/ Managing Transitions
William Bridges / / How to Change Things When Change is Hard
Chip Heath and Dan Heath
/ Our Iceberg is Melting
John Kotter / / Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change
Grenny et al
/ Leading Change
John P. Kotter / / HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Change Management
/ Managing at the Speed of Change – How Resilient Managers Succeed and Prosper Where Others Fail
Daryl R. Conner / / The Dance of Change
Peter Senge


ARTICLES: Courses and Videos (FREE!)

Powerless to Powerful: Taking Control
Coursewith Fred Kofman
(59 min) / Learn to choose how you respond to difficult circumstances, and take back the control you need to make positive changes in your work and life.
Embracing Change
Course with Todd Dewett
(11 min 37 sec) / Discover how to embrace change in your professional and person life.
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Course with Britt Andreatta
(1 hr 46 min) / Increase your emotional intelligence at work so you’re better equipped to lead teams, work with peers, and manage up.
Change Management
Course with Bob McGannon
(1 hr 40 min) / Learn the principles and process of change management to drive change at the project level, in a certain business area, or throughout an entire organization.
Leading Change
Course with Britt Andreatta
(1 hr 42 min) / Help your organization embrace change and make sure new initiatives are successful.
Personal Change Management
Video with Bob McGannon
(3 min 41 sec) / From course - Change Management
Embracing Continuous Improvement
Video with Todd Dewart
(1 min 43 sec) / From course – Managing Teams

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  2. Select “Sign-in” in the upper-right corner.
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Below is a playlist in with the courses and videos listed above:

Center for Leadership Excellence - COURSES

Free for Faculty and Staff


Empowered Me
Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 9:00am to 11:00am
Facilitators: Anna Delong

Audience: Introductory - Provides participants with a starting point for exploring the knowledge and skills needed to learn more about the topic
Description: Do you tend to have negative reactions to challenges in your life? This is often because we’re focused on what is outside of our control. Come learn how to shift your mindset, how to focus on what is within your control, and start to break free from patterns that are unhelpful in your life. This class will help you understand how our peace, happiness, and success are ultimately impacted by our own choices, words, and actions.

Inspire and Motivate Others
Date: Monday, March 6, 2017 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Facilitators:Theran Fisher

Audience: Intermediate for Managers - Provides participants with expanded content and there is the assumption that attendees already have the basic topic knowledge and skills
Description: Getting the best out of others, or even yourself, can be challenging. During this class, you'll learn about the leading motivation theories and models, and explore your own motivations that drive your work performance. We'll then turn to learning how to discover the motivations of others and ways that you can help get the best out of your team.

Active Listening
Date:Tuesday, March 7, 2017 - 9:00am to 12:00pm

Facilitators: John Lord

Audience: Introductory - Provides participants with a starting point for exploring the knowledge and skills needed to learn more about the topic
Description: The people who are the most effective at building relationships at work are those who are the best listeners. Yet of all the communication skills, listening is the least often taught and practiced. In this class, you'll learn and practice steps for active listening. You’ll leave with a greater appreciation for the value of listening and be better prepared to be an effective listener.

Crucial Conversations for Managers
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 - 8:30am to 5:00pm
Facilitators: Tonia Duncan-Rivers

Audience: Introductory for Managers - provides participants with a starting point for exploring the knowledge and skills needed to learn more about the topic
Description: Difficult conversations, if avoided, often cause chronic problems. It's important not to avoid these conversations or to respond in an ineffective manner. Learn the components of a difficult or "crucial" conversation and approaches for effectively conducting these conversations.

Emotional Intelligence
Date:Friday, April 21, 2017 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Facilitators: Tonia Duncan-Rivers

Audience: Introductory - Provides participants with a starting point for exploring the knowledge and skills needed to learn more about the topic
Description: Workplace success depends not only on how smart or knowledgeable we are but also on how well we recognize and respond to our own emotions and to the emotions of others. Your emotional intelligence (EQ), like your intellectual intelligence (IQ), contributes to your success and to the effectiveness of your groups. This class explores the various elements of Emotional Intelligence and helps you understand the physical nature of emotions and how to act appropriately.

Leading Change from the Middle
Date: Friday, April 28, 2017 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Facilitators: Jess Hench

Audience: Intermediate for Managers - Provides participants with expanded content and there is the assumption that attendees already have the basic topic knowledge and skills
Description: You will learn strategies used by successful leaders for driving change, examine the typical stages of change, and learn strategies and tactics for helping others through the process. Come prepared to discuss a significant change in your area. We'll apply these change strategies and tactics to that effort. This class combines key concepts from two classes: Driving Change and Leading Others Through Change.

Crucial Conversations
Date:Tuesday, May 2, 2017 - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Facilitators: Tonia Duncan-Rivers

Audience: Introductory - Provides participants with a starting point for exploring the knowledge and skills needed to learn more about the topic
Description: You will learn that difficult conversations are at the heart of many, if not most, chronic problems. Therefore, it isimportant not to avoid these conversations or to respond in an ineffective manner. You'll learn what components make up a difficult or “crucial” conversation and approaches to effectively conduct these conversations with others.

Leading Others through Change
Date: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Facilitators: Lindsey Reese

Audience: Introductory for Managers - provides participants with a starting point for exploring the knowledge and skills needed to learn more about the topic
Description: As a leader, learn to help yourself and others reach for the “carrots of change” and minimize negative effects on you and your team such as increased stress, lower performance, and the departure of team members. We'll examine the typical stages of change and discuss strategies for helping others through the process.