Author Application Form
Applicant InformationName:
Student ID:
Mailing address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Subject Information
Subject Code:
Subject Name:
Subject Type: / Semester-long / Intensive
Teaching Period and Year:
Topic of paper:
Grade of Paper: H1 H2A (Requires emailled recommendation by Lecturer)
Word Count:
We accept papersof 4,000-10,000 words.
Please provide a short summary of your research paper (max 200 words)
Please provide a sentence or two about yourself.
Please provide a short summary of how your research and findings will benefit other MLM students in their studies and develop their understanding of the law (max 200 words)
Application Checklist
I have completed this application form in full
My research paper complies with all the latest Australian Guide to Legal Citation:
- 12pt Times New Roman with 1.5pt spacing
- Title, headings and sub-headings in compliance with rule 1.15 of AGLC 3
My Lecturer has emailed recommending publication of my work (H2A only).
Acknowledgements and acceptance
I confirm that the information provided in this form is true
I authorize MLMSA to contact me regarding this application with the details provided
I have read and I accept the MLMSA Terms of Publication
Signature of Lecturer
By typing my name into this form, I consider this my signature.
Please complete and return this form to
For MLMSA Use Only
Application reference no:
Publication period: / Semester 1, February 20_ _ / Semester 2, August 20 _ _
Publication timeline and checklist:
Stage 1 editing ( _ _ / _ _ / _ _ )
Stage 2 editing ( _ _ / _ _ / _ _ )
External review( _ _ / _ _ / _ _ )
Compliance with Melismata Visual Guidelines
Signature of Editor / Date
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July 2014