Asylum Help

Asylum Help provides confidential and impartial advice and guidance to adult asylum seekers and their dependants throughout the UK in a language they understand.

Asylum Advice UK

Our Asylum Advice (UK) teams can provide clients with advice and support to help them navigate through the asylum process. Our Asylum Advice (UK) teams can give advice on:

  • How to claim asylum
  • The asylum process
  • Accommodation support
  • Financial support
  • Finding legal representation
  • Accessing health care
  • Other asylum issues

Asylum Support Application (UK)

Our Asylum Support Application (UK) teams can provide client with help to complete their application form for support (financial and or accommodation). Our teams can assist with:

  • Completing an application for support for current asylum applicants (section95)
  • Completing an application for support for fully refused asylum applicants (section 4)
  • Notifying the Home Office of a change of circumstance

Clients in Initial Accommodation

  • Face-to-face meetings with client advisers
  • Receive a copy of Asylum Advice booklet (available in 15 languages)
  • Support in accessing online resources

Clients in Dispersal Accommodation

Website -

  • Resources (same as in Asylum Advice booklet) available in 15 languages
  • Information can be downloaded to print out but also available in audio form
  • Asylum Help leaflets and posters as well as the booklet can be downloaded from the website

Asylum Helpline

  • Open 8:30am – 7pm, out of hour service available for emergencies
  • Free to call from all BT landlines, BT public pay phones and main mobile network providers – Orange, 3, O2, T-mobile, Virgin, Vodaphone, EE. Some other networks may also offer free calls but clients are advised to check with their providers before calling.
  • Direct language lines for 15 most used languages
  • Interpreting available for additional languages
  • Qualified advisers

Asylum Helpline (Advice)

English (and any other language) 0808 8000 630

Shqip | Albanian 0808 8000 620አማርኛ | Amharic 0808 8000 622

العربية| Arabic 0808 8000 624বাংলা| Bengali 0808 8000 626

中文普通话| Chinese Mandarin 0808 8000 628فارسی| Farsi 0808 8000 632

Français | French 0808 8000 634پنجابی| Punjabi 0808 8000 636

پښتو| Pushto 0808 8000 638Soomaali | Somali 0808 8000 640

தமிழ்| Tamil 0808 8000 642ትግርኛ | Tigrinya 0808 8000 644

اردو| Urdu 0808 8000 646Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese 0808 8000 648

Asylum Helpline (Support Applications)

English (and any other language) 0808 8000 631

Shqip | Albanian 0808 8000 621አማርኛ | Amharic 0808 8000 623

العربية| Arabic 0808 8000 625বাংলা| Bengali 0808 8000 627

中文普通话| Chinese Mandarin 0808 8000 629فارسی| Farsi 0808 8000 633

Français | French 0808 8000 635پنجابی| Punjabi 0808 8000 637

پښتو| Pushto 0808 8000 639Soomaali | Somali 0808 8000 641

தமிழ்| Tamil 0808 8000 643ትግርኛ | Tigrinya 0808 8000 645

اردو| Urdu 0808 8000 647Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese 0808 8000 649

Outreach services

  • Responsive and demand-led outreach services for vulnerable clients, group briefings and specific requests
  • By appointment, no drop-in sessions
  • Clients will be assessed for vulnerability by our advisers in Initial Accommodation or on the Asylum Helpline. We also welcome referrals from partner agencies.
  • Definition of vulnerability

The Migrant Help definition of a vulnerable person is:

1)A disabled person;

2)An elderly person;

3)A pregnant woman;

4)Lone parent with a child;

5)A person who has been subjected to torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence;

6)A victim of human trafficking;

7)A minor;

8)Any person identified in 1-7 above who has had an individual evaluation of their situation that confirms they have special needs;

9)A person that has an inability to access services by website or telephone advice line.

The Community Liaison and Volunteer Coordinator in your region will distribute details of any specific outreach arrangements.