Charity Registration Number: 515733

Minutes of Committee held at 16.0022ndJune 2016 at Trinity meeting room

Present: Alistair Sinclair, Barbara Kettley, Elizabeth Porter, Barbara Herring, Wendy Dale, Shirley Guppy.


The meeting had not taken place as planned on the 17th June due to a number of apologies. AS explained the priority for the group meeting this week was the remaining property in the room in Trinity. In the absence of the Chair due to health reasons it was agreed that the role of Chair would be shared. AS agreed to chair the meeting.

Number / Activity / Action/Person
Apologies for absence
Sue Loader, Kevin Stephens, Mike Worthington
Minutes of Previous Meeting
It was agreed that the May minutes would be considered at the July meeting
Agenda for the meeting
AS took the meeting through the agenda for the 17th June and priorities were identified for the meeting.
Membership Secretary report
Programmes secretary
Vice Chair
John Sandiford’s proposal
Equipment and Custodians
A list of items had been circulated before the meeting and SL had updated the list with an email.
The meeting went through the list and made decisions on each of the items. / .
EP offered her home as the venue for the next meeting and it was agreed she would chair the meeting. Later in the meeting this decision changed.
AS led a discussion on the venues for the monthly meeting. The Wentworth had been ruled out following a viewing with EP and MW. There was agreement for EP and AS to meet with the manager to of the Abbey and report back to the next meeting. / AS and EP to explore the use of the Abbey for future monthly meetings.
Membership secretary’s report
BH produced a written report.
4 new members since end of May
Membership is currently 243.
65 people have failed to renew membership.
There were 155 people who failed to renew their membership the previous year.
BH sought clarification on associate membership / .
Programme secretary’s report
WD suggested that members show their membership cards when they come to monthly meetings rather than queue to sign in. It was agreed this was not an option for H&S reasons but it was felt it would be better to have a register laid out so that members would just tick their attendance. / EP to provide a template for registration.
Regional matters
BH had received a response to Going Forward from Teesside which had impressed her. She will circulate it and it can be considered at the next meeting.
BH and EP will be attending the AGM. It may be possible to consider the papers at the July meeting. / Going Forward response to be considered in July
AGM papers to be considered in July.
Vice Chair
It was agreed the committee needed a vice chair and someone who is prepared to take on the role of chair when the time comes. AS said he would be prepared to take on the position. He was proposed by EP and seconded by BK. AS agreed to take on the responsibilities forthwith. He received a vote of thanks from the committee. / AS to chair the monthly meeting and the next committee meeting.
John Sandiford’s proposal
The committee had been circulated in advance of the meeting with a proposal from John Sandiford about a Border History library group. The proposal appeared to have a lot of merit but there were quite a few points of clarification required. AS agreed to meet John to explore some of the issues. / AS to speak to JS and report back to the July meeting
Date of next meeting
The next full meeting will be on the 28thJulyat 2.00pm at 9MilburnClose Hexham NE46 2NY / 28.07.16