college and graduate students, SCA internships provide the opportunity to learn from resource management professionals, gain tangible skills and experience, and make a contribution to our natural and cultural treasures. SCA internships are available throughout the year and range in length from 12to 52 weeks. Visit Conservation Internships for more information (

SCA Corps

Projects may include mitigating wildland fire risks, eradicating invasive plants while protecting native species, restoring desert lands, or providing environmental education in community classrooms. SCA Corps programs run for up to ten months,often share communal residences, and are supervised by SCA Staff. Learn more about Conservation Corps here (

Conservation Program Coordinators

The Conservation Program Coordinator (Coordinator) is your primary point of contact at SCA. Coordinators are stationed in New Paltz, NY and are generally available from 9:00 AM to 5PM.

Josh Hunn

Program Officer

845-255-4758, x. 103

Libby Young

Program Coordinator

845-255-4758, x. 102

Nick Marcet

Program Coordinator

845-255-4758, x. 100

Welcome to the MySCA Partner Portal

SCA a powerful online management system called the MySCA Portal. MySCA is a simple, intuitive interface that lets you manage your SCA account when, how, and wherever you want. You'll submit and renew position requests, select candidates, and more with speed and efficiency. MySCA also allows you to manage positions once they are field active and access time logs for easy review and approval. Contact information for your regional Coordinator is posted on the home page as your first point of contact for questions.To access the MySCAPortal, bookmark this URL: you do not have a MySCA account, please contact your Coordinator.

There are three main tabson the MySCA website: “Manage Positions”, “Placements”, and “Manage Tasks”. Under "Manage Positions" you will find all of your previous, current, and upcoming SCA position requests. You can request new positions or copy old positions for future requests. Under "Placements" you can find information about the interns you have selected. And "Manage Tasks" is where you will approve Activity Logs.

Selecting an Intern

Candidates Sent Through MySCA

SCA will begin to send applicants two to three months prior to the start of the position or sooner upon request. Applicants will be reviewed to determine if the skills and education meet the requirements you listed in the position request. The most qualified applicants will be sent to your MySCA account for review. You will receive an email notification each time new candidates have been added to your queue. Candidates are also notified when they are sent to you for consideration.

If you find that you don’t have enough candidates to review, or the candidates do not have adequate qualifications, please contact your Coordinator. Your Coordinator can assist you by sending additional candidates and/or refining the skills and/or education parameters to target the candidates that best match your needs.

To view the applications, login to your MySCA Portal and click on the “Manage Positions” tab. Click on the PO # hyperlink to open the position and scroll down to the “Candidates” section to view the applications. Please do not click any of the buttons in the action column (“Offer”, “Delete”, and “Interview”)

Pre-Selected Candidate

Sometimes agencies want to recruit local candidates themselves or have a pre-selected candidate they would like to offer the position. SCA can admit a pre-selected candidate into your internship as long as the intern completes the SCA application online. Send the name, email, and phone number of the candidate to your Coordinator so SCA can guide them through the application process.

Reviewing and Interviewing an Applicant

We strongly recommend that you review applications within a week from the time you receive them. Applications are often sent to more than one partner for review. SCA recommends that you review, contact, and interview your applicants as soon as you receive them to increase the likelihood that you will get your first candidate choice.

We advise applicants to view your call as an employment interview. During this conversation, be sure to cover the following points:

●Clarify the details of the proposed work assignment including specific job duties. Be sure to mention any changes in the job description that may have occurred since its publication.

●Discuss the dates of the project and your degree of flexibility with start and end dates.

●Advise candidates of living and working conditions.

●Discuss vehicle requirements.

●Discuss any special clothing or gear requirements.

To remove a candidate from consideration, click “Delete”. Deleting a candidate does not delete them from our system; it simply pulls them from your candidate queue and indicates that you no longer wish to consider the candidate. They do not receive an email notification of your decision. Please let your Coordinator know if you are no longer interested in a candidate(s).

Making an Offer

Once you have decided to offer your position, notify your SCA Coordinator. The Coordinator will contact the candidate to formally offer the position. Once SCA has contacted the candidate, you can contact the candidate to discuss next steps.

Please do not offer a position to an applicant who has already agreed to serve at a different site.

Accepting an Offer

Once the applicant accepts the position, SCA will email the intern with directions on how to complete additionalenrollment paperwork such as a written confirmation of acceptance (COA), medical information with emergency numbers, and a liability release from the selected intern.

The intern will also be directed to the SCA Internship Handbook, which containsall the information the intern will need to get the most from their internship.

Occasionally, an applicant accepts a position but later declines the offer. If an intern declines after accepting your position, please call your Coordinator immediately to assist you in finding a replacement. Do not assume that the applicant has notified SCA.

Selections Less Than Two Weeks from Start Date

Enrollment paperwork for the intern normally takes a couple of weeks to process. In cases where positions are filled less than two weeks from the start date, your Coordinator will work with the intern to complete the enrollment paperwork as quickly as possible. However, in some cases, the start date may need to be adjusted.

SCA Permissible and Prohibited Activities

Interns may engage in any activity that an employee may carry out except:

SCA interns may not carry out direct law enforcement functions.

SCA interns may not engage in firefighting activities unless they are hired to do so. They may be given fire training as interns. See the Wildland Fire Dutysection below.

You may temporarily hire an intern for the purpose of firefighting or other duties. See the Wildland Fire Dutysection belowInterns may assist in other types of activities, such as search and rescue, operating four-wheel drive vehicles, or using machinery and tools, providedthey have received the training normally given to regular or seasonal personnel. Interns should also be issued protective clothing and gear for any activity that requires the use of such items byregular employees.

Interns who will interact with the public should be given information about your site and the surrounding area. If it is not possible to include them in your regular, seasonal training, please provide other means of acquiring this information.

SCA AmeriCorps and the Education Award

Overseen by the Corporation for National and Community Service (Corporation), AmeriCorps is a network of organizations that offer opportunities for people to dedicate themselves to a long-term service project such as tutoring and mentoring youth, building affordable housing, cleaning parks and streams, and recruiting, training, and managing community volunteers. In return, AmeriCorps members receive funds they can use for education.

SCA receives a grant from the Corporation to administer an AmeriCorps Education Award program for our members. Under this grant, interns that complete service satisfactorily can receive an AmeriCorps Education Awardof up to $5,730 which can be applied to education-related expenses. Please note that the SCA AmeriCorps program is a grant program contingent upon federal funding. SCA receives a set number of allotmentsin the AmeriCorps program each year. Once those allotments have been used, no further awards will be available for the year.


  1. The partner submits a position request that meets AmeriCorps criteria.
  2. Both the intern and the partner will have paperwork and training requirements to complete before, during, and after the position.
  3. Upon successful completion of the position and related requirements, the intern receives the education award.

Education Awards

The AmeriCorps Education Award is a sum of money members can receive after successfully completing their service. Members are able to use this award to pay forexpenses at qualified institutions of higher education, for educational training, or to repay qualified student loans.Upon selection to a position, members are offered an award relative to their length of service. Members who choose to enroll in AmeriCorps sign an agreement confirming that they will complete both their term of service and their minimum number of hours. SCA AmeriCorps terms of service and corresponding awards are as follows:

  • $1,212 - 300 minimum service hours for positions 8-11 weeks
  • $1,515 - 450 minimum service hours for positions 12-23 weeks
  • $2,865 - 900 minimum service hours for positions 24-44 weeks
  • $5,730 - 1700 minimum service hours for positions 45-52 weeks

Partner Responsibilities Under AmeriCorps

While members are responsible for meeting most of the AmeriCorps requirements, there are a few expectations for partners who choose to participate in this program. Our relationship with AmeriCorps and the Corporation is an important aspect of our Conservation Internship Program and we appreciate your support in meeting the compliance and evaluation requirements. As a partner in the SCA AmeriCorps program, please make sure you are willing to:

  • Set up your position’s duties and activities to be AmeriCorps-eligible. As a federal program AmeriCorps has specific requirements and prohibited activities. If your position meetsthese requirements it will be “AmeriCorps-eligible”.
  • Complete the SCA AmeriCorps Site Agreement once per year. This requirement under our federal AmeriCorps grant outlines the expectations for partners. Download it at this link.
  • Participate in the SCA AmeriCorps webinar training once per year. This training is conducted regularly via a pre-recordedwebinaravailable online at your convenience.
  • Approve your member's submitted time logs. Approve your member’s time logs -- both Activity Logs and Output Logs -- in your MySCA Partner Portal on a regular basis. For more information, visit the Time Logs section of this manual.
  • Verify that member service hours do not include prohibited activities. Members are not allowed to be involved with AmeriCorps prohibited activities. See below for a complete list of prohibited activities. Members may participate in these activities as private citizens on non-SCA/AmeriCorps time and should not identify themselves with the SCA AmeriCorps program.
  • Complete Mid-term and End-of-Term Evaluations. All SCA members need completed Mid-term and End-of-Term Evaluations on file. This requirement is especially important for AmeriCorps members as it determines SCA’s future eligibility for AmeriCorps grants nationwide.
  • Support members to complete their service commitment and minimum hours. Except in compelling personal circumstances (outlined below), members who leave the program early forfeit their education award. Leaving positions early for paid work is not considered an acceptable reason for a member to leave early. Please encourage members to complete their service commitment.
  • Support members who want to attend national service events locally.There may be AmeriCorps-sponsored events periodically in your state or region. Members are encouraged to attend if their schedule allows. These hours can be recorded on their AmeriCorps timesheets under "Training/Education".

AmeriCorps Health Insurance