Big Hollow Middle School Fine Arts Boosters
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 10th, 2013
- Call to order
Audrey Minkaliscalled to order the regularmeeting of the Big Hollow Middle School Fine Arts Boosters at7:33pm on September 10,2013at the Big Hollow Middle School.
- Roll call
The following persons were present: President Audrey Minkalis, Vice President Heather Janquart, Treasurer Laura Ulinski, Secretary Lynne Laughery, Director of Speech & Debate Mukeya Matoka, Director of Plays/Musicals Stacy Ellington, Director of Choir Sarah Lanham, Director of Art Club Nicki Presley, Coordinator of Concessions Paige Hood, Teacher Liaisons Julie Dee (Choir), Lisa Russell (Speech/Debate/Acting), Julie Arias (Art), Sara Kumpula (Band) and Eden Mosoff (Theatre)
Guests: James Davis, Lisa Berry, Kim Pop, Andy Chiero
Absent: Coordinator of Volunteers Debbie Knudsen
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
Heathermoved to approve August 6thmeeting minutes. Stacy2nd motion –all approved, motion carried.
- Updates
a)Finance Report: Presented by Laura Ulinski
Updated “Profit and Loss by Class” spreadsheet attached for detail. Checks to be written today include a $107 check (curriculum night pamphlets) to Audrey, $676.90 (magnets) to Cotton Candy Global Marketing, *$500 (advance for costumes) to Eden Mosoff and *$150 (reimbursement for SDA scripts) to Lisa Russell. Stacy motioned to approve payment of checks, Sarah 2nd motion, all approved- motion carried.
A second debit card was ordered and will stay with Paige for purchase of concession items. The card is in Lynne’s name and will be activated this week.
*Items discussed and approved during meeting as noted.
b)Theatre update: Presented by Eden
There was a great response to the Fall play and 59 students auditioned for roles. Rehearsals have started and all is progressing well.
There was a Facebook comment received from the parent of a 5th graderstating that the 5th grade students should have another outlet for theatre since so many students were cut for the Fall play. Eden responded with an e-mail to all parents of students who auditioned outlining other opportunities these students may have within school and through area park district programs.
Julie D. suggested doing a Fine Arts night in May for 4th grade students entering the Middle school the following school year. Another suggestion was for an activity night for these students so that all school activities can be highlighted (including sports, student council, etc,).
Eden and Julie D. also had the idea of organizing a trip to the Marriott theatre to see Mary Poppins over the winter break. Eden used to work at the Marriott theatre and may have some connections for tickets. Students and their families would need to provide their own transportation to the theatre. Eden will follow up with Marriott.
Another suggestion was made to hold some type of all school assembly that was based in the fine arts – theatre, art, etc.
Eden would like approval for purchase of costumes to be used for the Fall play and future performances. Audrey motioned to approve up to $500 for costumes. Stacy 2nd motion, all approved – motion carried.
Although it is too late to do for the Fall play, we would like to discuss the possibility of each parent writing a separate check (other than activity fee) to cover volunteer time when the child signs up for a play. If the parent volunteers their time, the check will be returned, if not, it will be cashed.
c)Choir update: Presented by Julie Dee
The choir students will be voting on a T-shirt design and then the shirts can be ordered. Cotton Candy will be used again, but there will be no 2nd set up fee when additional shirts are ordered later in the year. The fine arts logo will be added to the back of all T-shirts. Order forms are available now and should be turned in by October 1st. There are a total of 192 choir students.
See the proposed Big Hollow Singers Yearly (2013/14) Budget attached. Julie’s stipend will be paid by the school this year, however the stipend for the accompanist for 5 performances will be paid for by the boosters. The initial cost of sheet music for the year was $382.44 and paid for by the boosters. School administration will cover the cost of future sheet music.
Stacy motioned to approve the Big Hollow Singers budget. Heather 2nd motion, all approved – motion carried.
d)Speech/Debate/Acting update: Presented by Lisa Russell
The kick off meeting was September 9th and 28 students attended, many from 5th grade. It is anticipated that more students will join in the coming weeks. Julie D. has offered to watch the SDA students who stay after school until Lisa arrive from the Elementary building at 3:45.
Scripts purchased for SDA were $151, $51 over the approved budget. Heather motioned to approve an additional $50 to Lisa for the scripts. Stacy 2nd motion, all approved – motion carried.
e)Art Club update: Presented by Julie Arias
There are 45 students currently signed up for Art club, but more are anticipated to sign up this week. There will likely be 50-60 students in the club. The co-director is Diane Demuth. Students were very excited about the art show and may design their own invitations for the event.
Julie will be ordering T-shirts in the next week or so and is asking for student input for T-shirt design. Heather motioned to approve up to $600 for purchase of T-shirts. Stacy 2nd motion, all approved- motion carried.
f)Band update: Presented by Sara Kumpula
There are currently 91 students in band (43 5thgraders, 19 6th graders, 20 7th graders and 8 8th graders). Twenty of these students are beginners. Sara would like to offer Jazz band 2nd semester and will accept all interested students – hoping for approximately 30.
The band sheet music was paid for by school administration, as it is considered their “text book” material. Sara’s stipend of $1000 will be paid for by the boosters. Sara would like instruments for the classroom and is requesting the boosters buy them and, hopefully, have the school pay for maintenance of the instruments. See attached sheet for Band budget and wish list.
CLOSED SESSION: 8:25pm – 8:35pm - The board moved into closed session for financial discussions.
The board agreed to approve up to $2500 for purchase of band equipment and supplies. Sarah motioned to approve the $2500 for these band purchases. Stacy 2nd motion, all approved – motion carried.
Heather motioned to approve up to $1000 for Band T-shirts. Sarah 2nd motion, all approved – motion carried.
g)Fall Dance: Presented by Julie Dee/Lynne
The dance will be held Friday September 27th from 6-8pm and is open to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. The theme is Caribbean nights and Lynne and Debbie will get decorations and props for pictures. Sarah and her husband will be in charge of pictures. A DJ was hired by student council last school year. Julie will e-mail with fee. Paige is approved up to $600 for concessions. Julie and Eden will do flyers for the dance.
h)Variety Show: Julie Dee
Auditions for the show will be held Monday October 7th and Wednesday October 9th. The show will be November 22nd at 7pm. Admission for the show will be $5 adult/$3 student ID/ free 5 and under.
i)Communication/Volunteers: Presented by Audrey Minkalis
Deb is the only person who should be posting communications, so please send her any new information to be posted. Deb is also monitoring Facebook comments and should be the one to respond to posts. She will refer people with specific questions to the Big Hollow Fine Arts website for follow up.
j)Dinner Theatre:
A suggestion was made to considervarious performance options for this year’s fundraiser in order to provide a variety of entertainment for regular attendees. Options, such as Improvisation, will continue to be explored.
Lisa Berry is interested in the Director of Fundraising position. Stacy motioned to approved Lisa as Director of Fundraising. Heather 2nd motion, all approved – motion carried. Welcome Lisa!
Fundraising letters need to go out in the beginning of November due to the fact that our event is a week earlier than last year. Stacy motioned to approve up to $300 for new printed letterhead. Heather 2nd motion, all approved- motion carried.
Julie D. reports there is a new manager at the Wendy’s in Fox Lake. Lisa will contact Kathy for potential fundraising opportunities.
Yankee Candle will start at the end of this month, although packets are already available for ordering. Audrey will send out an e-mail to all fine arts families about the fundraiser.
Due to time, the discussion of by-laws will be tabled for a future meeting. Copies of the draft were available for review.
l)Public Comment
Andy Chiero wanted to thank the group for continuing to support the fine arts and carry the torch from the original fine arts boosters’ founders.
- Adjournment
Meetingadjourned at 9:10pm.
Minutes submitted by: Secretary Lynne Laughery
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