1 Information on Quality Management Structures
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The management of courses
1.3 Portfolio Executive Committees
1.4 The function and operation of StAR Boards
1.5 Personal Academic Tutoring 2012-13
Course meeting record
Course Journal
PAT draft emails
1.1 Introduction
The University is currently revising its Quality Handbook, including a range of areas previously included as Chapter 1 of that handbook. The revision process is required both by internal change at UoB, and by changes to the QAA Code of Practice. It is expected to lead to structural as well as textual change to the UoB Quality Handbook.
While the revision is in progress, key policies for the information of staff will be compiled in a draft chapter (chapter 1), pending finalisation of a formal introductory chapter to the Quality Handbook, proposed for implementation in 2013-14.
The last update date will be changed, and TQSC notified, when any additions are made to this draft chapter during the academic year 2012-13.
Last update: 31st October 2012
1.2 The management of courses
Effective course coordination and the management and development of provision quality are central to the maintenance of standards and to the continuous development of our provision to respond to the needs of students and an ever-changing external environment. It requires considered and concerted effort by the University community and is an academic role supported by effective administration and administrative processes.
Close working relationships are required between Heads of Department (HoDs), Portfolio leaders (PoLes), Course Co-ordinators (CCs) and Unit Co-ordinators (UCs), academic and professional support staff. This document sets out our framework for the various key roles and their associated responsibilities. Arrangements for short courses are outwith the scope of this document. Departments may develop additional responsibilities to meet local needs (e.g. subject leads, strand lead, first year tutor etc) in such cases it is important that Heads of Department clarify the relationship of such positions to those outlined in this document.
Following review by TQSC in September 2012, a revised quality handbook chapter on annual monitoring was issued, for use in reporting on the 2012-13 year (i.e. not for reports completed in 2012-13 in relation to 2011-12 operation – these should be completed by those who held responsibilities in 2011-12 and on the basis of a slightly modified template). The three features of the 2012-13 annual reporting approach that are particularly relevant to course management arrangements are these:
· A revised approach to unit and course reporting that will focus on identifying what can be improved and developed;
· The inclusion of student input into course level reporting (details to be finalised during the 2012-13 year but likely to involve a statement from the student course team member);
· Strengthened departmental responsibility for the operation of units and courses on the basis of this changed reporting focus;
· A clear distinction between the format and review of the above as enhancement-led departmental evaluation and action, and monitoring reports at portfolio and faculty levels;
· The removal of the requirement to complete course journals for on-campus provision, and the replacement of this activity with a requirement to conduct scheduled fortnightly course team meetings, as a means of refocusing our attention on improving the student experience. Note: Course Journals (see appendix 2) are still required for partnership provision, in which UoB does not conduct course team meetings.
Approach and Definitions
The following apply to both undergraduate and taught postgraduate provision.
Portfolio: A group of related courses and units, located in a school, department or division.
The purpose of grouping courses and units is to ensure the effective oversight and co-ordination of related provision and as a focus for the operation of examination boards and other activities. In most cases portfolios will include a range of courses but in some instances, for example at postgraduate level, a portfolio might only include one course. All portfolios are aligned with a single academic school, department or division. Portfolios may be at either undergraduate or postgraduate level (i.e. they do not combine levels); their number, name and constituent courses are determined by faculties.
Course: A prescribed set of units that leads to a named academic award of the University.
All courses reside within a specified portfolios but may draw on units which, for administrative and academic management purposes, reside within other portfolios.
Unit: A discrete component of a course having stated intended learning outcomes, teaching and learning opportunities designed to achieve those outcomes, and assessment tasks and prescribed attendance requirements designed to enable students to demonstrate achievement of the outcomes.
Units are allocated academic credit values and have a defined level. The standard unit size is 30 credits, but units may be worth 15 credits or a multiple thereof, or, in the case of units designed for continuing professional development, fractions of 15 credits. All units are located within portfolios but may be incorporated into one or more courses inside or outside of the portfolio in which they reside. All units are aligned with a single academic school, department or division.
Portfolio Leader (PoLe): The Portfolio leader is an experienced senior academic at grade 9 or above (Head of Department, PL, reader, professor etc) who has responsibility for the academic leadership and development of the suite of courses within the portfolio. While there is no title for this role, an individual member of staff may be identified as e.g. Principal Lecturer (Media Portfolio Leader) or Reader (Business Portfolio Leader).
Course Co-ordinator (CC): Each course has a designated course co-ordinator (academic grade 8 or above) appointed by the Head of Department within which the course resides. Where courses are closely inter-twined a coordinator may be responsible for more than one course. Course co-ordinators maintain an oversight of each course and co-ordinate the activities of the course team. They report on issues to the designated Portfolio Leader.
Course Team (CT): A course team comprises a course coordinator and one or more additional team members who must be full-time academic staff. The size of a course team will depend on the size of the student cohort to provide close and local coordination of the student experience.
Course teams are responsible for each entry cohort on their course. They support the work of the course co-ordinator in course management, curriculum enhancement and student support. The course team includes a student representative who is considered a full member of the team in the consideration of matters related to the organisation of the learner experience. Where the course team are involved in considering individual students, or in exercising academic judgement, the student representatives are excluded.
The role of the student course team member
Student representatives establish a clear and straightforward line of communication between students and the staff members of the course team. They should not be asked to communicate back to students. Their role is to raise with their staff course team colleagues any matters that require attention and resolution (without waiting for portfolio executive committees, or BedsSU-UoB liaison meetings), and any particularly positive feedback on course operations that can help ensure that we maintain the practices that represent real enhancement.
After further consultation with the 2012-13 BedsSU sabbatical team, it was agreed that a level 6 (hons level) student should be chosen/nominated as the course team member as soon as possible after the start of teaching. Students at this stage of study are likely to have the most useful level of experience of course operation and of the representative role they will play in their work as a course team member.
The course team should identify a time (min 30 mins) every fortnight for a team meeting. The student course team member should be informed of this time (a time when they are not timetabled for regular classes), although the meetings are not solely for the purpose of receiving student input, but should also focus on ensuring that there is a team understanding of what’s happening in the course, and clarity about who is responsible for making sure that all staff involved are informed of changes, issues arising, and progress.
The student course team member will either attend these meetings, or email in advance of that meeting to confirm that they have nothing they wish to contribute.
Unit Co-coordinator (UC): The person responsible for the effective operation of individual units. All units must have a named unit co-ordinator who must be a full or part-time (fractional) member of academic staff. The academic role profiles identify the parameters of this role and requirements for mentoring and oversight where appropriate.
Portfolio Executive Committees (previously field committees) operate on a portfolio basis.
Portfolio Examination Board: The examination board, constituted and operated as specified in the quality handbook, which considers student attainment and progression and makes recommendations to the Scheme Board on awards.
StAR Boards (see below)
Information on Quality Management Structures Page 1 of 27
Indicative Course leadership framework
Note: this is framework is not meant to be exhaustive but to define key aspects of course leadership, management and administration and identify associated responsibilities.
/ Head of Department / Portfolio Leader / Course Co-ordinator / Core Course Team / Unit co-ordinator / Administration /Approval and review / Defines target audience and course aims and objectives.
Approves efficiency and effectiveness of design
Approves final documentation. / Leads the development/review of courses.
Considers efficiency and effectiveness of design.
Ensures effective internal and external communication and involvement / Ensures academic issues including internal and external benchmarks are addressed.
Co-ordinates the work of course team members to meet university expectations. / Reviews current operation and evaluates feedback.
Drafts course-level outcomes and GIS etc
Develops course proposals to deliver expected outcomes and impact. / Drafts relevant UIFs ensuring these are aligned with course aims / Provides relevant data and information,
Co-ordinates production of materials setting timeframe and monitoring production.
Maintains documentation in line with university requirements.
Standards / Has ultimate responsibility for the definition and delivery of the standard of awards to appropriate external requirements / Ensures standards are appropriately defined according to level and that grading criteria are appropriate. / Monitors and reports on issues relating to standards / Monitors assignment briefs and examinations to ensure appropriate scheduling and student development / Applies standards appropriately and consistently at unit level
External examiners / Ensures all courses and units have an approved external examiner.
Approves response to externals for signature by Dean. / Monitors appointments. Drafts Dean’s response to EE and ensures that any appropriate action is taken. Ensures that reports are shared with student reps. / Liaises with externals.
Drafts specific responses to external examiner’s concerns / Considers external examiner(s)’ reports and responses / Provides assessment tasks for review by external according to schedule set by Administrators. / Is main point of contact for administrative matters including key events, materials and timeline.
Coordinates externals’ visit(s).
Portfolio Examination Boards / Chairs pre-boards and attends Portfolio boards / Ensures data accuracy and that Boards have recommendations on which to act / Recommends progression and award decisions for all students on the course / Ensures accuracy of data in relation to their units and attends Boards to confirm decisions / Manages data to ensure effective operation. Records decisions.
Student voice / Ensures students’ concerns are responded to in an appropriate and timely manner. / Where appropriate, responds to issues that cannot be handled by the CC, CT or unit co-ordinators. / Responds to issues raised by students on a non-formal basis / Responds to issues raised by students through committee / Co-ordinates gathering of feedback at unit level and responds to issues raised / Collects and processes USP data
Annual monitoring / Approves AMR for forwarding to Faculty Academic Board / Writes Portfolio AMR on the basis of the various course inputs / Maintains course journal and provides input into AMR / Contributes to AMR and considers final report / Completes Unit Review Forms to feed into AMR process / Assists the PoLe in compiling the report by ensuring the accessibility of appropriate data
Resource requirements / Appoints and allocates staff and ensures other resources are appropriate / Works with CT to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of course delivery / Monitors and advises on resource requirements / Monitor overall allocation of resources including with ALLs wrt Learning Resources. / Monitors administrative resource requirements
Curriculum / Responds to any gaps and development issues identified by CC/CT / Ensures appropriate research underpinning, liaising with Directors of Research Institutes as appropriate. / Proposes any modifications to CIFs and UIFs / Monitors curriculum and the extent to which it meets needs of target student group, subject benchmarks and supports the employability of students. / Ensures UIFs are up to date proposing modifications where appropriate to CCs / Provides Quality Directorate with accurate course and unit information
Pedagogy and delivery / Agrees overall direction and approves pedagogical approach / Identifies staff development needs and ensures technology is appropriately used / Monitors the effectiveness of the pedagogical approach
Briefs unit co-ordinators / Monitors coherence of curriculum and its delivery. / Briefs and supports other unit tutors
Teaching quality / Has ultimate responsibility for teaching quality.
Identifies and addresses staff development needs / Supports activities to monitor and enhance the quality of teaching / Co-ordinates the course team. Monitors quality of teaching and advises PoLe / Identifies good practice and disseminates. / Co-ordinates the unit teaching team to ensure units are effectively delivered as specified in the UIFs / Supports CC and CT through providing information
Assessment practices / Has ultimate responsibility for assessment processes and practices / Monitors assessment practices identifying issues and disseminating effective practice / Identifies issues for consideration by CT / Monitors assessment strategy to ensure that it is coherent and developmental and enables students to demonstrate defined learning outcomes / Provides appropriate developmental feedback on assessments in line with policy / Maintains archive