Life Group Explained

What is a Life Group?

Life Groups are our weekly on-going small groups, which include: learning, sharing, prayer and accountability, as well as time for a shared meal and fellowship. Our groups are modeled after Acts 2:42. “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Our vision is to be made more Christ-like, and to grow God’s Kingdom. We do this by being disciples who make disciples. This happens best through life-on-life relationships.

What does a Life Group look like?

Life Group meetings will be somewhat unique depending on the needs and make-up of the group but will include these components: 1) Learning together through interaction with Biblical stories and how these Biblical truths apply to your life and your walk with Christ. 2) Praying for one another. We can best care for one another when we pray for each other and are aware of each other’s stories and needs 3) Sharing the fellowship of a meal together. People get to know each other authentically and deeply when they share a meal together regularly.

These elements help us live out Acts 2:42.

Values & Goals

Relationships - While prayer and discussion of curriculum are key elements of Life Groups, the driving force behind the group is the building of relationships with God and other believers.

Authenticity - The atmosphere of Life Groups should encourage openness and transparency among members. Life Groups should create a relational environment.

Confidentiality - For authenticity to occur, members must be able to trust that issues discussed within Life Groups will not be shared outside of the group.

Respect - Group members should never say anything that will embarrass their spouses or members of the group. Members are encouraged to be open and transparent while learning and maintaining proper boundaries.

Availability - A primary responsibility of community is to prioritize for specific relationships. This requires a willingness to be available to meet each other’s needs.

Life Group Member Commitment Expectations:

As a member of a Life Group, there is an expectation to attend and participate to not only make this a fulfilling experience for yourself, but also for the other members and leaders of the group.

In order to help the experiences and relationships in your Life Group reach their full potential, you are expected to commit to:

·  Attend Life Group meetings regularly. (Only legitimate schedule conflicts should result in absence)

·  Participate in discussions and sharing about what I have learned.

·  Do my best to be open and honest with those in my Life Group.

·  Respect the privacy of our Life Group; “What is said in the group, stays in the group.”

·  Show respect and love for those in my Life Group at all times.

·  Be open to the ways God will work in my life through my participation in this Life Group.