St. Catherine of Bologna School

H.S.A. General Meeting Minutes

Minutes of April 28, 2015


Call to Order: 7:30pm

Adjournment: 9:10pm

St. Catherine’s Parish Cener

Minutes Submitted by Joseph Baranski

In Attendance: Not in Attendance:

Michael Schroll - President Sean Stoveken – Co-Treasurer

Joseph Baranski - Vice-President Cecilia Cassella - Secretary

Gina Leone - Co- Treasurer Fr. Peter Glabik - Pastor

Sr. Theresa – Principal

Opening Prayer

H.S.A. Mission Statement

Pledge of Allegiance

President’s Address – Michael Schroll

·  Welcome everyone and Thank you all for coming!

·  Michael advised that there are 4 Board positions open for President, Vice-President, Secretary & Co-Treasurer. Please provide nominations and bio to Donna DiPiano. Elections to be held at the Spring Concert on May 20, 2015.

·  Service Auction Event

§  Committee continues to be busy meeting and planning for the success of this event

§  Get your tickets now! They are on sale for pre-purchase. Flyer and order form was sent out through the backpacks.

§  Still need volunteers and family service donations. There is a specific need for help with a multi-national meal auction item. The family would provide an ethnic meal for the winner, who be the recipient of 4 meals to be provided at 4 different times. Currently we have 2 meals and need 2 more. Delivery to the winner’s home is to be included.

§  Some items available at the event:

o  Coach Wheel / Women’s Accessories; Men’s Wheel is a new addition this year

o  2 Tastings : Tasting of Cognac with dessert and Craft Beer Tasting

·  Marketing / Publicity of our School

o  Currently have 4 volunteers participating. Please see Sister if you are interested

·  Service Contracts

o  Contracts need to be submitted to the office.

·  Weather Station Installed

o  Thank you Alex Benedetto for installing the weather station and providing such a valuable tool for St. Catherine’s School. The station is providing weather information for the school to use as part of its curriculum

o  The HSA will send out a link for remote access for all to view.

Presentation by Alex Benedetto:

§  I have completed the installation and the system is up and running. The station monitors temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and other weather features.

·  Upcoming Events

o  Calendar Raffle

§  Happening now through June 2nd. Many chances left!

§  We have a long way to go to make budget!

o  Candy Sale

§  Concludes April 30th

§  Candy arrives May 16, 2015

o  Dine-to-Donate

§  April 29 – JW’s Doo Wop & Ice Cream Parlor-15% donation to the school. (Located in the Bear Fort shopping plaza in West Milford)

Grandparents Day is April 30th/May 1st

o  P.N.O.

§  May 8th @ the Upper Parish Center, 6-10pm

Box Tops – May 15th

Spring Concert – May 20th

2014-2015 H.S.A. Budget

·  To date, we are at $31,635 short of our goal, however with the $11k in prizes yet to be given out on the Calendar Raffle, we are still short of approx. $42k

Principal’s Address- Sr. Theresa

·  Continue to spread the word about St. Catherine’s

·  8th Grade Stock Market Game:

o  Sister will be providing more information about the game

o  Mrs. Sparkman’s 5 teams are in the Top 15 of the over 400 teams

·  Service Contracts:

o  Class parents being handled differently next year. There are too many “no shows” with volunteers

·  First Holy Communion is coming up at 9 & 11 AM Masses on May 3, 2015.

·  Confirmation is coming up on May 9, 2015.

Positive Parenting with Tom Palermo:

·  Tom presented on “Building Strong and Influential Relationships with Your Child”

Closing Prayer
