SIGNUP FORM (Item 12 of the Constitution of the Silverton CPA)
(Information supplied will be treated as strictly confidential)
A household who wants to become a Member of the Silverton Community Patrol Association (CPA) must complete this form and submit it to the Membership Official of the Association, accompanied by the appropriate fees.
The purpose of this form is to create a database with all your contact details and personal information to be used for communication purposes and in an event of an emergency.
Name of household applying for membership …………………………………………………………………………………………
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Note that communication with members will mainly be by way of radio, e-mail, cell phone and sms
I will act as the contact person for this household.
I have discussed the contents of this document with the members of the household applying for registration (i.e. my family and partner (if applicable) (hereinafter referred to as we) and we are familiar with the contents thereof and understand the implications thereof.
We understand that the membership of the Association is subject to the provisions of the Constitution of the Association and declare and undertake that:
1.We will take part in the activities of the CPA on a voluntary basis;
2.We will participate in the activities of the CPA as and where possible;
3.We will not be entitled to any remuneration if we take part in any of the activities of the CPA as this is necessary to achieve the aims of the CPA;
4.We will be active members of the CPA in word, eye and action;
5.We will attend meetings as and when necessary as well as training sessions offered by the CPA;
6.We will not participate in any action of the CPA in any manner whatsoever that will cause unnecessary damage or injury to any person or property;
7.We will not hold the Association liable for any loss to life or property or expense or damage incurred in the discharge of or arising from the exercising of any of the functions or activities under the Constitution;
8.If any member of the CPA responds to our emergency cry or call and we sustain any injury, damage or loss in person or property, which includes all persons and property on the property at the address specified above, neither the Association or the person(s) that responded to the cry or call will be held liable for such damage or loss; and
9.We will pay the future annual membership fees as and when due.
Signed at PRETORIA on …………………… day of ………………………………………………… 201….
______For the Silverton CPA Contact Person of the household applying