Medium term plan – Spring Y5

Term / Fiction / Non-fiction / Poetry /
Spring / Plan 1: Short Stories - Spooky Stories
Required texts:
Short! by K Crossley-Holland
Look at the genre of short stories using Short! by Kevin Crossley-Holland. Children investigate the use of adverbials to link sentences or paragraphs together. Children plan and write short mystery stories elaborating by use of descriptive words and further details.
Grammar focus:
1. Learn the grammar in Appendix 2.
2. Use relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or with an implied relative pronoun.
3. Use semi-colons to mark boundaries between main clauses. / Plan 1: Argument and Debate
Required texts:
Provided with plan
Identify features of argument texts and discuss differences between facts and opinions. Find out how to present opinions as if they were facts. Study formal and informal speech. Research for and hold a class debate. Children then write and edit their own argument text.
Grammar focus:
1. Indicate grammatical features by using semi-colons or colons, using a colon to introduce a list, punctuate bullet points.
2. Learn the grammar in Appendix 2. / Plan 1: Classic Narrative Poems
Required texts:
Provided with plan
Children learn the classic narrative poem Ballad of Charlotte Dymond to recite and identify features. Use role play to study the characters in depth. Compare with Lochinvar and explore relative clauses. Then use Chocolate Cake to inspire their narrative poems.
Grammar focus:
1. Develop understanding of concepts from Appendix 2, including using modal verbs.
2. Use relative clauses.
3. Use commas to clarify meaning.
4. Use relative clauses.
Plan 2: Drama
Required texts:
Mr William Shakespeare’s Plays by M Williams
Introduce children to Shakespeare using Marcia Williams' Mr William Shakespeare's Plays, Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth. Investigate different ways of writing dialogue including playscript layout and the use of informal language. Children write a 60 second version of part of Macbeth.
Grammar focus:
1. Recognise vocabulary and structures that are appropriate.
2. Use commas to clarify meaning.
3. Learn the grammar in Appendix 2. / Plan 2: Reports and Journalistic Writing
Required texts:
Tuesday by D Wiesner
Use Tuesday by David Wiesner to study report writing. Look at different ways of writing speech, playscripts, speech bubbles, direct and reported speech. Compare formal and informal writing including use of passive voice. Children write newspaper reports.
Grammar focus:
1. Use modal verbs to indicate degrees of possibility.
2. Indicate grammatical features by using semi-colons and dashes to mark boundaries between independent clauses.
3. Use and punctuate direct speech. / Plan 2: Poetic Style
Required texts:
You Wait Till I’m Older Than You by M Rosen
Collected Poems by R McGough
Children hear and respond to a range of poems from two well-known poets. Explore the use of language and how the writers imply deeper meanings and research the poets on the internet. Finally children write their own free-verse poems inspired by those they have read. The plan uses You Wait Till I'm Older Than You by Michael Rosen and Collected Poems by Roger McGough.
Grammar focus:
1. Use and understand the grammatical terminology in English Appendix 2.
2. Use relative clauses.
3. Use commas to clarify meaning.
Spring / Plan 3: Faraway Fiction
Required texts:
Cloud Tea Monkeys by M Peet and E Graham
Mysterious Traveller by M Peet and E Graham
Read about faraway places and exciting adventures in Cloud Tea Monkeys and Mysterious Traveller. Explore the language that helps makes a story vivid and exciting. Choose an atmospheric setting and write your own faraway story building on the stories read.
Grammar focus:
1. Use noun phrases, expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives and preposition phrases.
2. Use clauses to add information about time, place and cause.
3. Link ideas across paragraphs using adverbials of time.
4. Use relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or with an implied relative pronoun. / Plan 3: Reference Texts: Believe it or Not!
Required texts:
True or False? published by DK Children
Through looking at remarkable facts and commonly held beliefs, children explore reference texts and learn how to explore and verify facts. Learn whether you should believe – or not!
Grammar focus:
1. Use modal verbs or adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility.
2. Learn the grammar from Appendix 2. / Plan 3: Poems on a theme
Required texts:
Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by TS Eliot and illustrated by A Scheffler
Children look at poems on a theme, using the classic Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats. They develop their mastery of descriptive language and write and edit their own poems.
Grammar focus:
1. Use commas to clarify meaning and avoid ambiguity.
2. Use colons, semi-colons and dashes to indicate parenthesis.
3. Understand and use relative clauses beginning who, that, which, where, when…or an omitted relative pronoun.

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