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Author Application Form

Applicant Information
Student ID:
Mailing address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Subject Information
Subject Code:
Subject Name:
Subject Type: / Semester-long / Intensive
Teaching Period and Year:
Topic of paper:
Grade of Paper: H1 H2A (Requires emailled recommendation by Lecturer)
Word Count:
We accept papersof 4,000-10,000 words.
Please provide a short summary of your research paper (max 200 words)
Please provide a sentence or two about yourself.
Please provide a short summary of how your research and findings will benefit other MLM students in their studies and develop their understanding of the law (max 200 words)
Application Checklist
I have completed this application form in full
My research paper complies with all the latest Australian Guide to Legal Citation:
  • 12pt Times New Roman with 1.5pt spacing
  • Title, headings and sub-headings in compliance with rule 1.15 of AGLC 3
I have submitted an electronic copy of my research paper (in .doc, .docx, .odt or .rtf formats only) to the editors at
My Lecturer has emailed recommending publication of my work (H2A only).
Acknowledgements and acceptance
I confirm that the information provided in this form is true
I authorize MLMSA to contact me regarding this application with the details provided
I have read and I accept the MLMSA Terms of Publication
Signature of Lecturer
By typing my name into this form, I consider this my signature.
Please complete and return this form to
For MLMSA Use Only
Application reference no:
Publication period: / Semester 1, February 20_ _ / Semester 2, August 20 _ _
Publication timeline and checklist:
Stage 1 editing ( _ _ / _ _ / _ _ )
Stage 2 editing ( _ _ / _ _ / _ _ )
External review( _ _ / _ _ / _ _ )
Compliance with Melismata Visual Guidelines
Signature of Editor / Date

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July 2014