Date on which the teaching occurred:12th October
Learning environment:
A patient’s bedspace on a busy Renal ward. All equipment is available and a suitable space has been made around the bedspace. Consent has been gained from the patient in question.
Number/s and learning style/s of learner/s ( if known) :
One Learner. Using Vark’s (2006) questionnaire we found that my learner was a Visual learner and using Honey and Mumford’s (1992) questionnaire is also an Activist when learning.
Learner’s previous knowledge, skills and attitude :
The student nurse is a first year and on their first placement. They have no knowledge of the topic, Catheter care, as they have never worked in a caring profession before. Learning this has made me realise that the student will need a lot of support, especially being there first clinical experience. We have identified together that they are an Activist (Honey and Mumford, 1992,) so they are keen, motivated and optimistic about their learning and learning opportunities.
Title of Session /Aim :
To Demonstrate knowledge and ability in Catheter care
Learning outcomes:
To describe the anatomy of the urological system in terms of urethral catheter placement.
To demonstrate how to measure hourly urine output and to empty a catheter bag.
To competently perform the removal of a catheter.
To discuss with mentor about the importance of maintaining a patients privacy and dignity when carrying out catheter care.
(Using Bloom’s taxonomy, 1956.)
Do not evaluate within in this plan, evaluate the assessment within your 1000 word reflection include:
What would you do if you were to undertake this again? Would you alter anything with reference to your learning environment, timing, aim, learning outcomes, resources used etc? / Content:
L.O. 1:-
Discuss the urological system. Mentor to teach anatomy through use of diagrams. Further study and reading to enforce understanding. Teach what they’ve learnt to a peer/colleague or patient.
L.O. 2 :-
Demonstrate skills and how to record findings correctly. Assess student and offer advice until happy to carry out alone. Follow Royal Marsden Protocols.
L.O. 3 :-
Demonstrate skill to Student. Reading using Royal Marsden. Demonstrate removal competently to mentor.
L.O. 4 :-
Discuss importance of privacy and dignity inc, closing curtains etc. Further reading inc, KSF, Benchmarks, Intranet and Royal Marsden. Demonstrate what they have learnt in practice. / Teaching methods used :(e.g. explanation, Lecture, demonstration, practice, questioning).
L.O 1 :-
Informal talk
Self directed study
Peer learning, presentation.
L.O 2 :-
Peer learning
Self directed study.
L.O 3 :-
Peer learning
L.O 4 :-
Informal discussion
Peer learning
Self directed study
Demonstration. / Resources used:
The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures.
The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework
Essence of Care (2010) Benchmarks for Privacy and Dignity
Intranet- NBT protocols
Senior Colleagues
Anatomical Diagrams.
Date on which the teaching occurred:1st December
Learning environment:
Delivery room with a low risk labouring woman on delivery suite.
Number/s and learning style/s of learner:
Single student, learning style not known.
Learner’s previous knowledge, skills and attitude :
1st year direct entry midwifery student with previous community experience. Student has experienced patient contact, palpated and auscultatedfetal heart in an antenatal patient.
Title of Session /Aim :
To auscultate the fetal heart during a low risk labour, with the use of a dopplar and record findings.
Learning outcomes:
•To describe normal fetal heart range.
•Explain and demonstrate when appropriate to auscultatefetal heart during labour
•Summarize findings in contemporaneous note taking.
•Apply knowledge to differentiate between normal and abnormal findings.
Time frame:
4mins / Content:
•Confirm knowledge of fetal heart rate
•Identify when appropriate to auscultatefetal heart during normal labour
•Gain verbal consent and auscultatefetal heart
•Document findings
•Conclude session / Teaching methods used
Discussion and questioning
Demonstration and practice
Demonstration and practice
Discussion / Resources used:
Students previous knowledge.
Trust Guideline
Clinical setting
Clinical setting and maternity notes
Trust guideline and maternity notes
Room away from distraction
Date on which the teaching occurred: 8th NovemberLearning environment:
Empty quiet delivery room on Delivery Suite using the resuscitaire and associated equipment. Good lighting and temperature. Time given by delivery suite co-ordinator to conduct teaching session.
Number/s and learning style/s of learner/s:
One second year student midwife. Unaware of learning style.
Learner’s previous knowledge, skills and attitude:
Second placement on central delivery suite. Although first placement with a focus on high risk midwifery and therefore minimal previous experience of neonatal resuscitation. Learner keen to learn skills in basic neonatal resuscitation.
Title of Session /Aim :
To be able to perform basic neonatal resuscitation
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the session the learner will be able to:
- Discuss the role and responsibility of the midwife prior to, during and following neonatal resuscitation
- Accurately assess the neonates APGAR score and decide when resuscitation is required
- Effectively use the resuscitaire and associated resuscitation equipment
- Demonstrate neonatal resuscitation on a neonatal resuscitation doll and describe reasoning for each step
- Recognise the psychological and emotional impact neonatal resuscitation has on observers including parents/birth support persons
- Demonstrate accurate documentation
Time frame:
5 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
5 minutes
5 minutes
5 minutes / Content:
Discussion of Aims and learning outcomes and prior knowledge
Discussion of the midwifes role in neonatal resuscitation
Use of resuscitaire and associated equipment
Neonatal resuscitation on resuscitation doll including assessment of APGAR score
Psychological and emotional impact
Evaluation of session / Teaching methods used
Questioning / Resources used:
Teaching plan
Skills for midwifery practice (Johnson and Taylor, 2005)
Resuscitaire and associated equipment
Resuscitation ‘Annie’ doll
National policy on Newborn life support (Resuscitation Council, 2010)
PROMPT manual (Draycott et al., 2008)
Neonatal notes
Neonatal notes
NMC (2008) Code of Conduct
(Please remember to maintain the anonymity of the area of work and the persons involved).
Date on which the assessment occurred:8th November
Learning environment:
A patient’s bed space on a ward, a quiet period of the day. All equipment was to hand.
Number/s and learning style(s) of learner(s) being assessed: (if known)
One Learner. Using Vark’s (2006) questionnaire we found that my learner was a Visual learner and using Honey and Mumford’s (1992) questionnaire is also an Activist when learning.
Learner’s previous knowledge, skills and attitude:
The student nurse is a first year and on their first placement. They have no knowledge of the topic, Catheter care, as they have never worked in a caring profession before. Learning this has made me realise that the student will need a lot of support, especially being there first clinical experience. We have identified together that they are an Activist (Honey and Mumford, 1992,) so they are keen, motivated and optimistic about their learning and learning opportunities.
topic, Catheter care, as they have never worked in a caring profession before. Learning this has made me realise that the student will need a lot of support, especially being there first clinical experience. We have identified together that they are an Activist (Honey and Mumford, 1992,) so they are keen, motivated and optimistic about their learning and learning opportunities.
Title of assessment /Aim:
To competently perform the removal of a catheter.
Learning outcomes:
Identify the need for removal and gain consent from the patient.
Collect correct equipment.
Explanation of procedure to patient and potential post catheter symptoms.
Perform procedure correctly using correct standard precautions.
Demonstrate correct documentation.
Preparation of the learner/s for the assessment :(please include the context of assessment e.g. formative/summative):
The assessment would be included within their formative assessment where feedback could be given.
As an Activist (Honey and Mumford 1992) she was happy to be involved with the assessment to reinforce what she had already learnt and move towards new learning opportunities (attitude.)
I made the learner aware of Intranet trust policies as well as The Royal Marsden’s (2004) guidelines. They were also made aware of the assessment criteria to be used; through demonstration I would observe them carrying out the skill, to reinforce their knowledge and attitudes I would also use questioning throughout the assessment.
Consider any Issues to be considered by the Assessor with the learner/s: (such as maintaining dignity, confidentiality, maintenance of safety. please include the standard/level to be achieved, and relate to knowledge/skills/attitudes/safety).
The appropriate patient on the ward should be identified and informed consent should be gained.
The learner’s previous knowledge, skills and attitude were considered, especially as it was their first clinical experience, in terms of safety I knew I would be there throughout the demonstration in case guidance was needed. The learner had also watched demonstrations previously of me carrying out the skill and now the learner and I felt confident for them to practice the skill independently. This was reinforced by the learner’s positive attitude to the patient and to learning itself.
Consent should be gained from the patient and learner to use the assessment in my assignment.
Confidentiality is extremely important and anonymity must be maintained throughout my assignment for the patient and learner.
The standard of achievement is to be based on the learners ability to:
Safely and efficiently carry out the skill.
Ability to demonstrate knowledge of correct procedure, when/why a catheter should be removed and problem solving related to catheter removal.
Correct documentation.
Awareness of privacy and dignity and sensitivity related to the skill.
Assessment Criteria to be used for this assessment? Trust policy/Standard etc.
Measured against specific criteria set out by the Royal Marsden (2004,) in line with NMC code of conduct (2008.) Use of UWE assessment documentation.
Ensure informed consent is gained from the patient, explain procedure and inform of potential post catheter symptoms e.g. urgency and frequency.
Collect correct equipment for the procedure.
Wash hands and follow necessary standard precautions and infection control guidelines.
Take into account time of day i.e. more appropriate early in the day in case of problems with retention, etc, later.
Prepare equipment.
Clean the area correctly using saline.
Use syringe to deflate the balloon (check insertion documentation to know exact amount used to inflate balloon.)
Ask patient to inhale and then exhale. On exhale remove catheter gently but quickly. Warn male patients that they may have slight discomfort when catheter moves through the prostate.
Clean area as before.
Tidy away equipment.
Complete documentation correctly of removal.
Throughout the demonstration I would further assess there knowledge of the skill through questioning (norm referencing,) the learners attitude could be assessed through observation itself as well as discussion.
Do not evaluate in this plan, evaluate the assessment within your 1000 word reflection include:
What would you alter if you were to undertake this again? Would you alter anything with reference to your learning environment, timing, aim, learning outcomes, resources used etc?
What methods would you use to collate information regarding the assessment for e.g. utilise observation? Patient narrative or questioning techniques? Would you prepare the learner more satisfactorily for the assessment? Would you alter the aim/ learning outcomes? Did you assess knowledge, skills and attitude?
Date on which the assessment occurred: 15th NovemberLearning environment:
Delivery suite room following delivery. Woman and birth support present. Good lighting. Calm environment
Number/s and learning style(s) of learner(s) being assessed: ( if known)
One Second year student midwife. Learning style unknown.
Learner’s previous knowledge, skills and attitude :
One years previous experience of examining placentas as a first year student. At the end of a 6-week placement on DS. Learner comfortable with assessment.
Title of assessment /Aim:
To be able to carry out examination of the placenta
Learning outcomes:
The student will be able to:
- Describe the structure and appearance of a placenta
- Demonstrate accurate examination of the placenta
- Discuss the significance of the information obtained and document/refer appropriately
- Effectively communicate findings to parents
- Demonstrate appropriate use of universal precautions during the examination and disposal of the placenta
Preparation of the learner/s for the assessment
- The assessment will be summative.
- A time and date will be roughly established – precise time will depend on the time of delivery and hence availability of a placenta.
- Existing knowledge and experience will be determined. The student is a second year and thus should possess these skills already.
- Assist the student in obtaining relevant literature to aid assessment e.g. trust policies re: universal precautions and clinical skills textbook.
- Ensure the learner is aware of the assessment criteria
Consider any Issues to be considered by the Assessor with the learner/s:
- Consent from the patient to use her placenta to assess the learner
- Timely and appropriate examination of the placenta – when the woman and neonate are safe following delivery.
- Ensure universal precautions are followed and interject if these are not met.
- Ensure confidentiality of findings.
- Standard to be achieved: to be able to perform examination of the placenta correctly and unaided
Assessment Criteria to be used for this assessment?
Book: Skills for Midwifery Practice, Chapter 32: Examination of the Placenta (Johnson and Taylor, 2005)
Follow trust policy regarding universal precautions.
NMC (2008) Code of Conduct for documentation standard
Date on which the assessment occurred:17th December
Learning environment:
Delivery room on delivery suite with a labouring patient.
Number/s and learning style of learner being assessed:
Single student, reflective learner
Learner’s previous knowledge, skills and attitude :
Second year midwifery student with 10 weeks previous delivery suite experience.
Title of assessment /Aim:
To perform a vaginal examination in order to assess labour progress.
Learning outcomes:
•Identify when the examination is required and ensure consent has been gained
•Illustrate awareness of patient dignity
•Demonstrate a sterile technique when performing examination
•Identify presentation, cervical dilatation and station of presenting part and use findings to develop a plan of care
•Demonstrate correct documentation of findings and when relevant report findings to appropriate member of team.
Preparation of the learner for the assessment :
•Learner consented to participate in assessment session
•Formative assessment to identify existing knowledge, skills and attitudes with regard to vaginal examination
•Both myself and the learner were familiar with Trust Guidelines and assessment criteria.
Consider any Issues to be considered by the assessor with the learner:
•The leaner was happy to be used as part of my assignment
•Appropriate patient on the ward must be identified for the session
•The learners previous experience should be considered
•Verbal consent must be obtained for the examination
•Maintenance of dignity and confidentiality should be demonstrated throughout procedure
Assessment Criteria to be used for this assessment?
•To ensure the examination is in accordance with Trust Guidelines
•To ensure informed consent has been obtained from the patient
•To use the correct sterile technique to perform the examination
•To correctly assess presentation, cervical dilatation and station of presenting part
•To correctly document findings of examination
•To assess adequate labour progress in accordance to Trust Policy