Title:Kiss-Car Cam
Duration: 1:20 minutes
For Valentine's day Shell V-Power Nitro + invites customers all around the world to showsome love by kissing their beloved cars. #lovemycar
Pumping Shell V-Power Nitro + means you love your car. That's why Shell stations at USA, Turkey, Philippines, and Netherlands placed cameras in the pumps, and screens that showed the customers a romantic scene with their beloved cars.
Kiss-Car Cam. By Shell V-Power Nitro+
[Background music plays]
Sweet romantic chord melody.
[Filmed sequence]
A very sensible man in his early thirties runs forward in slow motion. He is crying and opens his arms as if he is running towards a big hug.
[Text displays]
[Filmed sequence]
The man gives a big emotional hug and kiss to his car.
[Text displays]
Shell V-Power Nitro+ Premium Gasoline presents.
[Filmed sequence]
A car arrives to a Shell Station.
[Text displays]
Kiss Car Cam. USA - Turkey - Netherlands - Philippines
[Background music plays]
Uplifting love song.
[Filmed sequence]
A guy pumps Shell V-Power Nitro + Plus as his wife points him at something. He sees himself on the screen.
Hi there pump 1!So, if you’re pumping Shell V-Power Nitro+ that means you really love your car.
But can you give it a kiss?
[Filmed sequence]
The screen in which he sees himself displays an animation that says: Kiss Your Car. Laughing, he kisses his car.
Uh, sweet.
[Filmed sequence]
More people of diverse gender, race, age, kiss their cars in different Shell Stations on different countries. A guy makes a fancy trick with a ball and then he kisses his car; another guy smiling refuses to kiss his car because it seems to be a bit dirty. Kisses, hugs, cuddles, lots of happy love expressions between people and cars go by.
That’s right you are on kiss car cam!That’s hot.That is kiss cam worthy right there.Look at that juicy kiss. Oh! that’s true love right there.
[Filmed sequence]
Finally a couple kiss their car and then kiss themselves.
Happy valentine’s day.
Join the club of car lovers around the world. Choose Shell V-Power Nitro+ premium gasoline. #lovemycar
Shell logo.