This form is used to collect information on community health activities in East Texas. By using this form, community health coalitions can provide information on activities which may be posted on the East Texas Community Health Needs Assessment Initiative website ( To submit information on your coalition’s activities, please complete this form and email it to Martha Light () at the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Name of County: Panola Name of Coalition: PATCH
Name of Person Completing Form: Brenda Glenn
Phone: 903-693-9322 Email: Date: 10/27/2009
Priorities PAET Christmas Trees to be placed in the 4 businesses they were in last year, and to add 4 more- Gary ISD, Beckville ISD, Sammy Brown Library and Tate Barber State Farm Ins.
Meetings Held @ Gary ISD
Caleb with Texas Health Steps would like to have a parent presentation so parents are aware of programs that are available.
Drue Evans discussed the meth posters.
Calendar Next Meeting to be held @ The County Extension Office @ the courthouse with a pot luck lunch.
News Meth Posters to be available soon to leave with merchants in the county to make them aware of the items used to make meth.
Contact(s) ) Andy Garr- President 903-694-2164
Debbie Warren-Lake Country AHEC 903-877-5220
Pat Whitaker-DSHS RN 903-693-9322
Brenda Glenn-DSHS Temporary Secretary 903-693-9322

If you have questions about this form, please contact Martha Light at (903)533-5275.


This form is used to collect information on community health activities in East Texas. By using this form, community health coalitions can provide information on activities which may be posted on the East Texas Community Health Needs Assessment Initiative website ( To submit information on your coalition’s activities, please complete this form and email it to Martha Light () at the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Name of County: Panola Name of Coalition: PATCH
Name of Person Completing Form: Brenda Glenn
Phone: 903- 693-9322 Email: Date:08/25/2009
Priorities Walk Across Texas, PATCH will have a team beginning last week in September.
H1N1 flu clinic
Staying Alive Conference in Tyler November 3rd and 4th.
Meetings Susan Erwin Morgan from ETCADA was the speaker for the meeting. ETCADA has existed since 1966 and is based in Longview and serves 23 counties. They helped form Kilgore Together.
Susan discussed with us how to go about getting funding and grants for our coalition.
ETCADA has School-Based Prevention Programs; 24-hour Crises help line and many other programs, including Drug Prevention.
Calendar Next Meeting October 27 @ Gary ISD
News Back to School Bash was a great success.
Sarah Colley Jones Do Well Be Well Classes feed back was great.
Meth Watch poster and flyers to be available soon.
Contact(s) Andy Garr- President 903-694-2164
Debbie Warren-Lake Country AHEC 903-877-5220
Pat Whitaker-DSHS RN 903-693-9322
Brenda Glenn-DSHS Temporary Secretary 903-693-9322

If you have questions about this form, please contact Martha Light at (903)533-5275.


This form is used to collect information on community health activities in East Texas. By using this form, community health coalitions can provide information on activities which may be posted on the East Texas Community Health Needs Assessment Initiative website ( To submit information on your coalition’s activities, please complete this form and email it to Martha Light () at the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Name of County: Panola Name of Coalition: PATCH
Name of Person Completing Form: Brenda Glenn
Phone: 903-693-9322 Email: brenda.glenn Date:07/28/2009
Priorities Back to School Bash to be held @ the Expo Center on August 22nd from 10:00 till 1:00
Complete Presentation Board for Title V conference to be held in Tyler on November 3rd and 4th.
Meetings Discussion of Supt. Tate’s suggestion on drug free campuses for all 3 ISD’s.
Plan to have a work day on Aug 7th to work on Back to School Bash and Presentation board
Sarah Colley Jones was not able to attended but e-mailed us about the second iteration of Do Well
Be Well. With 10 people in attendance.
Andy, suggested after Title V conference to display presentation board in the different businesses in Panola
Calendar Next Meeting 08/25/2009 @ the Texas Tea Room with speakers form ETCHADA
Sarah Colley Jones was not able to attend but e-mailed us about the second iteration of Do Well Be Well
For August with 10 in attendance.
Andy Garr- President 903-694-2164
Debbie Warren-Lake Country AHEC 903-877-5220
Pat Whitaker-DSHS RN 903-693-9322
Brenda Glenn-DSHS Temporary Secretary 903-693-9322

If you have questions about this form, please contact Martha Light at (903)533-5275.


This form is used to collect information on community health activities in East Texas. By using this form, community health coalitions can provide information on activities which may be posted on the East Texas Community Health Needs Assessment Initiative website ( To submit information on your coalition’s activities, please complete this form and email it to Martha Light () at the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Name of County: Panola Name of Coalition: PATCH
Name of Person Completing Form: Brenda Glenn
Phone: 903-693-9322 Email: Date: 05/26/2009
Priorities 1.Flu/Pne Clinics to be planned for fall.
2.Swine Flu-web link
3.Blood Pressure/Glucose Screening clinics
4. Do Well Be Well Clinics
Introductions were made minutes were approved
Andy to draft a letter and have it approved, and then send it to the school Principals for showing support for the Swine Flu
Staying Alive conference that was canceled, a suggestion was made to have it held as a webnar at a later date. Suggestions were made to rotate and place the poster for the conference in businesses in the community.
Do Well Be Well clinics doing great 10 people or attending. Sarah Colley Jones will hold another clinic in July. Suggestion was made to have PATCH flyers at the next clinic for the attendees.
Next meeting June 23th to be held at Beckville ISD
Guest speaker will be Devin Tate, Superintendent
Do Well Be Well to be held on July 13 the at 6:00 at the Armory
June 3rd First United Methodist Church to hold a Diabetes Informational Seminar
Invite 3 people you know to the next meeting
Still needing a PATCH logo
Andy Garr- President 903-694-2164
Debbie Warren-Lake Country AHEC 903-877-5220
Pat Whitaker-DSHS RN 903-693-9322
Brenda Glenn-DSHS Temporary Secretary 903-693-9322

If you have questions about this form, please contact Martha Light at (903)533-5275.


This form is used to collect information on community health activities in East Texas. By using this form, community health coalitions can provide information on activities which may be posted on the East Texas Community Health Needs Assessment Initiative website ( To submit information on your coalition’s activities, please complete this form and email it to Martha Light () at the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Name of County: Panola Name of Coalition: PATCH
Name of Person Completing Form: Debbie Warren
Phone: 903-877-5220 Email: Date: 04/28/2009
1.  Flu and Pneumonia clinics for Panola County
2.  Do Well Be Well with Diabetes program
3.  Swine Flu – precautions and information vital to community
Guest speaker from State Farm Insurance discussed the impact of health risk behaviors on the industry.
Update on Kilgore Together – 3rd meeting tables while Texas Senate looks at Public Smoking Ban Bill.
Swine Flu – information on the CDC webpage and samples of the Cover Your Cough flyers were distributed.
Flu/Pneumonia Immunization Clinics have been scheduled for May 11th, 12th, and 15th across the county. Advertising flyers were distributed.
Do Well, Be Well with diabetes informational flyers were distributed. Classes begin May 8th with an evening session being offered starting July 13th.
Next meeting May 26th 10:00-12:00 location has not been decided. (Note: it was requested that meeting site be decided earlier to be shared with members and recorded on DSHS website.)
Future Guest speaker with be a representative from TABC.
June meeting to be conducted at Beckville ISD – Devin Tate, Superintendent will be the guess speaker. Topic: SHAC
Gary ISD to host meeting some time this summer.
Lana Herriman working on finalizing the PATCH brochure in time for the Stayin’ Alive Conference in Tyler.
She will work on a developing a logo for group. Lana also shared news concerning 2 grant opportunities available concerning the use of tobacco products by persons who are younger than 18 years of age. One is for law enforcement agencies; the other is for schools with on-campus law enforcement. Here is the link to the grants.
Pat Whitaker and Brenda Glenn are working on the Poster Presentation for PATCH to be presented at the Stayin’ Alive conference.
Andy Garr- President 903-694-2164
Debbie Warren-Lake Country AHEC 903-877-5220
Pat Whitaker-DSHS RN 903-693-9322
Brenda Glenn-DSHS Temporary Secretary 903-693-9322

If you have questions about this form, please contact Martha Light at (903)533-5275.


This form is used to collect information on community health activities in East Texas. By using this form, community health coalitions can provide information on activities which may be posted on the East Texas Community Health Needs Assessment Initiative website ( To submit information on your coalition’s activities, please complete this form and email it to Martha Light () at the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Name of County: Panola County Name of Coalition: PATCH
Name of Person Completing Form: Brenda Glenn
Phone: Email: Date: 01/27/2009
Priorities (For example, one or two issues the coalition is focusing on)
Meetings (For example, summary information from the most recent coalition meeting)
A. PAET Trees - Four Christmas trees were placed in various locations in town. One at First State Bank, One at Farmers State Bank, one at City Hall, and one in the courthouse. This was our first actual publication for PATCH in the Community.
The coalition hopes to add more sponsors and locations for trees by October. Sammy Brown Library has offered to donate and place one at the public library. Tate Barber of State Farm Ins. hopes to be able to donate a tree. Cost of trees should be around $75.00.
B. Pass the hat - Donations from member to help cover small expenses.
Amount collected for this meeting $14.00.
C. Booster Seat Legislative – Motion was made to complete survey. Members decided not to be part of the survey.
D. Field Trips- Members decided to change some meetings to various eating places in Panola County and invite and have speakers.
E. Diabetes - Do Well-Be Well Program to be held at the county extension office 1st meeting march 23rd. There will be a total of 8 meetings cost will be $25 a person for the entire program. There will be speakers and the time will be from 10:00 till 12:00, Sarah Colley Jones will keep us undated.
F. Billboard - Alcohol and tobacco billboards have been put up. Carthage has a tobacco billboard on Highway 59 S.
G. Title V meeting - Meeting to be held in Tyler on May 7th and 8th.
Name of meeting will be Staying Alive and
Developing and Sustaining Your Project.
Each Coalition has been requested to present a story
Book presentation for display at the meeting. Registry
Fee will be around $35.
H. Pneumococcal - Pat to contact Toni Wright about reference to a
Pneumococcal vaccine clinic for the county. Sonya
Johnson of DSHS immunization to be contacted to
Come and speak at one of our meetings.
Calendar (For example, dates, times and locations of the coalition meetings)
Next Meeting: Date: February 24th__Time: 10:00 to 12:00 Place/Room: Branding Iron Restaurant 300 N St Mary St. Carthage, TX 75633 903-690-0061
News (For example, news the coalition would like to share)
Contact(s) (For example, name, phone/email of individual who can provide coalition information)
Links (For example, names and website addresses of organizations participating in the coalition)

If you have questions about this form, please contact Martha Light at (903)533-5275.

Coalition Information Form (12/17/08)