Wright State University- Student Government Association Minutes
September 27th, 2016 | Atlantis Room (156 SU)
Minutes Taken By: Danae Swartz
I. Call to Order:
II. Roll Call
a. Present: Danae Swartz, David Baugham, Denny Wilson, Drew Ratzel, Doug Benedict, Emma Mattingly, Gavin Doll, Holley Mapel, Jean Kalima, Jordan Large, Katherine Simpson, Koty Johnson, Ling Huang, Lukas Wenrick, Matt Almazan, Nathan Balasubramanian, Nathan Price, Nick Lacey, Noelle Downey, Rick Fultz, Peyton Jones
b. Absent: Brenna Doll, Dexter Nye
III. Approval of the Agenda
a. Approved as written
IV. Approval of the Minutes
a. Approved as written
V. Member Reports
a. Senate
i. Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Dexter Nye
ii. College of Education and Human Services- Brenna Doll
iii. College of Engineering and Computer Science- Rick Fultz
iv. College of Liberal Arts Senator- Emma Mattingly
v. College of Science and Math Senator- Matt Almazan
vi. Commuter Senator- Ling Huang
vii. Residential Senator- Katherine Simpson
viii. School of Professional Psychology Senator- Peyton Jones
b. Cabinet
i. Speaker of the House of Representatives- David Baugham
ii. Director of Academics- Jean Kalima
iii. Director of Accessibility, Health, and Safety- Nick Lacey
iv. Director of Diversity and Inclusion- Jordan Large
v. Director of Student Affairs- Noelle Downey
vi. Assistant Director of the Freshman Internship Program- Doug Benedict
vii. Assistant Director of Outreach and Collaboration- Nathan Price
VI. Report Discussion
a. David B. to Nathan P: Clarification of ISA event- flash mob
b. Jordan L. to Rick F.: Regarding the bar idea- wants to be sure we’re looking into liability issues and everything that goes into having a bar. Rick: The old bar closed because it was a “gradual transition”- not enough sales, faux pau against alcohol> lots of other universities have bars on campus. Chartwells is familiar with this- will be more of a restaurant that sells alcohol rather than a typical bar.
c. Nathan B. to Rick F.: Will the bar affect residential policies? Katherine: Of age students can have alcohol in their dorms/ apartments.
d. Nathan B. to Jordan L: Is the privledge walk for SGA or everyone? Jordan L.: Still in the works, would love for it to be for more than SGA but should be a pre-selected group of people that understand what the walk stands for and is done well.
VII. Committee Reports
a. Jordan Large: Search and Screening Committee for the Presidential Search- survey going out soon about the profile for the new president. Please fill out this survey when you see it come through. Encourage students to have their say in what kind of president is chosen for our university. Coming out soon- within the next two weeks.
VIII. Old Business
a. Honorary Resolution- Lukas Wenrick
i. Resolution of honor to Dr. Dan A.
ii. Motioned by: Matt Almazan, Seconded by Katherine Simpson. Unanimous approval
IX. New Business
X. Rowdy Bobblehead Award
a. Lukas Wenrick to Dr. A. Final recipient of the Rowdy Bobblehead Award
XI. Advisor Reports
a. Dr. Dickstein- Get involved in homecoming events this week.
i. Student Affairs will be modeling off of DSABs and having a student advisory board. Wants SGA to nominate names for that advisory board. 7-9 students meeting on a monthly basis with Dr. Dickstein.
ii. Nathan B.: How will this be different from SGA’s role in advising the division. Dr. Dickstein: Personal advisory board of students to provide input and direction specifically for the division of Student Affairs. Intentional way to get input from other students.
b. Dr. A: Division of Student Affairs- changing in good ways, new diverse dynamic. Serves the students and the university well. Commendation of Dr. Dickstein- very qualified for this interim position as VP of Student Affairs.
XII. Announcements
a. Cardboard Boat Race & ISA Event- Nathan Price
i. Boat race- Thursday 7-10p, race at 9p. SU pool. In need of someone to be in the SU Atrium from 7-8:30 to direct students where to go to construct their boats.
ii. ISA Flash Mob- looking for about 5 SGA members- sign up with Nathan. 5 minutes of Indian dancing and teaching them 5 minutes of American hip hop dancing. 11am-2pm on October 27th. David B.: ISA is very excited about this flash mob.
b. CoSM Pub Science 2016- Matt Almazan
i. September 30th, 8-10pm Rathskeller, 008 SU
ii. More casual science fair- hosted by David Golstein- Frozen Alive- cryopreservation. Trivia, door prizes, science.
c. Homecoming- Lukas Wenrick
i. David B. is running for homecoming- vote.
ii. Attend homecoming events- see flyer from UAB in e-mail.
iii. Katherine S.: RCA needs dealers for casino night. Contact Katherine if interested.
XIII. Adjournment: 7:36pm
a. Motion moved by Matt Almazan ; Seconded by Peyton Jones.